EVx 2024:Gentari提供100林吉特充值码,用于购买899林吉特电源通卡的电动车充电信用额度。

EVx 2024:Gentari提供100林吉特充值码,用于购买899林吉特电源通卡的电动车充电信用额度。 EVx 2024: Gentari offers RM100 Reload Pin for EV charging credit for purchase of RM899 Power Pass 作者: Mick Chan The paultan.org Electric Vehicle Expo (EVx) is ongoing this weekend, taking place at the Setia City Convention Centre (SCCC) in Setia Alam, Selangor on July 20 and 21. Admission is free of charge. … Read more


亚洲航空尽管全球IT故障,仍继续运营。 AirAsia continues operations despite global IT glitch 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: AirAsia will continue to connect guests to their destinations, noting that manual processing remains the most reliable and secure method as the airline makes every effort towards recovery following a global IT glitch. Read full story 吉隆坡:亚洲航空将继续把旅客送达目的地,注意到在经历了全球性的IT故障后,手工处理仍然是恢复工作中最为可靠和安全的方法,航空公司正在尽全力恢复服务。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: AirAsia will … Read more


九月至十二月的电价将保持当前水平。 Electricity price for September-December to remain at the current rate 作者: Franc Han Shih The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) and PTT have agreed to freeze the electricity price for September through December at 4.18 baht/unit, as requested by the Ministry of Energy to ease the burden on consumers. The Energy Regulatory Commiss… … Read more

EVx 2024:预订现代电动汽车,可获得免费壁挂式充电箱或保险补贴;有机会赢取韩国4天3晚之旅。

EVx 2024:预订现代电动汽车,可获得免费壁挂式充电箱或保险补贴;有机会赢取韩国4天3晚之旅。 EVx 2024: Book a Hyundai EV, get a free wallbox or insurance subsidy; chance to win 4D3N trip to Korea 作者: Mick Chan Welcome to day one of the paultan.org Electric Vehicle Expo (EVx 2024), taking place right now at the Setia City Convention Centre in Setia Alam, Selangor, which will be ongoing … Read more


TAU智能与怡和集团及英特尔合作,开创资源高效的AI解决方案。 TAU Intelligence collaborates with Jardine Matheson and Intel to pioneer resource-efficient AI solutions 作者: PR Wire TAU Intelligence is pleased to announce a promising collaboration with Jardine Matheson and Intel. The strategic collaboration aims to enhance the application … TAU情报公司很高兴宣布与怡和集团及英特尔展开一项前景广阔的合作。这次战略合作的目的是提升应用…… Singapore (ANTARA/ACN Newswire) – TAU Intelligence is pleased to announce a promising collaboration with … Read more


DNB银行ASA(场外交易市场:DNBBY)与PT银行曼迪里(国有企业)Tbk(场外交易市场:PPERY)一对一对比调查 DNB Bank ASA (OTCMKTS:DNBBY) versus PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (OTCMKTS:PPERY) Head to Head Survey 作者: MarketBeat News PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (OTCMKTS:PPERY – Get Free Report) and DNB Bank ASA (OTCMKTS:DNBBY – Get Free Report) are both finance companies, but which is the better investment? We will compare the two businesses based … Read more


电动汽车价格还有进一步的降价空间吗? Is there room for further cuts in EV prices? 作者: Marisa Chimprabha (World) Chinese manufacturers of electric vehicles (EVs) have made tremendous inroads into Thailand’s auto industry in a short time, commanding the largest market share collectively. Their marketing strategy of offering substantial discounts, however, has angered man… 中国电动汽车(EV)制造商在短时间内已大幅进入泰国汽车行业,集体占据了最大的市场份额。然而,他们提供大幅折扣的市场策略激怒了许多人…… Chinese manufacturers of electric vehicles … Read more


马来西亚第二季度5.8%的GDP增长超出了预期,总理表示。 Malaysia’s 5.8% GDP growth in second quarter was beyond expectations, says PM 作者: N. TRISHA KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has registered growth beyond expectations, with the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) expanding by 5.8% in the second quarter of 2024, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Read full story 吉隆坡:马来西亚总理拿督斯里安华伊布拉欣表示,马来西亚经济增长超出预期,2024年第二季度的国内生产总值(GDP)增长了5.8%。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has … Read more


数字游牧民向往东南亚阳光却面临签证困境。 Digital nomads bound for south-east Asian sunshine face visa dilemma 作者: ft.com Countries such as Thailand and Indonesia have tried to formalise process but struggle to boost take-up 诸如泰国和印度尼西亚等国家试图使流程正式化,但努力提高接受度。 Countries such as Thailand and Indonesia have tried to formalise process but struggle to boost take-up This story appeared on ft.com, 2024-07-20. 诸如泰国和印尼这样的国家试图使流程正式化,但努力提高接受度。 这篇文章出现在ft.com,2024年7月20日。 这条新闻中提到的数字游牧民向往东南亚阳光却面临签证困境的情况,为中国外贸公司提供了以下潜在的商业机会: … Read more


美国一家网络安全公司的故障更新导致全球重大IT服务中断。 Faulty U.S. cybersecurity firm’s update causes major global IT outage 作者: F_300953 A suspended self-check-in kiosk is seen at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport in Toronto, Canada, on 在加拿大加拿大多伦多的比利·毕晓普多伦多城市机场,可以看到一个暂停使用的自助值机亭。 A suspended self-check-in kiosk is seen at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport in Toronto, Canada, on July 19, 2024. A faulty software update from cybersecurity … Read more