
亿万富翁兄弟的IOI产业以2.57亿美元交易扩大马来西亚零售、酒店业务足迹。 Billionaire Brothers’ IOI Properties Expands Malaysian Retail, Hotel Footprint With $257 Million Deals 作者: Jonathan Burgos, Forbes Staff, Jonathan Burgos, Forbes Staff https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanburgos/ IOI Properties—owned by billionaire brothers Lee Yeow Chor and Lee Yeow Seng—is expanding its retail and hotel footprint across Malaysia by acquiring properties for $257 million. IOI产业——由亿万富翁兄弟李耀祥和李耀盛拥有——正在通过2.57亿美元的资产收购,扩大其在马来西亚的零售和酒店业务足迹。 IOI City is a … Read more


佛维亚和比亚迪通过匈牙利在欧洲扩大合作伙伴关系。 Forvia and BYD expand partnership in EU via Hungary 作者: David Leggett Supplier will help Chinese automaker establish footprint in region 供应商将帮助中国汽车制造商在该地区建立影响力。 Forvia has announced it will be expanding its partnership with Chinese automaker BYD in Europe. The firms will operate together in Hungary, where Forvia will spearhead the launch of BYDs first manuf… … Read more


掌握交易技能,参加InnovestX免费的在线TFEX课程。 Master trading with InnovestX’s free online TFEX courses 作者: None InnovestX Securities, the investment flagship of SCBX Group, presents a series of five online courses to equip investors with the skills necessary to succeed in the TFEX (Thailand Futures Exchange) market. 创新投资证券,SCBX集团的投资旗舰,推出一系列五门在线课程,旨在为投资者提供在泰国期货交易所(TFEX)市场成功所需的技能。 InnovestX Securities, the investment flagship of SCBX Group, presents a series of … Read more


更多贫困给穷人 More Poverty for the Poor 作者: Jomo Kwame Sundaram Many low-income countries (LICs) continue to slip further behind the rest of the world. Meanwhile, people in extreme poverty have been increasing again after decades of decline. Falling further behind World output more than doubled from $36 trillion in 1990 t… 许多低收入国家(LICs)继续落后于世界其他地区。与此同时,经过几十年的下降,极端贫困人口数量再次增加。与世界其他地区的差距进一步扩大,世界产出从1990年的36万亿美元增长到… Armed Conflicts, Development … Read more


成本担忧促使德国公司重新考虑云战略 Cost Concerns Lead German Firms to Rethink Cloud Strategy 作者: Investing.com Cost Concerns Lead German Firms to Rethink Cloud Strategy 成本担忧导致德国公司重新考虑云策略 Infrastructure modernization is seen as key to bolstering network security and meeting the growing expectations of a digital marketplace, ISG Provider Lens report says FRANKFURT, Germany–(BUSINESS… [+7227 chars] 基础设施现代化被认为是加强网络安全、满足数字市场不断增长期望的关键,ISG提供商镜头报告称。 德国法兰克福–(商业……[+7227个字符] 根据您提供的新闻摘要,我们可以看出其中涉及到德国公司由于成本担忧而重新考虑其云战略基础设施现代化。这样的情况下,对于中国的外贸公司来说,以下是可能的商业机会: 云服务提供商合作机会: 随着德国公司寻求优化其云基础设施的成本和效率,中国的云服务提供商有机会与这些公司建立合作关系。 … Read more


财报电话会议:菲利普莫里斯看好强劲增长,上调2024年预测 Earnings call: Philip Morris sees robust growth, raises 2024 forecasts 作者: Investing.com Earnings call: Philip Morris sees robust growth, raises 2024 forecasts 财报电话会议:菲利普莫里斯预计强劲增长,提高2024年预测值 Philip Morris International Inc (NYSE:PM). (PMI) has reported a strong performance for the second quarter of 2024, with significant organic top-line and operating income growth. The company’s smoke-f… [+62804 chars] 菲利普·莫里斯国际公司(纽约证券交易所:PM)(PMI)报告了2024年第二季度的强劲业绩,有机总收入和营业利润实现了显著增长。该公司的吸烟产品……[+62804字符] … Read more


业绩电话会议:穆迪第二季度业绩超预期,上调指引。 Earnings call: Moody’s Q2 performance beats expectations, raises guidance 作者: Investing.com Earnings call: Moody’s Q2 performance beats expectations, raises guidance 业绩电话会议:穆迪第二季度业绩超预期,上调指引。 Moody’s Corporation (NYSE: NYSE:MCO) has reported a robust financial performance for the second quarter of 2024, with significant growth in revenue and adjusted operating margin. The company’s Invest… [+63099 chars] 穆迪公司(纽约证券交易所代码:NYSE:MCO)报告了2024年第二季度的强劲财务业绩,收入和调整后的营业利润率均有显著增长。公司的投资……[+63099个字符] 从您提供的新闻摘要中,虽然直接关于中国外贸公司的商业机会的信息不多,但我们可以推测一些潜在的机会: 评级机构业绩提升的间接影响:穆迪作为国际知名的信用评级机构,其业绩的提升可能反映了全球经济环境的改善。这对于中国的外贸公司来说是一个积极信号,因为全球经济环境的改善往往意味着贸易活动的增加。 … Read more


造成全球最严重IT崩溃的公司更新了事故原因。 Firm behind worst global IT crash gives update on cause 作者: None CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm behind last week’s major global IT crash, has blamed a bug in its quality control mechanism for the carnage. CrowdStrike这家网络安全公司上周导致了全球IT系统的重大崩溃,该公司将其归咎于质量控制机制中的一个漏洞。 CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm behind last week’s major global IT crash, has blamed a bug in its quality … Read more


比亚迪在东南亚销量繁荣而特斯拉增长放缓 BYD Sales Boom in Southeast Asia While Tesla Growth Slows 作者: asiafinancial.com Chinese electric vehicle leader BYD continued an aggressive push into Southeast Asia through the first half of the year, expanding its lead in the region over US rival Tesla. Singapore has emerged as one of the main markets that BYD is focusing … Read more


打击网络犯罪之战 Waging war on cybercrime 作者: MARTIN CARVALHO PUTRAJAYA: Immediate action is being taken to tackle online scams, cyberbullying and sexual crimes against minors in an effort to create a safer space for all Malaysians. Read full story PUTRAJAYA:正在采取紧急行动解决网络诈骗、网络欺凌和针对未成年人的性犯罪问题,以努力为所有马来西亚人创造一个更安全的空间。阅读全文。 PUTRAJAYA: Immediate action is being taken to tackle online scams, cyberbullying and sexual crimes against minors … Read more