
比亚迪将在欧盟对中国电动汽车征收新关税之际开设泰国工厂 BYD to open Thai factory as new EU tariffs on China EVs kick in 作者: asia.nikkei.com BANGKOK — Chinese electric vehicle champion BYD plans to mark the opening of its first factory in Southeast Asia on Thursday — a $486 million facility in Thailand’s Rayong province — with hefty price cuts for local buyers. … Read more


并非你的想象——餐厅预订变得越来越难了。 It’s not your imagination — restaurant reservations are becoming harder to get 作者: theweek@futurenet.com (Justin Klawans, The Week US) Bots, scalpers and even credit card companies are making reservations a rare commodity 机器人、黄牛党甚至信用卡公司使得预订变得极为稀缺。 Don’t adjust your dining app, because it’s not you — restaurant reservations are indeed becoming more difficult to get. This is not … Read more


摩根大通对曼谷银行变得更加乐观,上调股票评级。 JPMorgan gets more bullish on Bangkok Bank, upgrades shares 作者: None See the rest of the story here. thefly.com provides the latest financial news as it breaks. Known as a leader in market intelligence, The Fly’s real-time, streaming news feed keeps individual investors, professional money managers, active traders, and corpor… 查看故事的其余部分在这里。 thefly.com提供最新的金融新闻,及时更新。作为市场情报领域的领导者,The Fly的实时流新闻源让个人投资者、专业资金管理者、活跃交易者和公司……保持信息同步。 Earnings … Read more


哈里·昆祖的逃离艺术市场 Hari Kunzru’s Escape From the Art Market 作者: Jess Bergman In Honoré de Balzac’s 1831 story “The Unknown Masterpiece,” the young artist Nicolas Poussin presents himself at the studio of Porbus, a seventeenth-century court painter, hoping to inhale the fumes of creative genius. It is a stroke of luck that his visit co… 在奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克的1831年故事《未知的杰作》中,年轻艺术家尼古拉·普桑来到十七世纪宫廷画家波布斯的工作室,希望能吸吮创作的灵感。他的到访真是一大幸运…… … Read more


小米智能空气净化器紧凑型评测:只需50美元就能呼吸更清洁的空气? Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier Compact Review: Cleaner Air For As Low As $50? 作者: Ben Sin, Contributor, Ben Sin, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/bensin/ Xiaomi’s compact air purifier is going on sale in the U.S., and Walmart has a deal that shaves $20 off its usual $70 price. 小米的紧凑型空气净化器将在美国销售,沃尔玛有一项优惠,可以将其通常70美元的价格减去20美元。 Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Compact Ben Sin … Read more


入境免税店将被关闭。 Inbound duty-free shops to be closed 作者: Gary Boyle The cabinet says duty-free shops in arrivals areas of international airports will be closed to encourage more spending by visitors in domestic stores. 内阁表示,将关闭国际机场到达区域的免税商店,以鼓励游客在国内商店消费。 The cabinet says duty-free shops in arrivals areas of international airports will be closed to encourage more spending by visitors in … Read more


尽管五月份增速放缓,印度酒店签约依然保持强劲——印度报告 Hotel Signings Remain Strong in India Despite Slow May – India Report 作者: Skift We’re always talking about growth in India, and the hotel industry has had a significant number of branded signings and openings this year. But in May, there was a significant decline in average daily rates and revenue per available room … Read more


农业部表示,超过90条在线广告因未经许可销售大米被撤下。 Over 90 online ads taken down for unlicensed sale of rice, says Agriculture Ministry 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 94 online advertisements related to rice sales were taken down by ecommerce platform providers between Oct 1 and May 31 for not possessing retail licences issued by the Padi and Rice … Read more


前公司老板因隐瞒女子130万林吉特被监禁六个月。 Former company owner jailed six months for concealing woman’s RM1.3mil 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: A former construction and renovation company owner was sentenced to six months in prison by the Sessions Court here on Wednesday (July 3) after he pleaded guilty to transferring and concealing more than RM1.3mil belonging to a woman … Read more


泰国《福布斯》榜单上最富有的50人财富下降近12%,至1530亿美元。 Wealth Of Thailand’s 50 Richest On Forbes List Declines Nearly 12% To $153 Billion 作者: Forbes Press Releases, Forbes Staff, Forbes Press Releases, Forbes Staff https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes-spotlights/ The combined wealth of tycoons on the 2024 Forbes list of Thailand’s 50 Richest declined by nearly 12% or US$20 billion to $153 billion. 2024年福布斯泰国50大富豪榜上,各位大佬的财富总和相比下降了近12%,即减少了200亿美元,降至1530亿美元。 Red Bull co-owners … Read more