
为什么新加坡的酒店预订量增加了200%以上? Why are Hotel Bookings Increasing by More Than 200% in Singapore? 作者: World on Holiday The Singapore Grand Prix 2024 is set to take place on September 20-22, bringing the excitement of Formula 1 racing to the Lion City. Bookings for the Grand Prix began as early as December 2023, significantly impacting hotel demand. … Read more


财政部门反对征收汽车停车费,更倾向于拥堵收费。 Department of Finance comes out against car parking levies, with congestion charges preferable 作者: Muiris O’Cearbhaill Congestion charges could be more equitable, the department added. 部门补充说,拥堵收费可能更加公平。 IRELAND IS NOT ready for a levy on car parking until better public transport and other alternatives to the private car are in place, Department of Finance officials … Read more


德克萨斯LNG与EQT达成20年LNG供应协议 Texas LNG Secures 20-Year LNG Agreement with EQT 作者: Rocky Teodoro ‘Converting our HOA with Texas LNG to a definitive tolling agreement brings us one step closer to unleashing EQT’s reliable, low emissions natural gas on the global stage’. 将我们与德克萨斯州液化天然气的hoa转换为明确的加工费协议,使我们更接近在全球舞台上释放EQT可靠、低排放的天然气。 Texas LNG Brownsville LLC and EQT Corporation have executed a definitive 20-year tolling agreement … Read more

威尔玛国际(OTCMKTS: WLMIY)股价超过50日移动平均线,达23.06美元。

威尔玛国际(OTCMKTS: WLMIY)股价超过50日移动平均线,达23.06美元。 Wilmar International (OTCMKTS:WLMIY) Share Price Passes Above 50 Day Moving Average of $23.06 作者: MarketBeat News Wilmar International Limited (OTCMKTS:WLMIY – Get Free Report) shares passed above its fifty day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a fifty day moving average of $23.06 and traded as high as $23.10. … Read more


无电池技术可以利用环境射频信号为电子设备供电。 Battery-free technology can power electronic devices using ambient radiofrequency signals 作者: Science X Ubiquitous wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 5G rely on radio frequency (RF) signals to send and receive data. A new prototype of an energy harvesting module—developed by a team led by scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS)—… 无处不在的无线技术,如Wi-Fi、蓝牙和5G,依赖射频(RF)信号来发送和接收数据。由新加坡国立大学(NUS)科学家领导的一个团队开发的一种能量收集模块的新原型…… … Read more


虎牌啤酒对中国学校的捐赠——若安华政府禁止这项30年的慈善活动,民行党应撤回支持。 Tiger Beer’s Donation For Chinese Schools – DAP Should Withdraw Support If Anwar Govt Bans The 30-Year-OId Charity 作者: financetwitter On Nov 23, 2023, Heineken Malaysia successfully raised RM26,354,318.50 for Chinese schools – the highest amount recorded in a year since the inception of “Tiger Chinese Education Charity Concert (Tiger CECC)” programme in 1994. … Read more


开云集团:2024年上半年业绩公告 Kering: Press release – First-half 2024 results 作者: KERING KERING_Press release – First-half 2024 results – 24 07 2024            PRESS RELEASE   July 24, 2024   … 开云集团新闻稿 – 2024年上半年业绩 – 2024年7月24日 新闻稿 2024年7月24日 … KERING_Press release – First-half 2024 results – 24 07 2024  PRESS RELEASE July 24, 2024 FIRST-HALF 2024 … Read more


官方确定了:国际奥委会投票确认首届奥林匹克电子竞技游戏将于2025年举行,尽管他们还不知道具体是哪些游戏。 It’s official: International Olympic Committee votes to confirm the first Olympic Esports Games will happen in 2025, even if they don’t know the games yet 作者: Rich Stanton Everything about the event is yet to be decided, including the games, but it’s happening. 关于活动的所有事宜都尚未决定,包括比赛项目,但它即将举行。 Recently the International Olympic Committee joined up with the National … Read more


伦敦一家安大略游戏制造商如何席卷全球。 How a London, Ontario game maker has taken the world by storm 作者: Bradly Shankar I’ve been fortunate enough to attend many global gaming events in my relatively nascent career as a journalist, but I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything quite like TennoCon. Hosted in London, Ontario every year, the convention is … Read more

农业与贸易:美国自由贸易协定立即被搁置 – 皮特·麦肯齐

农业与贸易:美国自由贸易协定立即被搁置 – 皮特·麦肯齐 Agribusiness and Trade: United States Free Trade Agreement right off the table – Pete McKenzie 作者: Pete McKenzie A near-total withdrawal from international trade negotiations appears irreversible. 近全面退出国际贸易谈判似乎已不可逆转。 In the four decades since, New Zealand diplomats have been remarkably successful on that front, negotiating comprehensive trade agreements with China, Australia, Singapore, the … Read more