
健康城市更绿色、更宜居,诺曼·福斯特如是说。 Healthy Cities Are Greener And More Desirable, Says Norman Foster 作者: Jamie Hailstone, Contributor, Jamie Hailstone, Contributor Foster said there is clear evidence the incorporation of more trees into a city will help to absorb more carbon dioxide and can reduce the urban heat island effect. 福斯特表示,有明确的证据表明,将更多树木融入城市有助于吸收更多二氧化碳,并可以减少城市热岛效应。 MADRID, SPAIN – OCTOBER 05: Architect … Read more


贝德福德环球主题公园新细节曝光。 Fresh details revealed for Universal theme park in Bedford 作者: Ian King New details have been unveiled for Universal’s first UK theme park – including plans for the attraction to be open 365 days a year. 新细节已经公布,关于环球在英国的首个主题公园——包括计划让该景点全年365天开放。 New details have been unveiled for Universal’s first UK theme park – including plans for the attraction … Read more


马科斯团队的经济自信有根据吗? Is Team Marcos Justified Its Economic Swagger? 作者: David Hutt For all its economic challenges, the Philippines has one major advantage over its Southeast Asian peers. 尽管面临所有经济挑战,菲律宾仍在其东南亚邻国中拥有一个主要优势。 A few weeks ago, the Philippines Finance Secretary Ralph Recto took to the stage and made a bold declaration. By 2033, he claimed, the country’s economy could … Read more


中国游客的榴莲宴变得丑陋不堪。 Chinese tourist’s durian feast turns ugly 作者: The Star Online A DURIAN buffet outing turned into a nightmare for a tourist from China after she was bitten by the orchard’s dog, reported China Press. Read full story 一次榴莲自助游对一名来自中国的游客来说变成了噩梦,因为她在果园被狗咬伤。《中国报》报道了这一事件。阅读全文。 A DURIAN buffet outing turned into a nightmare for a tourist from China after she was … Read more


市场营销至关重要:游戏开发者市场营销指南 Marketing matters: The developer’s guide to game marketing 作者: Guest Author What happens behind the scenes of your game will determine its trajectory for success. You could develop an incredible game, but players may never even know… 游戏幕后发生的事情将决定其成功的走向。您可能开发了一款令人难以置信的游戏,但玩家可能永远都不会了解…… If your studio has $2-3 million to spend on marketing it’s worth hiring an analyst to … Read more

Robinhood 应用程序将于7月31日关闭。

Robinhood 应用程序将于7月31日关闭。 Robinhood app shutting down on July 31 作者: Online Reporters Robinhood, the commission-free application for on-demand food delivery, hotel booking and other services, will cease operations on July 31, Siam Commercial Bank announced on Tuesday. Robinhood这款免佣金的应用程序,提供外卖、酒店预订等服务,将于7月31日停止运营,泰国商业银行于周二宣布。 Robinhood, the commission-free application for on-demand food delivery, hotel booking and other services, will cease operations on … Read more

阿尔茨海默病药物研究报告2024:至2032年的药物类别、药物类型、分销渠道、地区及公司分析 ——

阿尔茨海默病药物研究报告2024:至2032年的药物类别、药物类型、分销渠道、地区及公司分析 —— Alzheimer’s Drugs Research Report 2024: Drug Class, Drug Type, Distribution Channel, Region and Company Analysis to 2032 – 作者: Business Wire DUBLIN — The “Alzheimer’s Drugs Market Report by Drug Class, Drug Type, Distribution Channel, Region and Company Analysis 2024-2032” report has been added to’s offering. The global Alzheimer’s drug … Read more


中式外卖:中国EcoCeres的循环利用烹饪油将为新西兰航空航班提供动力。 Chinese takeaway: Recycled cooking oil from EcoCeres in China to power Air New Zealand flights 作者: Grant Bradley Airline says it risks falling behind targets for sustainable aviation fuel. 航空公司表示,它存在未能达到可持续航空燃料目标的风险。 Kiri Hannifin, Air New Zealand chief sustainability and corporate affairs officer.Air New Zealand has this week received a shipment of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (Saf) … Read more

新加坡航空公司返程票价:新加坡497新加坡元,东京752新加坡元,香港581新加坡元,胡志明市525新加坡元 @ IWTF

新加坡航空公司返程票价:新加坡497新加坡元,东京752新加坡元,香港581新加坡元,胡志明市525新加坡元 @ IWTF Singapore Airlines Return: Singapore $497, Tokyo $752, Hong Kong $581, Ho Chi Minh $525 @ IWTF 作者: IWantThatFlight Singapore Airlines is having a huge sale. We have found flights from Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Cairns, Canberra, Gold Coast and Townsville. I have only posted a few travel dates here to … Read more


植物在遭受盐分胁迫时移除过量的氯离子。 Removal of excess chloride ions by plants when subjected to salt stress 作者: None Researchers have discovered a salt adaptation mechanism in plants that facilitates chloride removal from the roots and enhancing salinity tolerance. A research team has uncovered a novel mechanism of plant adaptation to salt stress involving the NaCl-induced … 研究人员发现了一种植物中的盐适应机制,该机制有助于从根部去除氯化物并提高耐盐性。一个研究团队揭示了一种新型植物适应盐胁迫的机制,涉及由NaCl诱导的…… National … Read more