
中国调查媒体报道发现同一货车运输食用油和一种煤炭的情况。 China investigating after media report finds same trucks transport edible oil and a form of coal 作者: HUIZHONG WU Associated Press China’s authorities are investigating food safety concerns in cooking oils after an investigative report from local media revealed that tankers carrying soybean oil from a major state-owned company were also used to carry … Read more


柴油补贴、东盟主席成为7月10日国会下议院会议的关注焦点。 Diesel subsidy, Asean Chair among focus of Dewan Rakyat sitting on July 10 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The targeted diesel subsidy and Asean Chair are among the focus of the Dewan Rakyat sitting on Wednesday (July 10). Read full story 吉隆坡:目标柴油补贴和东盟主席是周三(7月10日)国会下议院会议的重点之一。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The targeted diesel subsidy and Asean Chair are among … Read more


政府精细调整高价值商品税实施办法。 Government fine-tuning high-value goods tax implementation 作者: GERARD GIMINO, RAHIMY RAHIM, RAGANANTHINI VETHASALAM, BENJAMIN LEE KUALA LUMPUR: The Dewan Rakyat was told that policies and legal frameworks related to the High-Value Goods Tax (HVGT) are currently being fine-tuned. Read full story 吉隆坡:国会下议院被告知,与高价值商品税(HVGT)相关的政策和法律框架目前正在调整完善。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The Dewan Rakyat was told that policies and legal frameworks … Read more


亚洲市场在华尔街创新高后表现不一 Asian Markets Mixed After Wall Street Records 作者: AFP News Asian markets diverged Wednesday after fresh records on Wall Street and remarks by the Fed chief that hinted the US central bank would cut interest rates later this year, without offering a clear timeframe. 亚洲市场在周三出现分化,此前华尔街创下新高,以及美联储主席的言论暗示美国中央银行将在今年晚些时候降息,但未提供一个明确的时间表。 Asian markets diverged Wednesday after fresh records on Wall … Read more


EBC金融集团(英国)有限公司首席执行官戴维·巴雷特谈在全球经纪市场面临日趋严格的岸上监管时如何驾驭离岸成功。 EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd CEO David Barrett on Navigating Offshore Success in the Global Brokerage Market Amid Tightening Onshore Regulations 作者: EBC Tech Limited David Barrett, CEO of EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd discusses strategic growth in the interview with World Finance…… 大卫·巴雷特,EBC金融集团(英国)有限公司的首席执行官,在接受世界金融采访时讨论了战略增长…… LONDON, July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a recent … Read more


自2018年以来,全国因非法加密货币挖矿导致的被盗电力损失达34亿马币。 RM3.4bil in stolen power lost nationwide since 2018 due to illegal crypto mining 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The country has lost as much as RM3.4bil from 2018 to 2023 due to electricity stolen for illegal cryptocurrency mining, says Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir. Read full story 吉隆坡:阿克马尔·纳斯鲁拉·莫哈末·纳西尔表示,从2018年到2023年,由于非法加密货币挖矿所盗用的电力,该国损失了高达34亿林吉特。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The country has lost … Read more


MRT公司为支持社会经济增长遭受“重创”,洛克说。 Heavy “losses” of MRT Corp to support socio-economic growth, says Loke 作者: BENJAMIN LEE, RAHIMY RAHIM, GERARD GIMINO, RAGANANTHINI VETHASALAM KUALA LUMPUR: The heavy financial “losses” of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Corp Sdn Bhd reflects its true purpose in supporting long-term socio-economic growth for the country and people, says Anthony Loke. Read full story … Read more


部门敦促泰国旅游当局设定更高的收入目标。 Ministry urges Thai tourism authority to set higher revenue target 作者: Molpasorn Shoowong The tourism revenue target for 2025 might be increased as the Tourism and Sports Ministry would like to see the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) set a higher target than the 3.5 trillion baht sought this year. 2025年的旅游收入目标可能会提高,因为旅游和体育部希望看到泰国旅游局(TAT)设定一个比今年追求的3.5万亿泰铢更高的目标。 The tourism revenue … Read more


亚洲最严重的股市亏损抹去了泰国创始人的亿万富翁身份。 Asia’s worst stock loser erases Thai founder from billionaire status 作者: Bloomberg News Somphote Ahunai, whose net worth topped US$4.8 billion two years ago, is no longer a billionaire after a series of unwieldy efforts to diversify one of Thailand’s biggest renewable-power producers into a Tesla-like transport specialist. Somphote Ahunai,其身价在两年前达到48亿美元,在一系列试图将泰国最大的可再生能源生产商转型为类似特斯拉的交通专业公司的笨拙努力后,已不再是一位亿万富翁。 Somphote Ahunai, whose net … Read more

Hotelogix PMS与Lybra RMS整合,帮助酒店提高收入。

Hotelogix PMS与Lybra RMS整合,帮助酒店提高收入。 Hotelogix PMS integrates with Lybra RMS to help hotels increase revenue 作者: Hotelogix Singapore, 10/July/2024: Hotelogix, a globally leading cloud-based hospitality technology provider, announced the two-way integration of its Hotel Property Management System (Hotel PMS) with Lybra’s Assistant Revenue Management System (RMS). This strategic in… 新加坡,2024年7月10日:全球领先的云基础酒店技术服务提供商Hotelogix宣布,已将其酒店物业管理系统(Hotel PMS)与Lybra的助理收益管理系统(RMS)实现双向整合。这一战略性的整合…… Singapore, 10/July/2024: Hotelogix, a globally … Read more