全球创伤治疗设备市场分析至2030年 | 关注产品、区域及竞争格局 | 在展望期内北美预测将实现3.44%的复合年增长率

全球创伤治疗设备市场分析至2030年 | 关注产品、区域及竞争格局 | 在展望期内北美预测将实现3.44%的复合年增长率 Global Wound Therapy Devices Market Analysis to 2030 | Focus on Product, Region, and the Competitive Landscape | North America Forecast to Register 3.44% CAGR During the Outlook Period 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Wound Therapy Devices Market – A Global and Regional … Read more


新加坡航空公司将向受伤乘客赔偿。 Singapore Airlines to compensate injured passengers 作者: Caitlin O’Kane Following a severely turbulent flight that injured more than 100 passengers last month, Singapore Airlines has announced it will offer compensation to those effected. 在经历了上个月严重颠簸的航班,导致100多名乘客受伤后,新加坡航空公司宣布将向受影响的乘客提供赔偿。 Following a severely turbulent flight that injured more than 100 passengers last month, Singapore Airlines has announced it will offer compensation … Read more


GOPIZZA获得泰国领先企业集团CP集团1000万美元投资。 GOPIZZA Secures $10 Million Investment from Thailand’s Leading Conglomerate CP Group 作者: 김 문선 Food technology company GOPIZZA has secured a $10 million (KRW 13.6 billion) investment from CP ALL, the core distribution arm of Thailand’s CP Group. This latest investment from a major international company follows GOPIZZA’s $18.2 million (KRW 2.5 billion) … … Read more


政府在对黄金首饰配件进口限制中,面临其数量增加30倍的情况。 Govt restricts import of gold jewellery parts amid 30 times increase 作者: Shreya Nandi The jump in imports has been the sharpest in the case of gold jewellery finished parts, which saw a 30 times increase to $1.55 billion in FY24 from $51.51 million a year ago 进口的增长在黄金首饰成品部件方面最为显著,从上一财年的5151万美元激增30倍至FY24的15.5亿美元。 The jump in imports has been … Read more


放弃钻石珠宝战,Angara靠彩色宝石繁荣发展。 Ceding The Diamond Jewelry Battle, Angara Prospers With Color Gemstones 作者: Pamela N. Danziger, Senior Contributor, Pamela N. Danziger, Senior Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/pamdanziger/ Vertically-integrated, direct-to-consumer online jeweler, Angara has grown 4X from 2019 to 2023, generating 80% of revenues from color gemstones and pearls. 垂直整合、直接面向消费者的在线珠宝商Angara,从2019年到2023年的增长达4倍,其80%的收入来自于彩色宝石和珍珠。 We are agnostic whether people buy diamonds or color; we … Read more


这是新加坡航空公司为在致命航班上受伤的乘客提供的赔偿金额。 This is how much compensation Singapore Airlines is offering passengers hurt on deadly flight 作者: Emily Crane The Boeing 777 jet, which was carrying 211 passengers and 18 crew, was forced to make an emergency landing in Thailand after striking the sudden turbulence en route from London to Singapore back on May 20. 波音777喷气式飞机在5月20日从伦敦飞往新加坡的途中遭遇突然气流后,被迫在泰国进行紧急降落,机上载有211名乘客和18名机组人员。 … Read more


内幕故事:以色列航空公司如何决定在最大规模的飞机订单中继续保持全波音机队运营商身份。 The Inside Story Of How El Al Decided To Remain An All-Boeing Carrier With Its Largest Ever Aircraft Order 作者: Dan El Al currently has 24 737NGs (consisting of 16 Boeing 737-800s and 8 Boeing 737-900ERs) 6 Boeing 777-200ERs (only some of these are currently operational), and 16 Dreamliners (consisting of 4 Boeing 787-8s, … Read more

全球可变气门正时及启停系统市场规模预计将在2033年超过823.3亿美元 | 年复合增长率为5.68%

全球可变气门正时及启停系统市场规模预计将在2033年超过823.3亿美元 | 年复合增长率为5.68% Global VVT and Start-Stop System Market Size To Exceed USD 82.33 Billion By 2033 | CAGR Of 5.68% 作者: SPHERICAL INSIGHTS LLP The Global VVT & Start-Stop System Market Size was Valued at USD 47.38 Billion in 2023 and the Worldwide VVT & Start-Stop System Market Size is Expected to Reach USD … Read more


不再有童工劳动。 No more child labour 作者: Editorial Today is “World Day Against Child Labour”, reminding Thailand once again of the need to intensify efforts to eradicate the horrors of this scourge. 今天是“世界禁止童工日”,再次提醒泰国需要加大努力,根除这一祸害的恐怖。 Today is “World Day Against Child Labour”, reminding Thailand once again of the need to intensify efforts to eradicate the horrors of this … Read more


Bitec举办可持续包装趋势会议,有2,000家参展商参与。 Bitec hosts conference on sustainable packaging trends with 2,000 exhibitors 作者: None The latest technologies, solutions and trends shaping the future of sustainable processing and packaging are presented during “ProPak Asia 2024”, which kicks off today and runs daily from 10am to 6pm until Saturday, at Bitec, Bang Na-Trat Road. 最新的技术、解决方案和趋势塑造着可持续加工和包装的未来,这些内容将在“ProPak Asia 2024”活动中展示,活动今天启动,每日上午10点至下午6点在Bang Na-Trat路上的Bitec展览中心举行,直至周六。 … Read more