
电信公司获得额外时间以退役3G网络。 Telcos given extra time to retire 3G networks 作者: Eileen Yu Two mobile operators in Singapore are granted more time to move their 3G customers to newer networks, while a third telco already has done so on schedule. 新加坡两家移动运营商被允许更多时间将他们的3G客户迁移到更新的网络,而第三家电信公司已按计划完成迁移。 Javier Zayas Photography/Getty Images Two telcos in Singapore have been granted additional time to move … Read more


尼日利亚在全球数字准备指数中排名靠前。 Nigeria ranked high in global digital readiness index 作者: Justice Okamgba A new report by the International Telecommunications Union has ranked Nigeria high in its readiness for digital transformation, with a score of 71 per cent. The report, conducted in collaboration with the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development… 国际电信联盟的一份新报告将尼日利亚在数字转型准备方面的排名提高,得分为71%。该报告是与英国外交、英联邦和发展办公室共同进行的…… A new report by … Read more


评论:新加坡人认为自己缺乏创造力,这真是遗憾。 Commentary: It’s a shame Singaporeans do not consider themselves creative 作者: None Scepticism about how Singapore students topped a PISA study for creative thinking shows there is a misalignment between perceptions and the reality of creativity, says documentary storyteller Ong Kah Jing (OKJ). 新加坡学生如何在PISA创造性思维研究中取得第一名的怀疑,显示了人们对于创造力的认知与实际情况之间的不一致,纪录片讲述者王嘉庆(OKJ)说道。 On the other hand, Big C creativity is often associated … Read more


准备迎接未来的热浪。 Prepare for a future of heat waves 作者: Renzo R Guinto People across Asia have eagerly awaited the end of heat-wave season, which now appears to be drawing to a close. In my home country, the Philippines, the first typhoon of the year arrived in late May, lowering temperatures that had climbed to nearly … Read more


130,000积分,1晚免费住宿及200美元消费额度:希尔顿超越卡评测。 130,000 points, 1 free night & $200 in credits: Hilton Surpass Card Review 作者: TravelUpdate With this limited time offer on the Hilton Surpass Card, you can earn 130,000 points, 1 free night and $200 in statement credits each year! 凭此希尔顿超悦卡的限时优惠,您每年可以赚取130,000积分,1晚免费住宿以及每年200美元的账单信用! Disclosure: The Points Pundit receives NO compensation from credit card affiliate partnerships. Support … Read more


再见!Gate.io宣布退出日本加密货币市场。 Sayonara! Gate.io Announces Withdrawal From Japanese Crypto Market 作者: Christian Encila One of the most well-known bitcoin exchanges worldwide, Gate.io, has decided to terminate all services available in Japan. Effective July 22, this retreat signals a dramatic change in the operational scene of the exchange. Related Reading: Bangkok Bound: ApeC… 全球知名的比特币交易所之一,Gate.io,决定终止在日本的所有服务。自7月22日起生效,这一撤退标志着该交易所运营场景的巨大变化。 相关阅读:前往曼谷:ApeC… One of … Read more


泰国表示138亿美元的救济计划对疲软的经济至关重要。 Thailand says $13.8 billion handout scheme a vital boost for sluggish economy 作者: Reuters Thailand says $13.8 billion handout scheme a vital boost for sluggish economy 泰国表示138亿美元的援助计划对疲软的经济至关重要。 BANGKOK (Reuters) – Thailand’s 500 billion baht ($13.85 billion) “digital wallet” handout scheme is a necessary stimulus measure to boost a lagging economy held back by low … Read more


中国官员警告美国提高关税的风险,敦促美国商业领袖帮助修复关系。 Chinese officials warn of risks from higher US tariffs, urge US business leaders to help mend ties 作者: Elaine Kurtenbach Chinese officials have warned a delegation of top U.S. executives visiting Beijing this week that higher tariffs on imports from China will harm their businesses inside the country. The delegation of influential business people, … Read more


马来西亚医疗旅游理事会推出“体验马来西亚医疗保健”(EMH)故事系列 Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council Launches Experience Malaysia Healthcare (EMH) Stories 作者: Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) is proud to announce the premiere of EMH Stories, a limited-series video production showcasing the exceptional experience of the healthcare journey of healthca… 吉隆坡,马来西亚,2024年7月24日(环球新闻swire)——马来西亚医疗旅游理事会(MHTC)自豪地宣布,《EMH故事》系列视频的首映,这是一部限定系列视频制作,展示了医疗旅程中非凡的体验。 KUALA … Read more


7月25日至31日燃油价格:全面保持不变。 Fuel prices July 25-31: Unchanged across the board 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The retail prices for RON97 and RON95 petrol, as well as diesel, will remain unchanged at RM3.47, RM2.05 and RM3.35 per litre respectively from July 25 to 31. Read full story 吉隆坡:RON97和RON95汽油以及柴油的零售价格将从7月25日至31日保持不变,分别为每升3.47马币、2.05马币和3.35马币。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The retail prices for RON97 and … Read more