
根据新的盖洛普报告,员工发展状况最佳的十个国家排名。 Top 10 countries where workers are thriving most, according to a new Gallup report 作者: None Countries in Europe have the biggest share of people who are thriving, according to Gallup’s 2024 State of the Global Workplace report. 根据盖洛普2024年全球职场状况报告,欧洲国家拥有最多蓬勃发展的人群。 Most of us spend the majority of our waking lives at work, so it’s no … Read more


加德满都国际旅游博览会周五开始。 International Tourism Fair in Kathmandu starting Friday 作者: Khabarhub KATHMANDU: An international tourism fair is set to take place in Kathmandu starting Friday, aiming to promote the country’s tourism at an international level. The fair will feature tourism entrepreneurs from 16 countries. More than 150 stalls representing bus… 加德满都:一个国际旅游博览会将于周五在加德满都举行,旨在国际层面上推广该国的旅游业。博览会将汇聚来自16个国家的旅游企业家。超过150个展位将代表……(此处原文似乎不完整) KATHMANDU: An international tourism fair … Read more


柔佛种植园启动1.56亿美元的IPO,是马来西亚两年来最大的一次。 Johor Plantations launches $156 mln IPO, Malaysia’s largest in 2 years 作者: None (marketscreener.com) Malaysian palm oil company Johor Plantations Group launched on Wednesday its initial public offering that will raise 735 million ringgit in what would be the country’s biggest IPO in more than two years. The last big IPO in Malaysia was … Read more


标致马来西亚回归5年新车保修——7年保修现在可选,起价RM895。 Peugeot Malaysia reverts to 5-year warranty for new cars – 7-year coverage now optional, from RM895 作者: Mick Chan Peugeot Malaysia has announced its new standard warranty package for all new Peugeot vehicles, which is coverage for five years or 150,000 km, effective immediately. The five-year warranty coverage consists of three years of manufacturer … Read more


赫斯(纽约证券交易所:HES)获得StockNews.com分析师的新覆盖报道。 Hess (NYSE:HES) Receives New Coverage from Analysts at StockNews.com 作者: MarketBeat News Equities research analysts at StockNews.com initiated coverage on shares of Hess (NYSE:HES – Get Free Report) in a research note issued on Wednesday. The brokerage set a “sell” rating on the oil and gas producer’s stock. Several other brokerages have also rec… … Read more


中国顶级无人机制造商聘请得克萨斯州公司以规避联邦禁令 China’s Top Drone Drone Manufacturer Enlists Texas Company To Avoid Federal Bans 作者: Andrew Kerr China’s Da-Jiang Innovations Science & Technology Co. (DJI) stands to lose its 58 percent share of the domestic commercial drone market should the House of Representatives pass Rep. Elise Stefanik’s (R., N.Y.) Countering CCP Drones Act. Fortunately for China’… … Read more


惠普研究:商业和政府领导者认为技术是扩大经济机会的关键。 HP Study: Business and government leaders believe technology is key to expanding economic opportunity 作者: HP Inc. News Highlights New global survey from HP shows three-quarters of business and government leaders (76%) believe technology is key to enabling…… 新闻亮点:惠普公司一项新的全球调查显示,四分之三的商业和政府领导人(76%)认为技术是关键,能够促进…… News Highlights New global survey from HP shows three-quarters of business and government leaders (76%) … Read more


亚马逊网络服务将在2025年初在台湾设立业务。 Amazon Web Services will set up shop in Taiwan by early 2025 作者: Paul Hill Amazon Web Services has announced that it’ll set up shop in Taiwan in early 2025. The expansion to the East Asian country will see it launch three Availability Zones to help boost network performance. Read more… 亚马逊网络服务宣布将在2025年初在台湾开设业务。扩张到这个东亚国家将建立三个可用区,以帮助提升网络性能。阅读更多… Amazon Web … Read more


10个仅靠社会保障金即可舒适退休的国家 10 Countries Where You Can Retire Comfortably on Social Security 作者: Allen Francis There are many countries in the world where you can retire comfortably on Social Security. The cost of living is extremely high in the United States, especially in large metropolitan areas. There are many countries in Central and South America, Europe, … Read more


政府目前专注于针对性的柴油补贴,阿米尔·哈姆扎表示。 Govt focusing on targeted diesel subsidy for now, says Amir Hamzah 作者: LYDIA NATHAN KUALA LUMPUR: The government is focusing on the implementation of the targeted diesel subsidy initiative before it decides to move to other related matters, says Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan. Read full story 吉隆坡:拿督斯里阿米尔·哈姆扎·阿齐赞表示,政府在决定移至其他相关事务之前,正专注于实施针对性的柴油补贴措施。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The government is focusing … Read more