
财报电话会议:菲利普莫里斯看好强劲增长,上调2024年预测 Earnings call: Philip Morris sees robust growth, raises 2024 forecasts 作者: Investing.com Earnings call: Philip Morris sees robust growth, raises 2024 forecasts 财报电话会议:菲利普莫里斯预计强劲增长,提高2024年预测值 Philip Morris International Inc (NYSE:PM). (PMI) has reported a strong performance for the second quarter of 2024, with significant organic top-line and operating income growth. The company’s smoke-f… [+62804 chars] 菲利普·莫里斯国际公司(纽约证券交易所:PM)(PMI)报告了2024年第二季度的强劲业绩,有机总收入和营业利润实现了显著增长。该公司的吸烟产品……[+62804字符] … Read more


业绩电话会议:穆迪第二季度业绩超预期,上调指引。 Earnings call: Moody’s Q2 performance beats expectations, raises guidance 作者: Investing.com Earnings call: Moody’s Q2 performance beats expectations, raises guidance 业绩电话会议:穆迪第二季度业绩超预期,上调指引。 Moody’s Corporation (NYSE: NYSE:MCO) has reported a robust financial performance for the second quarter of 2024, with significant growth in revenue and adjusted operating margin. The company’s Invest… [+63099 chars] 穆迪公司(纽约证券交易所代码:NYSE:MCO)报告了2024年第二季度的强劲财务业绩,收入和调整后的营业利润率均有显著增长。公司的投资……[+63099个字符] 从您提供的新闻摘要中,虽然直接关于中国外贸公司的商业机会的信息不多,但我们可以推测一些潜在的机会: 评级机构业绩提升的间接影响:穆迪作为国际知名的信用评级机构,其业绩的提升可能反映了全球经济环境的改善。这对于中国的外贸公司来说是一个积极信号,因为全球经济环境的改善往往意味着贸易活动的增加。 … Read more


造成全球最严重IT崩溃的公司更新了事故原因。 Firm behind worst global IT crash gives update on cause 作者: None CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm behind last week’s major global IT crash, has blamed a bug in its quality control mechanism for the carnage. CrowdStrike这家网络安全公司上周导致了全球IT系统的重大崩溃,该公司将其归咎于质量控制机制中的一个漏洞。 CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm behind last week’s major global IT crash, has blamed a bug in its quality … Read more


比亚迪在东南亚销量繁荣而特斯拉增长放缓 BYD Sales Boom in Southeast Asia While Tesla Growth Slows 作者: asiafinancial.com Chinese electric vehicle leader BYD continued an aggressive push into Southeast Asia through the first half of the year, expanding its lead in the region over US rival Tesla. Singapore has emerged as one of the main markets that BYD is focusing … Read more


打击网络犯罪之战 Waging war on cybercrime 作者: MARTIN CARVALHO PUTRAJAYA: Immediate action is being taken to tackle online scams, cyberbullying and sexual crimes against minors in an effort to create a safer space for all Malaysians. Read full story PUTRAJAYA:正在采取紧急行动解决网络诈骗、网络欺凌和针对未成年人的性犯罪问题,以努力为所有马来西亚人创造一个更安全的空间。阅读全文。 PUTRAJAYA: Immediate action is being taken to tackle online scams, cyberbullying and sexual crimes against minors … Read more


电信公司获得额外时间以退役3G网络。 Telcos given extra time to retire 3G networks 作者: Eileen Yu Two mobile operators in Singapore are granted more time to move their 3G customers to newer networks, while a third telco already has done so on schedule. 新加坡两家移动运营商被允许更多时间将他们的3G客户迁移到更新的网络,而第三家电信公司已按计划完成迁移。 Javier Zayas Photography/Getty Images Two telcos in Singapore have been granted additional time to move … Read more


尼日利亚在全球数字准备指数中排名靠前。 Nigeria ranked high in global digital readiness index 作者: Justice Okamgba A new report by the International Telecommunications Union has ranked Nigeria high in its readiness for digital transformation, with a score of 71 per cent. The report, conducted in collaboration with the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development… 国际电信联盟的一份新报告将尼日利亚在数字转型准备方面的排名提高,得分为71%。该报告是与英国外交、英联邦和发展办公室共同进行的…… A new report by … Read more


评论:新加坡人认为自己缺乏创造力,这真是遗憾。 Commentary: It’s a shame Singaporeans do not consider themselves creative 作者: None Scepticism about how Singapore students topped a PISA study for creative thinking shows there is a misalignment between perceptions and the reality of creativity, says documentary storyteller Ong Kah Jing (OKJ). 新加坡学生如何在PISA创造性思维研究中取得第一名的怀疑,显示了人们对于创造力的认知与实际情况之间的不一致,纪录片讲述者王嘉庆(OKJ)说道。 On the other hand, Big C creativity is often associated … Read more


准备迎接未来的热浪。 Prepare for a future of heat waves 作者: Renzo R Guinto People across Asia have eagerly awaited the end of heat-wave season, which now appears to be drawing to a close. In my home country, the Philippines, the first typhoon of the year arrived in late May, lowering temperatures that had climbed to nearly … Read more


130,000积分,1晚免费住宿及200美元消费额度:希尔顿超越卡评测。 130,000 points, 1 free night & $200 in credits: Hilton Surpass Card Review 作者: TravelUpdate With this limited time offer on the Hilton Surpass Card, you can earn 130,000 points, 1 free night and $200 in statement credits each year! 凭此希尔顿超悦卡的限时优惠,您每年可以赚取130,000积分,1晚免费住宿以及每年200美元的账单信用! Disclosure: The Points Pundit receives NO compensation from credit card affiliate partnerships. Support … Read more