
安玛塔VN预测收入将上升多达20%。 Amata VN forecasts revenue to rise by up to 20% 作者: Lamonphet Apisitniran SET-listed Amata VN, an industrial estate developer in Vietnam, expects its revenue to increase by 15-20% in 2024, driven by more foreign investment in Vietnam, especially from China, as a result of geopolitical conflicts and the US-China trade war. 在泰国SET上市的公司Amata VN,作为越南的工业地产开发商,预计其2024年的收入将增长15-20%,这一增长得益于越南吸引的外国投资增加,尤其是在地缘政治冲突和美国与中国贸易战背景下,来自中国的投资增多。 … Read more


艺术、手工艺促进软实力。 Arts, crafts to promote soft power 作者: Phusadee Arunmas Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai has ordered the Sustainable Arts and Crafts Institute of Thailand (SACIT) to continue implementing the royal wishes of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit regarding the support and promotion of local arts and crafts to make them c… 商业部长Phumtham Wechayachai已下令泰国可持续手工艺品研究院(SACIT)继续执行诗丽吉王后陛下的意愿,关于支持和发展当地手工艺品,使之……(此处原文未完整,无法提供完整翻译)。 Commerce Minister Phumtham … Read more


安利旨在提升膳食补充品的销售。 Amway aims to boost sales of dietary supplements 作者: Kuakul Mornkum Amway Thailand expects flat growth for the direct sales industry this year, but the company aims to increase its sales of dietary supplements as more consumers are health-conscious following the pandemic. 安利泰国预计直销行业今年将持平增长,但该公司旨在增加其膳食补充剂的销售额,因为越来越多的消费者在大流行后注重健康。 Amway Thailand expects flat growth for the direct sales industry this … Read more


天然气产量增加和地区购买以减少液化天然气进口量。 Gas production hikes and regional buying to cut LNG imports 作者: Yuthana Praiwan Thailand plans to increase domestic gas production and renew gas purchases from neighbouring countries to reduce its dependence on liquefied natural gas (LNG) as gas demand is expected to increase in Asia, say energy authorities and analysts. 泰国计划提高国内天然气产量并重新从邻国购买天然气,以减少对液化天然气(LNG)的依赖,因为预计亚洲的天然气需求将会增加,能源当局和分析人士表示。 Thailand plans to … Read more


早盘竞价:科技板块——英伟达下跌拖累市场情绪 Morning Bid: Tech that – Nvidia slump sours market mood 作者: Reuters Morning Bid: Tech that – Nvidia slump sours market mood 早上竞价:科技板块——英伟达下滑拖累市场情绪。 By Jamie McGeever (Reuters) – A look at the day ahead in Asian markets. The wave of profit-taking in U.S. Big Tech and AI stocks appears to be gathering momentum, which … Read more


新加坡航空KrisFlyer会员2024年6月即兴逃脱享受30%折扣。 30% Discount for Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer Spontaneous Escapes June 2024 作者: Live from a Lounge Singapore Airlines is offering a great opportunity to redeem some sectors on their global network at a discounted price of 30% when you book with Krisflyer miles. Hurry because these won’t last long. Book now. The post 30% Discount … Read more


国会下议院被告知:兰卡威将被推广为首选的穆斯林旅游目的地。 Langkawi to be promoted as preferred Muslim destination, Dewan Rakyat told 作者: KHOO GEK SAN, MARTIN CARVALHO, JUNAID IBRAHIM KUALA LUMPUR: Langkawi is being positioned as a preferred Muslim destination with an emphasis on family-friendly and spiritual tourism, says the Deputy Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister. Read full story 吉隆坡:副旅游、艺术和文化部长表示,兰卡威正被定位为首选的穆斯林旅游目的地,重点发展家庭友好和心灵旅游。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: Langkawi is … Read more


苹果公司致力于在新的报告中详细阐述iPhone组装的自动化努力。 Apple’s Efforts to Automate iPhone Assembly Detailed in New Report 作者: Joe Rossignol The Information today reported that shortly after COVID-19-related lockdowns and protests in China impacted iPhone assembler Foxconn in late 2022, Apple’s senior vice president of operations Sabih Khan instructed managers to reduce the number of workers on iP… 《信息》今天报道,在2022年底,中国与新冠疫情相关的封控和抗议活动影响到了苹果iPhone组装商富士康,随后,苹果负责运营的高级副总裁Sabih Khan指示经理们减少iP…上的工人数量。 The … Read more


亚马逊OpenSearch无服务器版现在在加拿大(中部)区域可用。 Amazon OpenSearch Serverless now available in Canada (Central) region 作者: aws@amazon.com We are excited to announce the availability of Amazon OpenSearch Serverless in the Canada (Central) region. OpenSearch Serverless is a serverless deployment option for Amazon OpenSearch Service that makes it simple to run search and analytics workloads withou… 我们很高兴宣布,Amazon OpenSearch Serverless已在加拿大(中部)区域推出。OpenSearch Serverless是Amazon OpenSearch服务的一种无服务器部署选项,它使得运行搜索和分析工作负载变得简单,而无需…… … Read more


新加坡最大的房地产公司的CEO认为,该市的房地产市场在今年将保持稳定——但他对2025年“非常期待”。 The CEO behind Singapore’s largest realtor thinks the city’s housing market will stay cool through the year—but he’s ‘very excited’ about 2025 作者: Lionel Lim PropNex, a Singapore-based realtor, is the only real estate agency on the inaugural Fortune Southeast Asia 500. PropNex,一家总部位于新加坡的房地产代理公司,是首届《财富》东南亚500强中唯一的房地产代理。 Singapores housing market, running hot just a few years ago, is … Read more