
伊朗的腹腔镜模拟器是健康投资的一种礼物形式。 Iran’s laparoscopy simulator gift form of health investment 作者: Mecca Yumna Ning Prisie Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono said here on Wednesday that Iran's donation of a laparoscopy simulator to Indonesia is a form of … 副部长Dante Saksono Harbuwono周三在这里表示,伊朗向印度尼西亚捐赠腹腔镜模拟器是一种…的形式。 Jakarta (ANTARA) – Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono said here on Wednesday that … Read more


科技、媒体与电信行业概览:市场讨论 Tech, Media & Telecom Roundup: Market Talk 作者: wsj.com Find insight on Singapore Telecommunications, Telstra and more in the latest Market Talks covering the Tech, Media & Telecom sector. 在最新一期的涵盖科技、媒体和电信行业的市场谈话中,了解新加坡电信、Telstra等公司的洞察信息。 Find insight on Singapore Telecommunications, Telstra and more in the latest Market Talks covering the Tech, Media & Telecom sector. This story appeared on … Read more


北约加强与亚洲伙伴的关系,以回应对中国崛起的关切。 NATO forges closer ties with Asian partners in response to concerns over China 作者: Associated Press New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and Australia are sending leaders to the NATO summit in Washington this week as the military alliance shows growing interest beyond Europe. 新西兰、日本、韩国和澳大利亚本周将派出领导人参加在华盛顿举行的北约峰会,因为这一军事联盟正展现出对欧洲以外地区的日益增长的兴趣。 NATO plans to deepen relations with four Indo-Pacific partners as … Read more


克里斯提·鲁布托成为实验集团股东。 Christian Louboutin becomes shareholder of Experimental Group 作者: Hospitality ON The famous French shoe designer acquired a stake in Experimental Group ahead of the group’s expansion in the United States, confirming its interest in the hospitality sector. 著名的法国鞋履设计师在实验集团进军美国市场之前,收购了该集团的一部分股份,确认了对酒店行业的兴趣。 The famous French shoe designer acquired a stake in Experimental Group ahead of the groups expansion … Read more

board – 燃油价格7月4日至10日:全面保持不变

board – 燃油价格7月4日至10日:全面保持不变 Fuel prices July 4-10: Unchanged across the board 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The retail prices for RON97 and RON95 petrol, as well as diesel, will remain unchanged at RM3.47, RM2.05 and RM3.35 per litre respectively from July 4 to 10. Read full story 吉隆坡:从7月4日至10日,RON97和RON95汽油以及柴油的零售价格将保持不变,分别为每升3.47马币、2.05马币和3.35马币。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The retail prices for … Read more


议会通过审计法修正案。 Parliament passes amendments to Audit Act 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The Dewan Rakyat has passed the Audit (Amendment) Bill 2024, aimed at giving greater authority to the Auditor-General to enhance governance and accountability in the public sector. Read full story 吉隆坡:国会下议院已通过2024年审计(修订)法案,旨在赋予审计长更大权限,以加强公共部门的治理和问责制。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The Dewan Rakyat has passed the Audit (Amendment) Bill … Read more


亚洲股市因美国利率前景和科技股反弹吸引强劲的外资流入。 Asian stocks draw robust foreign inflows on US rate outlook, tech rally 作者: Reuters Asian stocks draw robust foreign inflows on US rate outlook, tech rally 亚洲股市因美国利率前景和科技股反弹吸引强劲的外资流入。 By Gaurav Dogra (Reuters) – Foreign investors channelled massive money into Asian equities in June, after two months of selling, as easing U.S. price pressures raised hopes … Read more

initiatives, with both sides showing strong interest in expanding cooperation in various fields. 与马来西亚的贸易谈判特点是新的联合项目/倡议,双方均表现出强烈的兴趣,希望在各领域扩大合作。

initiatives, with both sides showing strong interest in expanding cooperation in various fields. 与马来西亚的贸易谈判特点是新的联合项目/倡议,双方均表现出强烈的兴趣,希望在各领域扩大合作。 Trade talks with Malaysia feature new joint projects 作者: Phusadee Arunmas Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai attended the third joint trade committee (JTC) meeting between Thailand and Malaysia on Thursday in Kuala Lumpur. 商业部长Phumtham Wechayachai于周四在吉隆坡参加了泰国与马来西亚的第三次联合贸易委员会(JTC)会议。 Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai attended the third … Read more


经纪人的建议:Nazara科技(持有) Broker’s call: Nazara Tech (Hold) 作者: KS Badri Narayanan We increase our EBITDA estimates by 4.5/6 per cent for FY25/FY26 taking into consideration the acquisition of Freaks and downgrade Nazara Technologies to Hold with a revised TP of ₹878 (earlier ₹806) amid 31 per cent appreciation in stock price since our last… 我们将财年25/财年26的EBITDA预测上调了4.5/6%,考虑到收购Freaks,并将Nazara Technologies的评级下调为持有,修订后的目标价为₹878(之前为₹806),自我们上次以来股价上涨了31%…… … Read more


印度在巴黎的世界知名拉法叶购物商场推出UPI支付。 India launches UPI payments at world-renowned Galeries Lafayette in Paris 作者: Press Trust of India India has launched the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) at Paris’ historic department store Galeries Lafayette after a successful launch at the iconic Eiffel Tower. This significant step is towards realising Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of globalisin… 印度在巴黎著名的老佛爷百货推出了统一支付接口(UPI),此前在标志性建筑埃菲尔铁塔成功推出该服务。这一重要举措是为了实现总理纳伦德拉·莫迪全球化的愿景…… India … Read more