
StockNews.com开始对鑫苑房地产(纽约证券交易所:XIN)进行覆盖报道。 Initiates Coverage on Xinyuan Real Estate (NYSE:XIN) 作者: MarketBeat News Analysts at initiated coverage on shares of Xinyuan Real Estate (NYSE:XIN – Get Free Report) in a research note issued on Sunday. The brokerage set a “hold” rating on the financial services provider’s stock. Xinyuan Real Estate Stock Up 2.0 % Sh… … Read more

好消息 for the economy (注:这句英文如果直译为“对经济的好消息”,但考虑到“for the economy”通常在语境中直接对应某个好消息,故也可以译为“经济方面的好消息”。根据上下文可能需要调整翻译。)

好消息 for the economy (注:这句英文如果直译为“对经济的好消息”,但考虑到“for the economy”通常在语境中直接对应某个好消息,故也可以译为“经济方面的好消息”。根据上下文可能需要调整翻译。) Good news for the economy 作者: Fazleena Aziz PETALING JAYA: Several factors such as government reforms and strategic initiatives through ­foreign direct investments (FDIs) have contributed to the positive economic environment, say experts. Read full story 八打灵再也:专家表示,政府改革以及通过外国直接投资(FDIs)的战略举措等因素,为积极的经济发展环境做出了贡献。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: Several factors such as government reforms and strategic initiatives … Read more


2024年预算:印度会看到加密货币领域现有的预提税和其他税收减少吗? Budget 2024: Will India see a reduction in TDS and other taxes that currently exist in crypto? 作者: Avinash Shekhar This situation has led to a migration of trading volume to international exchanges, posing higher risks in terms of compliance and customer protection 这种情况导致了交易量向国际交易所的迁移,在合规性和客户保护方面带来了更高的风险。 In the past few years, there has been a gradual … Read more

摩根士丹利UFJ资产管理公司(Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co. Ltd.)减持了Grab控股有限公司(NASDAQ:GRAB)的股票持仓。

摩根士丹利UFJ资产管理公司(Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co. Ltd.)减持了Grab控股有限公司(NASDAQ:GRAB)的股票持仓。 Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB) Stock Holdings Lessened by Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co. Ltd. 作者: MarketBeat News Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co. Ltd. cut its stake in shares of Grab Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:GRAB – Free Report) by 0.5% during the first quarter, reports. The firm owned 939,618 shares … Read more


需要制定计划以减轻未来技术中断的影响。 Plans needed to mitigate future tech outages 作者: Suchit Leesa-nguansuk The global computing outage on Friday caused by a faulty software update underscores the need for the public and private sectors in Thailand to have business continuity plans to ensure their operations are not interrupted, says the head of the National Cyb… 周五由故障软件更新引发的全球计算服务中断,凸显了泰国公私部门需要有业务连续性计划,以确保其运营不会中断,国家网络安全局的负责人表示…… The … Read more

growth 寻找新的增长动力

growth 寻找新的增长动力 Seeking new engines of growth 作者: Wichit Chantanusornsiri About 40 years ago, natural gas was discovered in the Gulf of Thailand, creating excitement across the country. This period marked the dawn of Thailand’s golden era. Following this discovery, the Eastern Seaboard Development Project was initiated to develo… 大约40年前,在泰国湾发现了天然气,这在全国引起了兴奋。这个时期标志着泰国黄金时代的曙光。在这一发现之后,启动了东部沿海开发项目以发展…… About 40 years ago, natural … Read more


下载’价格捕捉器’应用以帮助应对突然的价格上涨,法赫米说。 Download ‘Price Catcher’ app to help address sudden price hikes, says Fahmi 作者: The Star Online CYBERJAYA: The public should download the Price Catcher app to help the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry to address sudden price hikes, says Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil Read full story 赛博加亚:通讯部长法希米·法兹尔表示,公众应下载“价格捕捉”应用,以帮助国内贸易和生活成本部应对突如其来的价格上涨。阅读全文。 CYBERJAYA: Komuniti Madani members should … Read more


菲律宾表示已与中国达成协议,避免在争议浅滩发生冲突。 Philippines says reached deal with China to avoid disputed shoal clashes 作者: Al Jazeera Provisional agreement aims to ease tensions after series of clashes on Second Thomas Shoal, which both countries claim. 临时协议旨在缓和在双方都声称主权的仁爱礁一系列冲突后的紧张局势。 China and the Philippines have struck a deal to defuse tensions on a contested shoal in the South China Sea, according … Read more


如果美国禁止面向中国的新GPU,英伟达可能会损失高达120亿美元的收入——分析师认为H20将很快受到禁令的打击。 Nvidia could lose up to $12 billion in revenue if US bans new China-oriented GPU — analysts believe the H20 will get the banhammer soon 作者: Anton Shilov Rumored U.S. govt’s plan, if implemented, will cost Nvidia some $12 billion. 传闻中美国政府的计划,如果实施,将使英伟达损失约120亿美元。 The U.S. is considering new trade restrictions that could prevent Nvidia from selling … Read more


服装捐赠激增给布料回收系统、当地慈善商店带来压力。 Surge of clothing donations puts pressure on fabric recycling system, local op shops 作者: Becc Chave and Sam Bradbrook Most of us feel good when we drop off a bag of clothing at an op shop, but stores are receiving so much stock they may have to send some to landfill. 我们大多数人把一袋衣物捐给慈善商店时会感觉很好,但由于收到太多库存,商店可能不得不把一些物品送到垃圾填埋场。 Op-shop operators … Read more