
英国航空利用新古装剧风格安全视频捕捉“布里奇顿效应” British Airways Taps Into the ‘Bridgerton Effect’ With New Period Drama-Esque Safety Video 作者: Paddle Your Own Kanoo British Airways is hoping to tap into the rising popularity of period dramas with its new safety video, which features real-life cabin crew, pilots, and ground staff and evokes a certain Bridgeton vibe. The video was … Read more


来自中国的坏消息可能是油价下跌的前兆。 Bad News From China Could Be The Harbinger For Lower Oil Prices 作者: Simon Watkins From the mid-1990s to onset of Covid at the end of 2019, China almost singlehandedly drove the commodities supercycle, consisting of ever-increasing prices for the key materials it required to drive its extraordinary economic growth. As the virus took … Read more


中国市场更新:中国人民银行在政治局会议前降息 China Market Update: The PBOC Cuts Rates In Advance Of Politburo Meeting 作者: Brendan Ahern, Senior Contributor, Brendan Ahern, Senior Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/brendanahern/ Asian equities were mostly lower following last week’s tough going though Hong Kong managed a gain. Thailand was closed for Asarnha Bucha Day, which is one of the most important events in … Read more

Entrepreneur Mark Suster is a successful venture capitalist who still believes in the potential of the Chinese market. 中国仍吸引这位成功的风险投资家——企业家马克·斯图尔特是一位成功的风险投资家,他仍相信中国市场的潜力。

Entrepreneur Mark Suster is a successful venture capitalist who still believes in the potential of the Chinese market. 中国仍吸引这位成功的风险投资家——企业家马克·斯图尔特是一位成功的风险投资家,他仍相信中国市场的潜力。 China Still Beckons This Successful Venture Capitalist 作者: Russell Flannery, Forbes Staff, Russell Flannery, Forbes Staff https://www.forbes.com/sites/russellflannery/ INCE Capital’s JP Gan see consumer spending growth along with more businesses going global INCE资本的JP Gan看到消费支出增长,伴随着更多企业走向全球化。 INCE Capital Founding … Read more


气候适应型基础设施的案例研究 A Case for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure 作者: Renée Cho As climate change makes weather harder to predict, most infrastructure will need to be retrofitted or redesigned and rebuilt with future climate resilience in mind. 随着气候变化使得天气更难以预测,大多数基础设施将需要被改造或重新设计重建,以考虑到未来的气候适应能力。 The June heat waves that roiled the U.S. put tremendous pressure on the electric grid as air conditioning demand soared, … Read more


医院空气净化器市场预计到2034年将达到57亿美元:预言市场洞察力预测 Hospital Air Purifiers Market Share Projected to Reach USD 5.7 Billion by 2034: Prophecy Market Insights 作者: Prophecy Market insights “Hospital Air Purifiers Market” from 2024-2034 with covered segments By Product Type(General-purpose air purifiers, Surgical suite air purifiers, and Isolation room air purifiers), By Technology (High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters, Ultraviolet Ger… 医院空气净化器市场(2024-2034年),涵盖产品类型(通用空气净化器、手术室空气净化器和隔离室空气净化器)和技术(高效粒子空气(HEPA)过滤器、紫外线杀菌…) 请注意,由于原文内容不完整,紫外线杀菌后的内容未能翻译。如果需要完整翻译,请提供完整的英文句子。 … Read more


Kinaxis推出“供应链脱线”区域活动系列,将供应链创新者汇聚一堂。 Kinaxis Launches ˜Supply Chain Unplugged’ Regional Event Series to Bring Supply Chain Innovators Together 作者: Investing.com Kinaxis Launches ˜Supply Chain Unplugged’ Regional Event Series to Bring Supply Chain Innovators Together Kinaxis启动“供应链无界限”区域活动系列,将供应链创新者汇聚一堂。 New event series to foster future-focused peer-to-peer discussions and networking among supply chain experts, thought leaders, and academia OTTAWA, Ontario–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Kinaxis ® Inc. … Read more

塑料转化为燃料市场规模预计到2032年将达到40,977.6万美元 | 环境关注,经济效益,趋势塑造塑料转化为燃料市场的未来 | SNS洞察报告

塑料转化为燃料市场规模预计到2032年将达到40,977.6万美元 | 环境关注,经济效益,趋势塑造塑料转化为燃料市场的未来 | SNS洞察报告 Plastic To Fuel Market Size to Reach USD 4,097.76 Million by 2032 | Environmental Concerns, Economic Benefits, Trends Shape the Future of Plastic to Fuel Market | Report by SNS Insider 作者: SNS Insider pvt ltd Plastic To Fuel Market is expected to Rise Because of the Global Increase in … Read more


俄罗斯遭受天然气短缺,因无人机攻击其最大的黑海炼油厂。 Russia Hit by Gas Shortages as Drones Attack Its Biggest Black Sea Refinery 作者: Brendan Cole Video on social media showed the strike at Tuapse oil refinery owned by Rosneft. 社交媒体上的视频显示了俄罗斯石油公司拥有的图阿普斯炼油厂的罢工情况。 A drone strike blamed on Ukraine has damaged another oil refinery in Russia amid concerns that continued strikes on the country’s energy infrastructure … Read more


亚洲税收透明度对打击洗钱、加密货币欺诈至关重要 Asian Tax Transparency Crucial To Fight Money Laundering, Crypto Fraud 作者: Nana Ama Sarfo, Contributor, Nana Ama Sarfo, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/taxnotes/people/nanaamasarfo/ Nana Ama Sarfo reviews findings from the OECD’s latest report on tax transparency in Asia, including trends in cross-border exchange of information and how the region is targeting financial crimes. 娜娜·阿玛·萨福回顾了经合组织最新关于亚洲税收透明度的报告中的发现,包括跨境信息交换的趋势以及该地区如何针对金融犯罪。 Digital network connection … Read more