
这三种粮食作物耐高温且营养丰富。 These Three Food Crops Are Heat Tolerant And Highly Nutritious 作者: Juergen Eckhardt, Contributor, Juergen Eckhardt, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/juergeneckhardt/ Millets, chickpeas, and seaweed offer both environmental and nutritional advantages. Such crops have a place in feeding a growing population as the planet warms. 小米、鹰嘴豆和海藻既具有环境优势,也具有营养优势。随着地球变暖,这些作物在喂养日益增长的人口方面有其重要作用。 Seaweed grown by startup Seadling, based in Malaysia, is developed to … Read more


《布里奇顿》的商机:Netflix如何利用其最火热的剧集盈利 The Business of ‘Bridgerton’: How Netflix Is Capitalizing on One of Its Biggest Hits 作者: Loree Seitz The streamer is planning long term with product partnerships and live events connected to hit franchises The post The Business of ‘Bridgerton’: How Netflix Is Capitalizing on One of Its Biggest Hits appeared first on TheWrap. 流媒体平台正计划通过与产品合作和与热门系列相关的直播活动来制定长期规划 … Read more


资助医疗保健,而非保险费。 Finance Healthcare, Not Insurance Premia 作者: Yves Smith A new study finds that revenue-funded healthcare is cost-effective, efficient, and fair, while all health insurance has avoidable excess cost 一项新研究发现,由收入资助的医疗保健是具有成本效益、高效且公平的,而所有健康保险都存在可避免的过度成本。 Yves here. Jomo’s post summarizes a new study which lends yet more support to the view that inserting insurers into heathcare raises cost without improving … Read more


香港置地将在租户支持下投资10亿美元升级零售空间 Hongkong Land To Invest $1 Billion In Retail Space Upgrade With Support From Tenants 作者: Zinnia Lee, Forbes Staff, Zinnia Lee, Forbes Staff https://www.forbes.com/sites/zinnialee/ Jardine Matheson’s property arm said it is pouring $400 million into the project, with an additional $600 million coming from tenants such as Hermes and Louis Vuitton. 怡和集团的房地产部门表示,它将投入4亿美元到这个项目中,另外6亿美元将来自爱马仕和路易威登等租户。 Michael Smith, … Read more


摩纳哥是全球租房最昂贵的地方。一个每月3万美元的预算可以租到一套1,200平方英尺的公寓。 Monaco is the world’s most expensive place to rent. A monthly budget of $30K will get you a 1,200-square-foot apartment. 作者: Joshua Zitser Monaco is the world’s most expensive residential rental market, according to Knight Frank, far surpassing Hong Kong, London, New York, and Singapore. 根据莱坊(Knight Frank)的报告,摩纳哥是世界上住宅租赁市场最昂贵的地方,远远超过了香港、伦敦、纽约和新加坡。 Monaco offers tax benefits, low crime rates, … Read more


政府将从7月1日起推行新的实验室玻璃器皿质量标准。 Govt to roll out new quality standards for lab glassware from 1 July 作者: Dhirendra Kumar Poor quality glassware is prone to failure under normal laboratory conditions, posing safety risks to researchers and potentially contaminating samples 低质量的玻璃器皿在正常实验室条件下容易损坏,对研究人员构成安全风险,并可能污染样本。 New Delhi: Come July, manufacturers of laboratory glassware will need to comply with new standards set by … Read more


亚马逊印度支付充值;电子游戏公司面临的GST传票。 Amazon Pay India top up; GST summons for egaming firms 作者: ETtech Amazon has pumped Rs 600 crore in its local fintech business Amazon Pay India. This and more today’s ETtech Top 5. 亚马逊已向其本地金融科技业务亚马逊支付印度公司注资60亿卢比。此事及更多内容,尽在今天ETtech的五大要闻。 Amazon has pumped Rs 600 crore in its local fintech business Amazon Pay India. This and more todays ETtech Top … Read more


士兵系统研究2024:下一代系统提升决策能力,偏好易于使用的系统,增加支出巩固180亿美元产业——2030年全球预测 Soldier Systems Research 2024: Next-Generation Systems to Improve Decisiveness, Preference for Simple-to-Use Systems, Increasing Expenditure Bolsters the $18 Billion Industry – Global Forecast to 2030 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Global Soldier Systems Market by Product (Clothing & Protection Equipment, Cordless Communication Systems, Exoskeleton), Components (Hardware, Software), … Read more


Booking.com商务版——以下是公司尚未透露的数据。 Booking.com for Business — Here Are the Numbers That the Company Hasn’t Revealed 作者: Skift Here’s a look at the stealthy Booking.com for Business. Parent company Booking Holdings has larger priorities, but this unit is growing. -Dennis Schaal 以下是关于悄然兴起的Booking.com企业版的概览。其母公司Booking控股有更重大的优先事项,但这个部门正在增长。- Dennis Schaal。 When an online travel company has a fast-growing business unit, it usually doesn’t … Read more


F1车手市场:皮埃尔·加斯利的交易让卡洛斯·塞恩斯的选择变得有限。 F1 Driver Market: Pierre Gasly’s Deal Leaves Carlos Sainz Few Options 作者: Dan Cancian, Contributor, Dan Cancian, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/dancancian/ Pierre Gasly signed a multi-year deal with Alpine on Thursday, while Lance Stroll penned a long-term extension to remain at Aston Martin 皮埃尔·加斯利周四与阿尔派签署了多年合约,而兰斯·斯特罗尔则签订了一份长期续约,继续留在阿斯顿·马丁车队。 ZANDVOORT, NETHERLANDS – AUGUST 27: Third placed Pierre Gasly of France and … Read more