
财报电话会议:MillerKnoll报告增长并对2025财年展望持乐观态度。 Earnings call: MillerKnoll reports growth and optimistic FY 2025 outlook 作者: Investing.com Earnings call: MillerKnoll reports growth and optimistic FY 2025 outlook 财报电话会议:MillerKnoll报告增长并对2025财年前景持乐观态度。 MillerKnoll (ticker: NASDAQ:MLKN) has reported a strong performance in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024, with significant growth in earnings per share and margins. Despite a challenging market,… [+38270 chars] … Read more


厌倦了收到诈骗短信?一个新的注册系统可以帮助区分合法短信和诈骗短信。 Sick of getting scam texts? A new registry could help differentiate legitimate texts from scams 作者: Zena Chamas A new registry could make it mandatory for texts to disclose a sender ID in the latest crackdown by the government on SMS text scammers. 一个新的注册规定可能使得短信必须披露发送者身份,这是政府最近对短信诈骗行为打击的最新举措。 In short: New legislation introduced in federal parliament will give … Read more


世界著名的中华餐厅即将在多伦多开业。 World famous Chinese restaurant is about to open in Toronto 作者: Phoebe Knight A long-vacant restaurant space in one of Toronto’s swankiest hotels is almost ready to welcome its latest tenant: one of the most-awarded Chinese restaurants in the world. Having global locations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Seoul, Cebu, Las Vegas and V… 多伦多最时尚的酒店之一中,一个空置已久的餐厅空间即将迎来最新的租户:全球获奖最多的中餐厅之一。 该餐厅在全球拥有香港、新加坡、曼谷、首尔、宿务、拉斯维加斯等地的分店。 … Read more


富有的海湾国家拥有巨大的野心。极端高温会阻碍它们吗? Rich Gulf states have huge ambitions. Will extreme heat hold them back? 作者: Ben Hubbard The wealthy petrostates of the Persian Gulf have big plans for the future, hoping to increasingly attract tourists and investors, host marquee sporting events, build new cities, and diversify their economies away from oil. 波斯湾富有石油的国家对未来有着宏伟的计划,希望越来越多地吸引游客和投资者,举办顶级体育赛事,建设新城市,并将其经济从石油向多元化发展。 We keep thinking we … Read more

环境监测市场价值186亿美元 | MarketsandMarkets™

环境监测市场价值186亿美元 | MarketsandMarkets™ Environmental Monitoring Market Worth $18.6 billion | MarketsandMarkets™ 作者: None CHICAGO, June 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Environmental Monitoring Market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $14.7 billion in 2024 and is poised to reach $18.6 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2024 to 2029 according … Read more

阿联酋禁止加密货币支付吗?| HackerNoon

阿联酋禁止加密货币支付吗?| HackerNoon Does The UAE Ban Crypto Payments? | HackerNoon 作者: Ilia Ilinskii The Central Bank of UAE held a meeting where they discussed a new rulebook dedicated to stablecoins. 阿拉伯联合酋长国中央银行举行了一次会议,讨论了一本专门针对稳定币的新规则手册。 Blockchain Lawyer Irina Heaver recently tweeted that the Central Bank of UAE has banned crypto payments in the country. Although there os no clear … Read more


更多台湾信息通信技术供应商可能在不久的将来搬迁至印度,官员说。 More Taiwanese ICT suppliers may relocate to India in near future, says official 作者: PTI Anticipating the Taiwan Expo 2024, Chend envisions a robust platform for showcasing products and fostering business opportunities to enhance Taiwan-India trade relations, reflecting the significant growth in economic cooperation between the two nations. 预期2024年台湾博览会,陈先生设想了一个强大的平台,用以展示产品并促进商机,以加强台湾与印度的贸易关系,反映出两国在经济合作方面的显著增长。 With India poised to become … Read more

shake Shack 探索泰餐,推出绿咖喱菜单项

shake Shack 探索泰餐,推出绿咖喱菜单项 Shake Shack Ventures Into Thai Food With Green Curry Menu 作者: info@hypebeast.com (Hypebeast) Shake Shack is not afraid to try new flavors and update its menu. In the past, the fast-food chain has launched special edition items spanning smoky BBQ, al pastor, a matcha cookies & cream milkshake, a hot honey menu … Read more


盈利电话会议:黑莓公布聚焦物联网和网络安全的第一季度稳健业绩。 Earnings call: BlackBerry reports solid Q1 with focus on IoT and cybersecurity 作者: Investing.com Earnings call: BlackBerry reports solid Q1 with focus on IoT and cybersecurity 盈利电话会议:黑莓公布第一季度财报,重点在于物联网和网络安全方面表现稳健。 BlackBerry Limited (NYSE:BB) has reported strong financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, showcasing notable progress in its Internet of Things (IoT) and cybersecurity … Read more


快餐连锁店在今年夏天注重性价比。这会足以提振它们低迷的股价吗? Fast food chains lean into value this summer. Will it be enough to boost their lagging stocks? 作者: Brooke DiPalma Value is on the menu this summer as fast food restaurants attempt to turn around the narrative that their food is too expensive. 今年夏天,价值观念成为菜单上的焦点,快餐餐厅试图改变人们认为他们食物太昂贵的观念。 Value is on the menu this summer. Restaurant chains such … Read more