
印度启动了对从中国、泰国、巴林进口的玻璃纤维的反倾销调查。 India initiates anti-dumping probe into import of glass fibre from China, Thailand, Bahrain 作者: PTI India has launched an anti-dumping investigation into the import of glass fibre from China, Thailand, and Bahrain in response to a complaint by a local manufacturer. The probe, led by the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) under the … Read more


嘉士伯啤酒马来西亚有限公司(吉隆坡证券交易所:CARLSBG)最大的股东是持股51%的公众公司,个人投资者持有29%。 Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad’s (KLSE:CARLSBG) largest shareholders are public companies with 51% ownership, individual investors own 29% 作者: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St) Key Insights Significant control over Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad by public companies implies that the general… 关键洞察:公众公司对马来西亚嘉士伯啤酒厂有限公司的重大控制意味着…… Key Insights A look at the shareholders of Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:CARLSBG) can tell … Read more


泰国将目标对准高频交易员,因为股市下跌。 Thailand targets high-speed traders as stocks sink 作者: Bloomberg Regulators in Asia have tightened the screws on trades popular among hedge funds as stocks slumped, an attempt to stabilise markets that some worry may end up stifling key strategies. 亚洲监管机构在股市下跌时对对冲基金中流行的交易加大了监管力度,试图稳定市场,但有人担心这可能会最终抑制关键策略。 Regulators in Asia have tightened the screws on trades popular among hedge funds as … Read more


旅游部将暂停与云顶事故有关的旅行社执照。 Tourism Ministry to suspend licence of travel agency linked to Genting crash 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry will temporarily suspend the licence of the travel agency involved in the Genting Highlands bus crash if investigations reveal the company failed to comply with standard operating procedures. Read full … Read more


只有濒临破产的国家才能向国际货币基金组织借款,拉菲兹说。 Only nations on verge of bankruptcy can borrow from IMF, says Rafizi 作者: The Star Online NIBONG TEBAL: Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli has slammed the Opposition over statements linking the government’s implementation of targeted diesel subsidies to borrowing from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Read full story Nibong Tebal:经济部长Rafizi Ramli批评反对派将政府实施针对性的柴油补贴与向国际货币基金组织(IMF)借款联系起来的言论。阅读全文。 NIBONG TEBAL: Economy Minister … Read more


6个机场、5个海港受特朗普-拜登对中国进口关税影响最大 6 Airports, 5 Seaports Hardest Hit By Trump-Biden Tariffs On Chinese Imports 作者: Ken Roberts, Contributor, Ken Roberts, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenroberts/ Chinese imports have dropped more than $1 billion at each of 11 ports since the beginning of the trade war in 2018. 自2018年贸易战开始以来,11个港口的中国进口总额已减少超过10亿美元。 Before the trade war, in 2017, a business in Beijing displayed … Read more


高速交易员、做空者面临亚洲日益严格的打击。 High-speed traders, short sellers face growing Asia crackdown 作者: Bloomberg The controversial nature of such restrictions is on full display in South Korea, where a short-selling ban hurt its attempts to win an upgrade from MSCI Inc. These developments show the difficulties policymakers have in keeping up with increasingly sophistica… 这种限制性的争议性质在韩国得到了充分展示,那里的一项卖空禁令损害了其争取MSCI公司升级的努力。这些发展显示出政策制定者在跟上日益复杂的……方面所遇到的困难。 Regulators in Asia … Read more

韦伯斯特银行N.A. 减持康菲菲利普斯公司(纽约证券交易所:COP)的股票仓位。

韦伯斯特银行N.A. 减持康菲菲利普斯公司(纽约证券交易所:COP)的股票仓位。 Webster Bank N. A. Decreases Stock Position in ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP) 作者: MarketBeat News Webster Bank N. A. lowered its position in shares of ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP – Free Report) by 20.2% during the first quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The firm owned 1,410 shares of the … Read more


金砖国家将探讨扩大成员国,俄罗斯提议增加10个合作伙伴国。 Brics to look at expansion as Russia proposes to add 10 partner countries 作者: Asit Ranjan Mishra Russia has made “developing modalities for interaction with Brics partner countries” one of its key priorities for the Kazan Summit 俄罗斯将“与发展金砖伙伴国家的互动方式”确定为喀山峰会的关键优先事项之一。 Russia has made “developing modalities for interaction with Brics partner countries” one of its key priorities … Read more


扩展工人福利受到赞扬,但成本仍然是一个问题。 Extended worker benefits hailed, but costs still a concern 作者: The Star Online PETALING JAYA: Funeral repatriation and 24-hour protection benefits under a scheme extended to foreign workers will help reduce their burden, say migrant rights groups. Read full story 八打灵再也:移民工人权益组织表示,向外国工人提供的包括遗体遣返和24小时保护福利在内的计划将有助于减轻他们的负担。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: Funeral repatriation and 24-hour protection benefits under a scheme extended to … Read more