
奔驰世界活动将于7月5日至7日在吉隆坡基地、SG贝西举行——全新AMG车型、试驾、优惠。 Mercedes-Benz World happening at KL Base, Sg Besi from July 5-7 – new AMG models, test drives, deals 作者: Gerard Lye Mercedes-Benz World is set to open its doors to the public this weekend from July 5-7 at KL Base, Sungai Besi, and here’s what you can expect at the event. First up is … Read more


与研究机构合作编制行业报告 SET teams with research firms for industry reports 作者: Nuntawun Polkuamdee The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is joining with four research houses to produce comprehensive industry reports, aiming to provide investors with crucial decision-making information and highlight potential industries. 泰国证券交易所(SET)与四家研究机构合作编制全面的行业报告,旨在为投资者提供关键的决策信息,并突出潜在行业。 The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is joining with four research houses to … Read more


三井住友信托控股公司出售了890股赫斯公司(纽约证券交易所:HES)的股票。 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc. Sells 890 Shares of Hess Co. (NYSE:HES) 作者: MarketBeat News Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc. cut its stake in shares of Hess Co. (NYSE:HES – Free Report) by 0.1% in the first quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The … Read more


全球柔性泡沫市场预计在2024至2032年间以5.5%的复合年增长率达到66.54亿美元——Polaris市场研究公司(PMR)报告指出。 Global Flexible Foam Market Projected to Hit USD 66.54 billion at a 5.5% CAGR from 2024 to 2032- Report by Polaris Market Research (PMR) 作者: Polaris Market Research & Consulting LLP Increasing demand from the automotive sector and the growing construction industry is anticipated to drive flexible foam market growth. Increasing demand from the … Read more


Piggycell,一个基于物联网的RWA项目,获得了来自公共主网、互联网计算机的投资。 Piggycell, a IoT based RWA project, secures investment from a public mainnet, Internet Computer 作者: Chainwire Piggycell, a IoT based RWA project, secures investment from a public mainnet, Internet Computer Piggycell,一个基于物联网的RWA项目,获得了公共主网、互联网计算机的投资。 singapore, singapore, July 4th, 2024, Chainwire Piggycel, a IoT-based blockchain RWA project, has secured investment from the global mainnet Internet Computer (ICP) and … Read more


富士康获准在越南追加投资5.51亿美元,媒体报导。 Foxconn gets licence to invest $551 million more in Vietnam, media reports 作者: Reuters Foxconn Singapore has been awarded a licence to invest $551 million in two projects to produce smart entertainment products and smart-system equipment in… 富士康新加坡公司已获得许可,投资5.51亿美元在两个项目中生产智能娱乐产品和智能系统设备… HANOI (Reuters) – Foxconn Singapore has been awarded a licence to invest $551 million in two … Read more

印度纺织品、服装出口在Gartex Texprocess之前因创新而激增。

印度纺织品、服装出口在Gartex Texprocess之前因创新而激增。 India textile, apparel exports surge on innovation ahead of Gartex Texprocess 作者: Hannah Abdulla India enjoyed a 9.7% surge in apparel exports in May 2024 and Messe Frankfurt’s upcoming Gartex Texprocess India exhibition aims to showcase India’s growing … 印度在2024年5月服装出口实现了9.7%的增长,法兰克福展览公司即将举办的Gartex Texprocess印度展览旨在展示印度不断增长的…… Apparel and textile trade show Gartex Texprocess India will be taking place … Read more

海 Crest 财富管理有限责任公司收购了457股VanEck半导体ETF(纳斯达克:SMH)

海 Crest 财富管理有限责任公司收购了457股VanEck半导体ETF(纳斯达克:SMH) SeaCrest Wealth Management LLC Acquires 457 Shares of VanEck Semiconductor ETF (NASDAQ:SMH) 作者: MarketBeat News SeaCrest Wealth Management LLC boosted its holdings in VanEck Semiconductor ETF (NASDAQ:SMH – Free Report) by 13.9% in the 1st quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm owned … Read more


为什么有如此之多寄托在777X上,波音最新的远程飞机已经晚了5年,耗资数十亿美元。 Why so much is riding on the 777X, Boeing’s newest long-haul plane that is already 5 years late and costing billions 作者: businessinsider.com A Boeing 777X at 2022’s Farnborough Airshow. It won’t make an appearance this year as Boeing focuses on its quality problems. Richard Baker/Getty Images Boeing’s 777X, its largest passenger plane, is … Read more


Trafigura和Frontier收购美国808兆瓦的山溪发电厂。 Trafigura and Frontier acquire 808MW Mountain Creek power plant in US 作者: GlobalData With existing grid infrastructure, the 1,500-acre site holds potential for future development opportunities. 现有电网基础设施下,这个1,500英亩的场地具有未来发展的潜力。 Singapore-based trading company Trafigura, with its joint venture (JV) partner the Frontier Group of Companies, has acquired the Mountain Creek power plant in Texas, US. The financial … Read more