
中国宝钢将收购日本新日铁在汽车钢材合资企业中的50%股份。 China’s Baosteel to buy out Nippon Steel’s 50% stake in auto steel venture 作者: The Associated Press China’s Baosteel says it will acquire Nippon Steel’s 50% stake in their auto steel joint venture for about $242 million 中国宝钢表示,将以约2.42亿美元收购新日铁在他们的汽车钢材合资企业中50%的股份。 BANGKOK — Chinas Baosteel said Tuesday that it will acquire Nippon Steels 50% stake in their … Read more


美国政府对俄罗斯复兴黑客组织“网络军队”的关键成员实施了制裁。 US Gov sanctioned key members of the Cyber Army of Russia Reborn hacktivists group 作者: Pierluigi Paganini The US government sanctioned two Russian hacktivists for their cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure, including breaches of water facilities. The United States sanctioned Russian hacktivists Yuliya Vladimirovna Pankratova and Denis Olegovich Degtyare… 美国政府对两名俄罗斯黑客活动分子实施了制裁,因为他们针对关键基础设施发起网络攻击,包括对水设施的破坏。美国制裁了俄罗斯黑客活动分子尤利娅·弗拉基米罗夫娜·潘克拉托娃和丹尼斯·奥列戈维奇·德季亚雷夫…… US Gov sanctioned key members … Read more


泰国考虑对大麻进行规范而非再次将其犯罪化。 Thailand Considers Regulating Cannabis Instead of Recriminalizing It 作者: Patpicha Tanakasempipat / Bloomberg Thailand will seek to regulate its fast-growing cannabis industry through legislation, potentially shelving plans to reverse a landmark decriminalization policy and calming tensions within the ruling coalition. 泰国将通过立法手段规范其快速发展的大麻产业,可能会暂停撤销一项具有里程碑意义的非刑事化政策的计划,并缓解执政联盟内的紧张关系。 Thailand will seek to regulate its fast-growing cannabis industry through legislation, potentially shelving … Read more


南洋否认病毒式视频宣称在利雅得拖鞋售价为43,000泰铢。 Nanyang denies viral clip claiming slippers sold for Bt43,000 in Riyadh 作者: Marisa Chimprabha (World) The Nanyang company has denied reports that its slippers, locally known as “Elephant-Star” and sold in Thailand for 109 baht per pair, were priced at 43,000 baht in Saudi Arabia. Piya Sosothikul, director of Nanyang Marketing Co., Ltd, said … Read more


今年夏天,没有来自泰国的浆果采摘工在芬兰工作。 No berry pickers from Thailand working in Finland this summer 作者: None Thai authorities have not granted exit visas for berry pickers over suspicions of human trafficking by Finnish berry firms, reports Uutissuomalainen. 泰国当局未向莓果采摘工发放出境签证,原因是怀疑芬兰莓果公司涉及人口贩卖,Uutissuomalainen报道。 No berry pickers from Thailand have arrived in Finland, news conglomerate Uutissuomalainen reported on Monday. While Finland has approved around … Read more


旧新闻报道关于钢材价格上涨错误地与马来西亚柴油补贴削减联系在一起 Old news report about steel price rise falsely linked to Malaysian diesel subsidy cuts 作者: Najmi Mamat / AFP Malaysia After Malaysia cut blanket subsidies for diesel in June 2024, an old news report about the rising costs of steel in the country surfaced in social media… 2024年6月马来西亚取消了对柴油的全面补贴后,一篇关于该国钢铁成本上涨的旧新闻报道在社交媒体上再次浮现。 After Malaysia cut blanket subsidies for … Read more


OKX钱包推出“梗图模式”,实现即时、自托管的memecoin兑换功能。 OKX Wallet Launches ‘Meme Mode’ for Instant, Self-Custodial Memecoin Swaps 作者: OKX SINGAPORE, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, today announced the launch of ‘Meme Mode,’ a new feature on its OKX Wallet. This feature enables users to buy and sell Solana-based memecoins more intuitively and quickly by … Read more


各代人在数字经济发展中的导航:11国视角 How the Generations Navigate the Digital Economy: An 11 Country Perspective 作者: PYMNTS In an era defined by rapid technological evolution, each generation brings its own distinct approach to digital engagement. This insight emerges from the PYMNTS Intelligence report, “How The World Does Digital,” which dives deep into global generational habit… 在一个以快速技术演变为特征的时代,每一代人都带来了自己独特的数字互动方式。这一洞察来自PYMNTS智能报告《世界如何数字化》,该报告深入探讨了全球代际习惯…… In an … Read more


范堡罗航展以510亿美元的合同启动,空中客车展示了新的超远程喷气式飞机。 Farnborough Air Show kicks off with $51 billion in deals as Airbus shows off new ultra long-haul jet 作者: None Airbus flew the A321XLR for the first time since it was certified, but its U.S. rival Boeing dominated on the deal-making front. 空客自A321XLR获得认证以来首次进行了飞行,但其在美的竞争对手波音公司在交易谈判方面占据了主导地位。 An Airbus A321-XLR takes part in an air display on the … Read more


荷兰公司重新审视云计算基础设施 Dutch Firms Are Taking a Fresh Look at Cloud Infrastructure 作者: Dutch Firms Are Taking a Fresh Look at Cloud Infrastructure 荷兰公司重新审视云计算基础设施 Enterprise demand and expectations for modern data centers in the Netherlands continue to strengthen and grow, ISG Provider Lens report says AMSTERDAM–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Enterprises in the Netherlan… [+6758 chars] 企业对荷兰现代数据中心的的需求和期望持续加强和增长,ISG提供商镜头报告指出。 阿姆斯特丹–(商业swire)–荷兰的企业……[+6758个字符] 根据您提供的新闻简报,荷兰公司对云计算基础设施的需求和期望在增长,这对中国的外贸公司来说确实存在一些商业机会。以下是一些可能的商机: … Read more