
2,261股希捷科技控股公司(纳斯达克:STX)股份由Kingsview财富管理有限责任公司购买。 2,261 Shares in Seagate Technology Holdings plc (NASDAQ:STX) Purchased by Kingsview Wealth Management LLC 作者: MarketBeat News Kingsview Wealth Management LLC purchased a new position in Seagate Technology Holdings plc (NASDAQ:STX – Free Report) in the 1st quarter, Holdings Channel.com reports. The firm purchased 2,261 shares of the data storage provider’s stock, valued at … Read more


边缘技术:新材料进展可能带来更高效的量子计算机。 On the edge: New material advancements could bring about more efficient quantum computers 作者: Martyn Warwick Physicists in Germany demonstrate superconducting electrical flow that runs only along the edges of certain materialsCould presage the arrival of ‘flying qubit… 德国物理学家展示了只在某些材料边缘运行的超导电流,可能预示着“飞行量子位”的到来… A team of physicists at the University of Cologne in Germany have made advances in … Read more


尽管有看涨催化剂,油价仍面临压力。 Oil Prices Under Pressure Despite Bullish Catalysts 作者: Michael Kern Oil prices have been in decline this week despite rising geopolitical risks, with markets seeming to be focused primarily on Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the presidential race. – The Asian oil market witnessed a much-needed recovery in trading after th… 尽管地缘政治风险上升,本周油价一直在下跌,市场似乎主要关注乔·拜登决定退出总统竞选。-在经历了一段必要的交易复苏之后,亚洲石油市场出现了好转…… A … Read more


IEAT力推清洁能源地产。 IEAT touts clean energy estates 作者: Lamonphet Apisitniran The Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate and its deep-sea port in Rayong will be developed to have a clean new look under a plan to replace fossil fuel-derived energy with renewable energy to serve growing demand among companies committed to carb… 马达普工业区和其位于罗勇的深海港口将根据一项计划进行开发,以清洁的新面貌取代化石燃料能源,转而使用可再生能源,以满足那些致力于减少碳排放的公司的不断增长的需求。… The Map Ta Phut … Read more


泰国今年截至目前记录了1960万外国游客到访。 Thailand records 19.6 million foreign arrivals so far this year 作者: reuters.com Thailand recorded 19.6 million foreign tourist arrivals from January to July 21 period, the Tourism Ministry said Tuesday, up 34% from the same period a year earlier. 泰国旅游部周二表示,从今年1月到7月21日期间,泰国接待了1960万外国游客,比去年同期增长了34%。 Thailand recorded 19.6 million foreign tourist arrivals from January to July 21 period, the … Read more

新闻24 | 南非和塞内加尔获得开放社会基金会气候资金支持

新闻24 | 南非和塞内加尔获得开放社会基金会气候资金支持 News24 | SA, Senegal land Open Society Foundations climate funding 作者: Lenin Ndebele Only two African countries, South Africa and Senegal, will be getting money from a giant Open Society Foundations green energy fund later this year, in part thanks to governments that have shown dedication in dealing with climate change. 仅有两个非洲国家,南非和塞内加尔,将在今年晚些时候从开放社会基金会的一个大型绿色能源基金中获得资金,这在一定程度上得益于那些在应对气候变化方面表现出承诺的政府。 … Read more


金融服务概览:市场谈资 Financial Services Roundup: Market Talk 作者: wsj.com Insignia, Bursa Malaysia and more in the latest Market Talks covering Financial Services. 标志、马来西亚证券交易所等,在最新一期的涵盖金融服务市场的Market Talks中。 Insignia, Bursa Malaysia and more in the latest Market Talks covering Financial Services. This story appeared on wsj.com, 2024-07-23. 徽标,马来西亚证券交易所及其他内容在最新一期的涵盖金融服务的市场谈话中提及。这篇文章出现在wsj.com,2024年7月23日。 由于我无法直接访问WSJ的文章,我将基于您提供的信息来分析可能的商业机会。 从您给出的信息中,我们可以推测以下几点关于潜在的商机: 金融服务市场的关注提升: 如果马来西亚证券交易所和其他金融服务内容在市场谈话中被提及,这可能意味着该地区的金融服务领域正受到关注。 中国的外贸公司可能会发现与马来西亚的金融机构建立合作、提供相关产品或服务的机会。 市场谈资徽标: “市场谈资徽标”可能指的是某种特定的金融市场趋势或指标。 中国企业可能能够利用这些趋势或指标来调整其金融服务策略,或开发符合市场需求的新产品。 以下是可能的商业机会: a. 跨境金融服务: – … Read more

机场创新起飞: Plaza Premium集团在美洲推出宏伟增长计划

机场创新起飞: Plaza Premium集团在美洲推出宏伟增长计划 Airport Innovation Takes Flight: Plaza Premium Group Launches Ambitious Growth Plans Across Americas 作者: Business Wire TORONTO — Plaza Premium Group (PPG), the global leader in airport hospitality services and an eight-time recipient of the “World’s Best Independent Airport Lounge” award by Skytrax, has announced it will significantly expand its presence across … Read more


美国证券交易委员会被认为将批准现货以太坊ETF,成为加密货币领域最新里程碑。 SEC Seen Approving Spot-Ether ETFs in Latest Crypto Milestone 作者: Emily Graffeo and Suvashree Ghosh (Bloomberg) — Regulators approved the first US exchange-traded funds investing directly in Ether, the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency, according to… — 监管机构批准了首批直接投资于以太币的美国交易所交易基金,以太币是全球第二大加密货币,根据…… (Bloomberg) — Regulators approved the first US exchange-traded funds investing directly in Ether, the worlds second-largest cryptocurrency, according to filings … Read more

多功能包装市场增长预测至2034年复合年增长率为4.1% | 未来市场洞察公司

多功能包装市场增长预测至2034年复合年增长率为4.1% | 未来市场洞察公司 Multi-functional Packaging Market Growth Forecast at 4.1% CAGR Through 2034 | Future Market Insights, Inc. 作者: Future Market Insights Global and Consulting Pvt. Ltd. The multi-functional packaging market is driven by the rising demand for convenient and sustainable packaging solutions across various industries. Key trends include the integration of smart technologies, such … Read more