
在AI世界中拥抱人文技能 Embracing humanskills in an AI world 作者: REBECCA RAJAENDRAM WHILE tech skills feature dominantly in many of the latest “skills in demand” lists, it is equally crucial for jobseekers to embrace the unique advantages of being human. Read full story 虽然技术技能在许多最新的“热门技能”列表中占主导地位,但对于求职者来说,同样重要的是要拥抱身为人类所独有的优势。阅读全文。 WHILE tech skills feature dominantly in many of the latest skills in demand … Read more


降低美国通货膨胀将有助于安抚美联储。 Downshifting US Inflation Will Help Reassure the Fed 作者: Vince Golle and Craig Stirling (Bloomberg) — The runway toward a Federal Reserve interest-rate cut will come more into focus in the coming week amid fresh signs inflation is abating and… (彭博社)——随着新迹象显示通胀正在缓解,未来一周美联储降息的路径将变得更加清晰…… (Bloomberg) — The runway toward a Federal Reserve interest-rate cut will come more … Read more


竞争性资本主义:安得拉邦复兴阿马拉瓦蒂,切蒂斯格尔邦寻求纳瓦拉伊普尔阿塔尔纳加尔扩建的特别拨款。 Competitive capital-ism: Andhra Pradesh revives Amaravati, Chhattisgarh seeks special grant for Nava Raipur Atal Nagar expansion 作者: Shantanu Nandan Sharma Chhattisgarh seeks Rs 4,131 crore for Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, prompting comparisons with Andhra Pradesh’s Rs 15,000 crore demand for Amaravati. The 16th Finance Commission faces the dilemma of allocating funds between the two … Read more


从电子产品到笔和纸笺。 From gadgetry to pen and paper 作者: NISHEETA SEGAR “DID anyone bring their phones? Sign your name here and place your phone over there,” a teacher announced to students filing past, pointing at a table with a small pile of phones on it. Read full story 有人带手机了吗?在这里签上你的名字,把手机放在那边,”一位老师对着排队走过的学生宣布,指着一张放着一小堆手机的桌子。阅读全文故事。 DID anyone bring their phones? Sign your … Read more

OKX 钱包现已与 Carbon DeFi 集成在一起

OKX 钱包现已与 Carbon DeFi 集成在一起 OKX Wallet Now Integrated with Carbon DeFi 作者: OKX SINGAPORE, July 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, has issued updates for July 21, 2024. OKX Wallet Now… 新加坡,2024年7月20日(环球新闻swire)——领先Web3技术公司OKX发布了2024年7月21日的更新。 OKX钱包现已…… SINGAPORE, July 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKX , a leading Web3 technology company, has issued … Read more


独家-消息人士称,埃克森美孚将马来西亚油气资产出售给Petronas。 Exclusive-ExxonMobil selling Malaysia oil and gas assets to Petronas, sources say 作者: Reuters Exclusive-ExxonMobil selling Malaysia oil and gas assets to Petronas, sources say 独家-消息人士称,埃克森美孚将马来西亚石油和天然气资产出售给马来西亚国家石油公司。 By Yantoultra Ngui and Florence Tan SINGAPORE (Reuters) -Exxon Mobil Corp has agreed to sell its Malaysian oil and gas assets to state energy firm Petronas, exiting the country’s … Read more


医生对健康保险共付计划的担忧 Doctor’s concern over co-payment plans for health insurance 作者: The Star Online PETALING JAYA: Bank Negara’s recent plan to introduce co-payment options for medical and health insurance has been questioned by a health professional. Read full story 八打灵再也:一名医疗专业人士对马来西亚国家银行最近计划引入医疗和健康保险的共同支付选项提出了质疑。阅读全文。 PETALING JAYA: Bank Negara’s recent plan to introduce co-payment options for medical and health insurance has … Read more


中国如何规避全球科技崩溃的最严重后果? How China swerved worst of global tech meltdown 作者: Nick Marsh – BBC News Very few organisations will buy software from the US firm, partly thanks to its criticism of Beijing. 非常少数的组织会从这家美国公司购买软件,部分原因是它对北京的批评。 While most of the world was grappling with the blue screen of death on Friday, one country that managed to escape largely … Read more

购买三星Galaxy Z Fold 6最便宜的国家/地区

购买三星Galaxy Z Fold 6最便宜的国家/地区 The cheapest countries to buy a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 作者: Matt Horne The USA isn’t the cheapest place to buy the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6. Find out where is in this comprehensive rundown. 美国不是购买三星Galaxy Z Fold 6最便宜的地方。在这份详尽的概览中找出哪里是。 The most advanced foldable phone Samsung has ever made is also … Read more


个人空调器能成为巴黎奥运会的解决方案吗? Could Personal Air Conditioners Be a Solution for the Paris Olympics? 作者: Lechuang Tiancheng Technology (HK) Co., Limited Temperatures have risen, posing challenges for Paris Olympics. TORRAS introduces COOLiFY Cyber, an innovative personal air conditioner……. 气温上升,给巴黎奥运会带来挑战。TORRAS推出COOLiFY Cyber,一款创新的个人空调…… HONG KONG, July 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — It is no longer just the case that temperatures … Read more