塑料转化为燃料市场规模预计到2032年将达到40,977.6万美元 | 环境关注,经济效益,趋势塑造塑料转化为燃料市场的未来 | SNS洞察报告

塑料转化为燃料市场规模预计到2032年将达到40,977.6万美元 | 环境关注,经济效益,趋势塑造塑料转化为燃料市场的未来 | SNS洞察报告 Plastic To Fuel Market Size to Reach USD 4,097.76 Million by 2032 | Environmental Concerns, Economic Benefits, Trends Shape the Future of Plastic to Fuel Market | Report by SNS Insider 作者: SNS Insider pvt ltd Plastic To Fuel Market is expected to Rise Because of the Global Increase in … Read more


俄罗斯遭受天然气短缺,因无人机攻击其最大的黑海炼油厂。 Russia Hit by Gas Shortages as Drones Attack Its Biggest Black Sea Refinery 作者: Brendan Cole Video on social media showed the strike at Tuapse oil refinery owned by Rosneft. 社交媒体上的视频显示了俄罗斯石油公司拥有的图阿普斯炼油厂的罢工情况。 A drone strike blamed on Ukraine has damaged another oil refinery in Russia amid concerns that continued strikes on the country’s energy infrastructure … Read more


亚洲税收透明度对打击洗钱、加密货币欺诈至关重要 Asian Tax Transparency Crucial To Fight Money Laundering, Crypto Fraud 作者: Nana Ama Sarfo, Contributor, Nana Ama Sarfo, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/taxnotes/people/nanaamasarfo/ Nana Ama Sarfo reviews findings from the OECD’s latest report on tax transparency in Asia, including trends in cross-border exchange of information and how the region is targeting financial crimes. 娜娜·阿玛·萨福回顾了经合组织最新关于亚洲税收透明度的报告中的发现,包括跨境信息交换的趋势以及该地区如何针对金融犯罪。 Digital network connection … Read more

电子发票:Puspakom 表示从7月25日起,所有交易必须提供税务识别号码。

电子发票:Puspakom 表示从7月25日起,所有交易必须提供税务识别号码。 e-Invoicing: Puspakom says tax identification number must be provided for all transactions from July 25 作者: Anthony Lim Puspakom has announced that from July 25, 2024, all customers wanting to carry out any vehicle inspection or checks at its branches or make payment transactions online via MyPuspakom will need to furnish their tax … Read more


拉斯维加斯金沙(LVS)定于周三公布季度业绩。 Las Vegas Sands (LVS) Scheduled to Post Quarterly Earnings on Wednesday 作者: MarketBeat News Las Vegas Sands (NYSE:LVS – Get Free Report) is scheduled to be issuing its quarterly earnings data after the market closes on Wednesday, July 24th. Analysts expect the company to announce earnings of $0.59 per share for the quarter. Parties … Read more


马科斯将出国旅行正当化为创造就业的手段。 Marcos justifies foreign travel as a means for job creation 作者: Jean Mangaluz President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. defended foreign trips anew during his third State of the Nation Address (SONA), saying that it was part of his administration’s thrust for better jobs. 总统费迪南德·马科斯二世在第三次国家状况报告中再次为出国访问辩护,称这是其政府致力于创造更好就业机会的一部分。 MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. defended foreign trips anew … Read more


中国采取措施提振放缓的经济,规划未来发展路线图。 China moves to pep up its slowing economy, lays out roadmap for its future 作者: ELAINE KURTENBACH AP business writer China’s central bank has cut key interest rates in a surprise move aimed at injecting pep into the economy, while the ruling Communist Party released a 50-page roadmap addressing long-term challenges 中国央行意外降息,旨在为经济注入活力,同时执政的共产党发布了一份50页的路线图,应对长期挑战。 BANGKOK — … Read more


中国电动汽车制造商被敦促使用本地采购的零部件。 Chinese EV makers urged to use locally sourced parts 作者: Lamonphet Apisitniran The Industry Ministry is requesting Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers assemble their EVs with at least 40% of parts sourced locally in a move to support the automotive supply chain in Thailand. 工业部要求中国电动汽车制造商在泰国组装电动汽车时,至少有40%的零部件在当地采购,以支持泰国的汽车供应链。 The Industry Ministry is requesting Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers assemble … Read more


业绩电话会议:挪威电信在北欧和亚洲实现增长,第二季度业绩强劲。 Earnings call: Telenor reports strong Q2 with growth in Nordics and Asia 作者: Investing.com Earnings call: Telenor reports strong Q2 with growth in Nordics and Asia 盈利电话会议:挪威电信在北欧和亚洲实现增长,第二季度业绩强劲。 Telenor ASA (OTC:TELNY) (TEL.OL), a leading telecommunications company, reported a successful second quarter, with a 10% revenue growth and a 4% increase in EBITDA. CEO Sigve Brekke … Read more


通过贸易搭建桥梁:RCEP加深了中国与马来西亚的联系。 Building bridges through trade: RCEP deepens China-Malaysia ties 作者: Dr Khoong Tai Wai THE joint statement between China and Malaysia in June 2024 reaffirmed their commitment to continue promoting the high-quality implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, and to accelerate the Asean-China Free Trade Are… 2024年6月,中国和马来西亚的联合声明重申了他们继续推动区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)高质量实施的承诺,并加快中国-东盟自由贸易区的进程。 THE joint statement between China … Read more