
泰国榴莲出口至中国面临更激烈的竞争。 Thai durian exports to China facing stiffer competition 作者: Marisa Chimprabha (World) Export of Thai durian to China will face stiffer competition from other ASEAN member countries, such as Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, as well as Chinese grown fruit. The Indonesian government is set to increase the export of durians to China from Central … Read more


范堡罗航展第一天:波音在商用飞机订单上领先。 Farnborough Airshow Day 1: Boeing takes the lead on commercial airplane orders 作者: Live from a Lounge At the Farnborough Airshow 2024, on Day one, Boeing came up with a flurry of announcements, taking the lead on the order books that originated at FIA. The post Farnborough Airshow Day 1: Boeing takes the lead … Read more


新加坡电信有限公司(SGX:Z74)首席执行官薪酬上涨可能暂时搁置。 Increases to CEO Compensation Might Be Put On Hold For Now at Singapore Telecommunications Limited (SGX:Z74) 作者: editorial-team@simplywallst.com (Simply Wall St) Key Insights Singapore Telecommunications to hold its Annual General Meeting on 30th of July Total pay for CEO Kuan… 新加坡电信将于7月30日举行年度股东大会,首席执行官Kuan的总薪酬… Key Insights CEO Kuan Moon Yuen has done a decent job of delivering … Read more

栏目 – 中国降息未能刺激铁矿石和铜价:罗素

栏目 – 中国降息未能刺激铁矿石和铜价:罗素 Column – China’s rate cuts fail to revive iron ore and copper: Russell 作者: Reuters Column – China’s rate cuts fail to revive iron ore and copper: Russell 专栏——中国降息未能提振铁矿石和铜价:罗素 By Clyde Russell LAUNCESTON, Australia (Reuters) – China’s first cut to major short- and long-term interest rates in 11 months drew a distinctly … Read more


比特起源(纳斯达克:BTOG)与argo区块链(纳斯达克:ARBK)面对面比较 Bit Origin (NASDAQ:BTOG) versus Argo Blockchain (NASDAQ:ARBK) Head to Head Comparison 作者: MarketBeat News Bit Origin (NASDAQ:BTOG – Get Free Report) and Argo Blockchain (NASDAQ:ARBK – Get Free Report) are both small-cap finance companies, but which is the better business? We will compare the two businesses based on the strength of their valuation, institutional … Read more


观点:人工智能设备的兴起可能让我们摆脱对智能手机的依赖。我们只需找到合适的设备即可。 Opinion: The rise of the AI gadget could free us from our smartphones. We just need to find the right device 作者: David Meyer It’s impossible to predict all the ways in which AI will change our lives, but one sure bet is that virtual assistants will help us navigate this brave new world. … Read more


辉瑞公司在新加坡投资10亿美元建设新的制药原料工厂,创造了250个新工作岗位。 Pfizer invests $1 billion in new pharmaceutical ingredient plant in Singapore, creating 250 new jobs 作者: Ovais Subhani The new plant will be one of the most highly automated among the company’s manufacturing sites, Read more at straitstimes.com. 新工厂将成为公司制造基地中自动化程度最高的之一,详情请访问straitstimes.com。 Several new investments were announced by pharmaceutical companies in recent years. For instance, Britians GSK … Read more


新加坡核心通胀率在6月降至2.9%;为两年多来最低点。 Singapore core inflation dips to 2.9% in June; lowest in over 2 years 作者: None Core inflation is expected to stay on a gradual moderating trend over the rest of 2024 and step down “more discernibly” in the fourth quarter of the year, said MAS and MTI. 核心通胀预计将在2024年剩余时间内保持逐渐缓和的趋势,并在该年度的第四季度“更明显”地下降,新加坡金融管理局(MAS)和贸易与工业部(MTI)表示。 The authorities noted that the global … Read more

Illumina公司2024年第三季度每股收益预计为0.95美元,Leerink Partners预测(纳斯达克:ILMN)

Illumina公司2024年第三季度每股收益预计为0.95美元,Leerink Partners预测(纳斯达克:ILMN) Illumina, Inc. to Post Q3 2024 Earnings of $0.95 Per Share, Leerink Partnrs Forecasts (NASDAQ:ILMN) 作者: MarketBeat News Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ:ILMN – Free Report) – Equities researchers at Leerink Partnrs boosted their Q3 2024 earnings per share estimates for Illumina in a research report issued to clients and investors on Thursday, July 18th. … Read more


泰国将电力和柴油价格降低措施延长至年底。 Thailand extends electricity and diesel price reductions to year-end 作者: None BANGKOK : Thailand’s cabinet on Tuesday approved the extension of electricity and diesel price reductions to help consumers manage the cost of living, its energy minister said. Electricity prices will remain the same until the end of the year, Pirapan Salirat… 曼谷:泰国内阁周二批准延长电力和柴油价格减免措施,以帮助消费者管理生活成本,该国能源部长表示。电力价格将保持不变,直到年底,Pirapan Salirat说…… We … Read more