
孟加拉国将在裁决后接受就业配额削减。 Bangladesh to accept cuts to job quotas after ruling 作者: Deutsche Welle The government has met a key demand of protestors, who have paused demonstrations for 48 hours. The unrest over the quotas has prompted some governments to evacuate their citizens from the country. The government of Bangladesh is expected to officially accept… 政府已经满足了抗议者的一个关键要求,后者已经暂停了48小时的示威活动。由于配额引发的动乱,一些国家政府已将其公民从该国撤离。预计孟加拉国政府将正式接受…… … Read more


革命性提升差价合约交易,迪纳波利领先指标:EBC金融集团宣布战略合作伙伴关系。 Revolutionising CFD Trading with DiNapoli’s Leading Indicators: EBC Financial Group Announces Strategic Partnership 作者: EBC Tech Limited EBC Financial Group is proud to announce the success of its event, ‘Revolutionising CFD Trading with DiNapoli’s Leading Indicators’ in Bangkok, Thailand. EBC金融集团自豪地宣布,在泰国曼谷举办的“运用DiNapoli领先指标革新差价合约交易”活动取得成功。 BANGKOK, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EBC Financial Group (EBC) is pleased to … Read more


退休教师从棕榈油增值中获利 Retired teacher profits from palm oil value addition 作者: Elizabeth Ojina Victor Otieno decided to start processing the crude oil in 2022 after receiving training. 维克多·奥蒂诺在接受了培训后,决定从2022年开始加工原油。 A few years ago, Victor Otieno Maura, a retired teacher, planted palm trees on his farm. Now he is reaping the benefits. The 20 palm trees scattered around … Read more


每日有650万升柴油在目标补贴前被挪用,阿米尔·哈姆扎说。 6.5 million litres of diesel misappropriated daily before targeted subsidy, says Amir Hamzah 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The Finance Ministry has concluded that at least 6.5 million litres of diesel were misappropriated by industries or smuggled into neighbouring countries daily before the targeted diesel subsidy was implemented. Read full story 吉隆坡:财政部总结,在实施目标柴油补贴政策之前,每天至少有650万升柴油被工业界挪用或走私到邻国。阅读全文。 KUALA … Read more


审查声效集团(纳斯达克:SOGP)和系统1(纽约证券交易所:SST) Reviewing Sound Group (NASDAQ:SOGP) & System1 (NYSE:SST) 作者: MarketBeat News Sound Group (NASDAQ:SOGP – Get Free Report) and System1 (NYSE:SST – Get Free Report) are both small-cap consumer discretionary companies, but which is the superior business? We will compare the two companies based on the strength of their risk, institutional … 声望集团(纳斯达克:SOGP – 获取免费报告)和系统1(纽约证券交易所:SST … Read more


汽车经销商欺骗男子,让其将保时捷所有权转让,以获得优惠的车牌有效期续费率。 Car dealer cheated man into transferring Porsche ownership for good COE renewal rates 作者: None The Porsche was repossessed and the victim had to fork out almost S$70,000 to claim it back. 保时捷被收回,受害者不得不支付近70,000新加坡元才能将其赎回。 SINGAPORE: A car dealer cheated a customer into transferring the ownership of his Porsche, promising good renewal rates for his Certificate … Read more


阿里巴巴的淘宝对Temu、Shein提供免费海外运输服务。 Alibaba’s Taobao takes on Temu, Shein with free overseas shipping 作者: asia.nikkei.com HONG KONG — Taobao, the flagship retail platform of China’s Alibaba Group, will introduce free overseas shipping on apparel orders as it attempts to challenge cross-border e-commerce rivals Temu and Shein. The program will start from Aug. 3 and initially be … … Read more


六人因投资骗局被拘留,该骗局诈骗受害者2100万林吉特。 Six held over investment scam that swindled victims of RM21mil 作者: FARIK ZOLKEPLI KUALA LUMPUR: An investment scam syndicate, which advertised on Facebook in March, has been busted with the arrest of six suspects. Read full story 吉隆坡:一个在三月通过Facebook广告进行宣传的投资骗局集团已被捣毁,六名嫌疑人被捕。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: An investment scam syndicate, which advertised on Facebook in March, has been busted with … Read more


泰国榴莲出口至中国面临更激烈的竞争。 Thai durian exports to China facing stiffer competition 作者: Marisa Chimprabha (World) Export of Thai durian to China will face stiffer competition from other ASEAN member countries, such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, as well as Chinese grown fruit. The Indonesian government is set to increase the export of durians to China from Central … Read more


范堡罗航展第一天:波音在商用飞机订单上领先。 Farnborough Airshow Day 1: Boeing takes the lead on commercial airplane orders 作者: Live from a Lounge At the Farnborough Airshow 2024, on Day one, Boeing came up with a flurry of announcements, taking the lead on the order books that originated at FIA. The post Farnborough Airshow Day 1: Boeing takes the lead … Read more