
Revolut的收入几乎翻倍,随着客户基础的增长,2023年净利润飙升。 Revolut’s revenue nearly doubles, net profit soars in 2023 as customer base grows 作者: None The financial technology company had 45 million customers globally as of June 2024. 截至2024年6月,这家金融科技公司在全球拥有4500万客户。 SINGAPORE: Global fintech firm Revolut reported a record profit of US$545 million (S$739 million), with revenue almost doubling to US$2.2 billion in 2023, the company … Read more

新加坡辣椒螃蟹如何促成斯里兰卡螃蟹部的诞生,现正在 Dempsey 开业。

新加坡辣椒螃蟹如何促成斯里兰卡螃蟹部的诞生,现正在 Dempsey 开业。 How Singapore chilli crab led to the birth of Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Crab, now opening at Dempsey 作者: None 主厨Dharshan Munidasa告诉我们,为什么他花了这么长时间在新加坡开设一个代表他国家丰富海鲜的部长级甲壳类动物大使馆。嘘,现在他已经在这里了,他还打算开设他的马尔代夫牛排馆……]] CRABS FLOWN IN EVERY OTHER DAY Ministry of Crab, consecutively listed on the Asias 50 Best Restaurants list from 2015 to 2022, takes its governance seriously. Because it is committed … Read more


金枪鱼出口随着行业复苏而激增。 Tuna exports soar as industry recovers 作者: Phusadee Arunmas Thai exports of canned tuna grew by more than 13% in the first five months of this year. 今年前五个月,泰国罐装金枪鱼出口增长了逾13%。 Thai exports of canned tuna grew by more than 13% in the first five months of this year. Poonpong Naiyanapakorn, director-general of the Trade Policy and … Read more


泰国中央银行与政府之间的斗争内幕 Inside the Battle Between Thailand’s Central Bank and Government 作者: Thomas Kutty Abraham and Suttinee Yuvejwattana (Bloomberg) — Thailand’s central bank governor, who has pushed back against politicians lobbying for lower interest rates, has a message for counterparts… (彭博)– 泰国央行行长对那些游说降息的政治人物持反对态度,他向同行传达了一条信息…… (Bloomberg) — Thailands central bank governor, who has pushed back against politicians lobbying for … Read more


补贴会影响消费吗? Do subsidies affect consumption? 作者: Yuthana Praiwan Government attempts to limit energy prices in Thailand may please the public in the short term, but they are raising concerns about fuel consumption over the long term. 政府试图限制泰国的能源价格可能在短期内取悦公众,但长期来看,这引发了人们对燃料消耗的担忧。 Government attempts to limit energy prices in Thailand may please the public in the short term, but they … Read more


对比Telos(纳斯达克:TLS)与ARB物联网集团(纳斯达克:ARBB) Contrasting Telos (NASDAQ:TLS) & ARB IOT Group (NASDAQ:ARBB) 作者: MarketBeat News Telos (NASDAQ:TLS – Get Free Report) and ARB IOT Group (NASDAQ:ARBB – Get Free Report) are both small-cap computer and technology companies, but which is the better investment? We will compare the two businesses based on the strength of their dividends, risk,… 泰洛斯(纳斯达克:TLS … Read more


中国的人工智能初创公司纷纷前往新加坡,以寻求全球增长。 China’s AI Startups Head to Singapore in a Bid for Global Growth 作者: None None If you click ‘Accept all’, we and our partners, including 237 who are part of the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework, will also store and/or access information on a device (in other words, use … [+678 chars] 如果您点击“接受所有”,我们以及我们的合作伙伴,包括作为IAB透明度和同意框架一部分的237个合作伙伴,还将在设备上存储和/或访问信息(换句话说,使用……[+678个字符])。 关键词: … Read more


大型阅读:新加坡各地涌现出更多地铁站点,但真正的连通性远不止如此。 The Big Read: More MRT stations are popping up across Singapore but true connectivity is beyond just that 作者: None SINGAPORE: Living in Tanjong Katong, information technology consultant Benny Kosasih’s daily commute to the central business district can be unpredictable.  On good days, the trip would take just 25 minutes. On bad days – when … Read more


平板计划易受风险影响。 Tablet plan prone to risks 作者: Editorial The House of Representatives recently approved the 2025 fiscal budget bill, totalling more than 3.75 trillion baht, at its first reading. Notably, the bill aims to allocate 340.6 billion baht to the Education Ministry, making it the largest budget recipient a… 众议院最近在第一读阶段批准了2025财年的预算案,总额超过3.75万亿泰铢。值得注意的是,该法案计划向教育部拨款3406亿泰铢,使其成为最大的预算接收部门。 The House of Representatives recently … Read more


政府被敦促落实吉打州愿望清单。 Govt urged to act on Kedah wish list 作者: The Star Online ALOR SETAR: The Sultan of Kedah Al-Aminul Karim Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah has expressed hopes that the development projects on Kedah’s wish list will receive attention and immediate action from the Federal Government. Read full story 吉打ALOR SETAR:吉打苏丹阿尔-阿敏乌尔-卡里姆·苏丹·萨勒胡丁·苏丹·巴迪沙希望吉打愿望清单上的发展项目能够得到联邦政府的关注和立即行动。阅读全文。 ALOR SETAR: The Sultan … Read more