
深度探讨播客:增加附加费会扼杀对计程出租车的需求吗? Deep Dive Podcast: Will increasing surcharges kill off demand for metered taxis? 作者: None The temporary hike in Changi Airport and Mandai Wildlife Reserve was made permanent from Jul 1. 樟宜机场和万礼野生动物保护区的临时涨价从7月1日起变为永久性涨价。 Here’s an excerpt of the conversation: Crispina Robert:In places like Changi (Airport) and some of these tourist destinations, what if there are no … Read more

涂料添加剂市场到2034年将达到15840.4百万美元,受防火和耐恶劣气候涂料需求的推动 | 未来市场洞察公司

涂料添加剂市场到2034年将达到15840.4百万美元,受防火和耐恶劣气候涂料需求的推动 | 未来市场洞察公司 Paint Additive Market to Reach USD 15840.4 Million by 2034 Backed by Rising Demand for Fire and Harsh Climate Resistant Paints | Future Market Insights, Inc. 作者: Future Market Insights Global and Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Expanding construction and building sector including infrastructure projects in developing countries will propel the market growth of … Read more


医疗金融科技公司HealthEquity披露了一起数据泄露事件。 Healthcare fintech firm HealthEquity disclosed a data breach 作者: Pierluigi Paganini Healthcare firm HealthEquity disclosed a data breach caused by a partner’s compromised account that exposed protected health information. Healthcare fintech firm HealthEquity disclosed a data breach after a partner’s compromised account was used to access its… 医疗保健公司HealthEquity披露了一起数据泄露事件,由合作伙伴账户被侵害导致,暴露了受保护的医疗信息。医疗金融科技公司HealthEquity在合作伙伴账户被用来访问其……之后披露了数据泄露事件。 Healthcare fintech firm HealthEquity disclosed a … Read more


肯德基推出210万令吉的大学奖学金,面向B40学生。 KFC launches RM2.1mil tertiary scholarship for B40 students 作者: The Star Online AN INITIATIVE to empower 30 students from underprivileged communities in Malaysia in their higher education journey has been launched by KFC Malaysia. Read full story 一项旨在支持马来西亚弱势群体中的30名学生完成高等教育的倡议已由马来西亚肯德基启动。阅读全文。 AN INITIATIVE to empower 30 students from underprivileged communities in Malaysia in their higher education journey … Read more


周大福珠宝集团有限公司(CJEWY)将于8月1日除息。 Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited (CJEWY) To Go Ex-Dividend on August 1st 作者: MarketBeat News Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited (OTCMKTS:CJEWY – Get Free Report) announced a dividend on Tuesday, July 2nd, NASDAQ reports. Stockholders of record on Thursday, August 1st will be paid a dividend of 0.3341 per share on Wednesday, … Read more


国际石油(多伦多证券交易所:IPCO)达到新的12个月高点,股价为19.27美元。 International Petroleum (TSE:IPCO) Hits New 12-Month High at $19.27 作者: MarketBeat News International Petroleum Co. (TSE:IPCO – Get Free Report)’s stock price hit a new 52-week high on Tuesday . The company traded as high as C$19.27 and last traded at C$19.13, with a volume of 26992 shares traded. The stock had previously closed … Read more


今日股市:日本日经225指数刷新纪录收盘价,引领亚洲股市上涨。 Stock market today: Japan’s Nikkei 225 hits new record close, leading Asian shares higher 作者: ELAINE KURTENBACH AP business writer Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 has surged to a record close of 40,913.65, leading markets in most of Asia higher 日本的基准日经225指数飙升创纪录收盘价40,913.65点,带动多数亚洲市场上涨。 BANGKOK — Japans benchmark Nikkei 225 surged Thursday to a record close of 40,913.65, … Read more


市场延续涨势,美元下跌,因美国数据助长了降息预期。 Markets Extend Gains, Dollar Dips As US Data Fans Rate Cut Hopes 作者: AFP news Equities rose and the dollar slipped further on Thursday as investors welcomed more data pointing to a softening labour market that gives the Federal Reserve room to cut interest rates, with another key jobs report due later in the … Read more


国家诈骗热线接到37,002名受害者来电,截至2024年5月,报告损失高达2033.3万林吉特,安华说道。 National scam hotline gets 37,002 calls from victims, RM203.33mil losses reported as of May 2024, says Anwar 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) received as many as 37,002 calls from scam victims with a total reported loss of RM203.33mil as of May 2024. Read full story 吉隆坡:国家诈骗响应中心(NSRC)截至2024年5月,共接到37,002个诈骗受害者的电话,总报称损失高达2.0333亿林吉特。阅读全文故事。 KUALA … Read more


工程部密切监控建筑材料价格,纳塔说。 Works Ministry closely monitoring construction materials prices, says Nanta 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The Works Ministry is closely monitoring developments in the construction industry, particularly concerning the rising prices of construction materials and raw materials, following the removal of diesel subsidy in June. Read full story 吉隆坡:工程部正在密切关注建筑行业的发展情况,特别是自六月份柴油补贴取消以来,建筑材料和原材料价格上涨的问题。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The Works Ministry … Read more