Fireblocks 将Zodia托管、Komainu、CloudTech、Zerocap和Rakkar加入其全球托管人计划中。

Fireblocks 将Zodia托管、Komainu、CloudTech、Zerocap和Rakkar加入其全球托管人计划中。 Fireblocks Adds Zodia Custody, Komainu, CloudTech, Zerocap and Rakkar to Its Global Custodian Program 作者: Ian Allison Zodia Custody, Komainu, CloudTech, Zerocap and Rakkar are the first five institutional-friendly crypto custody providers to join the Fireblocks Global Custodian Partner Program. Zodia Custody、Komainu、CloudTech、Zerocap和Rakkar是首批加入Fireblocks全球托管合作伙伴计划的五家对机构友好的加密货币托管服务提供商。 The network provides institutions third party custodian options in places like … Read more


Grab在新加坡的出租车接管可能违反竞争法:监管机构表示。 Grab’s Singapore taxi takeover may violate competition law: watchdog 作者: SINGAPORE — Ride-hailing company Grab’s plan to buy Singapore’s third-largest taxi operator will “significantly reduce” competition between rival platforms and strengthen its dominant market position, the city-state’s competition watchdog said on Thursday. I… 新加坡 — 城市国家竞争监管机构周四表示,叫车公司Grab收购新加坡第三大出租车运营商的计划将“显著减少”竞争对手平台之间的竞争,并加强其市场主导地位。 SINGAPORE — Ride-hailing company Grab’s plan to … Read more


革命化医疗:全球远程医疗市场的迅速扩张;根据TNR发布的新报告,这一细分市场研究。 Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Global Telemedicine Market’s Rapid Expansion; As Per New Report Published by TNR, The Niche Research 作者: The Niche Research Global Telemedicine Market to Reach the Mark of US$ 492.1 Bn by 2034; with Growing Demand for Remote Healthcare Services Global Telemedicine Market to Reach the Mark of US$ 492.1 Bn by … Read more


美国最佳公司下调威斯敏斯特美国保险公司的信用评级;维持负面的“审查中”状态。 AM Best Downgrades Credit Ratings of Westminster American Insurance Company; Maintains Under Review With Negative Implications Status 作者: AM Best Downgrades Credit Ratings of Westminster American Insurance Company; Maintains Under Review With Negative Implications Status 美国最佳评级公司下调了威斯敏斯特美国保险公司的信用评级;维持带有负面影响的审查状态。 OLDWICK, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–AM Best has downgraded the Financial Strength Rating to A- (Excellent) from A (Excellent) and … Read more


NPCI国际与卡塔尔国家银行合作推出UPI。 NPCI International partners with Qatar National Bank to launch UPI 作者: Ajinkya Kawale In June, NIPL inked an agreement with the central bank of Peru to develop a UPI-like payment system in the South American country 六月份,NIPL与秘鲁中央银行签署了一项协议,以在秘鲁这个南美国家开发一个类似UPI的支付系统。 In June, NIPL inked an agreement with the central bank of Peru to develop a UPI-like payment … Read more


美国证券交易委员会结束对Paxos的调查,对BUSD稳定币未采取行动。 SEC ends probe into Paxos, no actions on BUSD stablecoin 作者: Oluwapelumi Adejumo The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has ended its investigation into stablecoin issuer Paxos. On July 11, Paxos announced that it received an investigations termination notice from the SEC a few days earlier on July 9. The notice confirmed that … Read more


2024年联邦预算:保险公司期待健康保险获得更多税收优惠。 Union Budget 2024: Insurers Expect More Tax Benefits For Health Insurance 作者: None More tax benefits for health insurance under the new tax regime, relaxation in payment norms for MSMEs and incentives for the agri-tech sector are among the stakeholders’ expectations from the first budget of the Modi 3.0 government. 在新税制下为健康保险提供更多税收优惠,放宽中小微企业的付款规范,以及为农业科技领域提供激励措施,这些都是各方对莫迪3.0政府首份预算的期望之一。 The finance minister … Read more

马祖金融 – 导航动态随行DeFi生态系统

马祖金融 – 导航动态随行DeFi生态系统 Mazu Finance – Navigate the dynamic Sui DeFi ecosystem 作者: Mazu Finance SINGAPORE , July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — What is Mazu Finance and what does it solve? Mazu Finance is a pioneering DeFi project, offering…… 新加坡,2024年7月11日(环球新闻swire)——什么是Mazu Finance,它解决了什么问题?Mazu Finance是一个开创性的DeFi项目,提供…… SINGAPORE , July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — What is Mazu Finance … Read more

苹果的Vision Pro销量远低于预期。这可能要等到它降低3500美元的价格才能扭转局面。

苹果的Vision Pro销量远低于预期。这可能要等到它降低3500美元的价格才能扭转局面。 Apple’s Vision Pro sales are way lower than expected. That might not turn around until it lowers the $3,500 price. 作者: Sarah Jackson Tim Cook’s Apple is expected to sell fewer than 500,000 units of its $3,500 mixed-reality Vision Pro headset this year, a new report says. 蒂姆·库克的苹果公司预计今年将销售不到50万台其售价3500美元的混合现实Vision Pro头戴式设备,一份新的报告称。 Apple CEO Tim Cook … Read more


为何我改变了我的全球会议方式 Why I Changed Up My Global Meetings 作者: Shaan Hurley I’ve been thinking a lot about how we run global meetings. You know how it goes: most of the time, we’re trying to juggle a bunch of time zones, and more often than not, we end up defaulting to US or European time zones … Read more