
较少的菲律宾人想要去国外工作,但大多数人仍然渴望海外远程工作。 Fewer Filipinos want to work abroad, but most still eager for foreign remote work 作者: Jean Mangaluz Fewer Filipinos want to work abroad, but local professionals are eager to work remotely for foreign employers, a new study from an online employment company revealed. 菲律宾人想要去海外工作的越来越少,但当地专业人士却渴望为外国雇主远程工作,一项来自在线就业公司的新研究揭示了这一点。 MANILA, Philippines — Fewer Filipinos want to work abroad, but … Read more


现代汽车在新加坡的新工厂在三层生产汽车——同一层还有由米其林厨师打理的韩国餐厅。 Hyundai’s new Singapore plant makes its cars on the third floor—the same storey as its Michelin chef-run Korean restaurant 作者: aol.com Getting to Hyundai’s seven-storey facility in Singapore’s Jurong industrial district can take up to an hour and a half, a long time in a dense city. But a customer that makes the drive … Read more


全球技术故障在广泛中断后有所缓解,关注重点转向风险。 Global tech outage eases after widespread disruption, new focus seen on risks 作者: Reuters The outage has raised concerns that many organizations are not well prepared to implement contingency plans when a single point of failure such as an IT system, or a piece of software within it, goes down 这次中断引发担忧,许多组织在应对如IT系统或其中某个软件这样的单一故障点瘫痪时,并没有做好实施应急计划的充分准备。 Services from airlines … Read more