新闻24 | 天空中的奢华:2024年世界最佳航空公司飞行将让南非旅客付出多少代价?

新闻24 | 天空中的奢华:2024年世界最佳航空公司飞行将让南非旅客付出多少代价? News24 | Luxury in the skies: What flying with 2024’s world-best airlines will cost South African travellers 作者: Andrew Thompson Seven of the top ten airlines now fly to South Africa, which is something of a silver lining for local travellers. 七家排名前十的航空公司现在飞往南非,这对当地旅客来说算是一线希望。 Air transport rating organisation Skytrax has announced its top airlines … Read more


先行者将在东南亚生物燃料市场中获得超常回报。 First-movers will capture outsized returns in South-East Asia’s biofuels market 作者: THOMAS LUEDI, TANGUY MORIN, EMILY WU, SHREYA THARIANA, WREN KABIR THE path to decarbonisation is constrained by harder-to-abate sectors, such as trucking, shipping, and aviation. Transport contributes more than a third of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from end-use sectors, according to the International … Read more


马来西亚家庭互助保险公司(KLSE:TAKAFUL)的股东们承受了37%的损失,这是他们五年前投资该股票所遭受的。 Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad (KLSE:TAKAFUL) shareholders have endured a 37% loss from investing in the stock five years ago 作者: (Simply Wall St) In order to justify the effort of selecting individual stocks, it’s worth striving to beat the returns from a market… 为了证明挑选个别股票的努力是值得的,努力超越市场回报是值得的…… In order to justify the effort of selecting … Read more


烹饪创新遇见可持续性。 Culinary innovation meets sustainability 作者: CHOW ZHI EN SOUTH-EAST Asia has had a rich tradition of enjoying alternative proteins, long before the term itself became trendy. Read full story 东南亚在“替代蛋白”这个词汇变得流行之前,就已经有着丰富的享受替代蛋白的传统。阅读全文。 Mycoprotein emerges as a sustainable game-changer in South-East Asias culinary landscape SOUTH-EAST Asia has had a rich tradition of enjoying alternative proteins, long before … Read more


从船到碗,拯救我们的海鲜。 Saving our seafood, from boat to bowl 作者: CHITRA DEVI MALAYSIA, a nation blessed with rich marine biodiversity, has long relied on its fisheries sector as a vital source of food and livelihood. Our coastal communities depend heavily on the health of our oceans, providing over a third of the country’s animal prot… 马来西亚,一个拥有丰富海洋生物多样性的国家,长期以来一直依赖其渔业作为食物和生计的重要来源。我们的沿海社区在很大程度上依赖于海洋的健康,提供了超过全国动物蛋白三分之一的来源。 … Read more


生成式人工智能与未来工作:新加坡视角 Generative AI and the future of work: A Singapore perspective 作者: None There’s no doubt the growth of generative AI will affect the future workforce. This podcast turns the conversation to how companies can adapt to thrive, drawing on Singapore as a case study. 毫无疑问,生成式人工智能的增长将影响未来的劳动力。这档播客节目将话题转向探讨公司如何适应以繁荣发展,以新加坡作为案例研究。 To explore how generative AI (gen AI) could transform … Read more


森林碳抵消的崩溃:对马来西亚的警示故事。 The fall of the forest-based carbon offset: A cautionary tale for Malaysia 作者: RIMBAWATCH IN THE past few years, activity on forest-based carbon offsets in Malaysia has exploded. In early 2023, Bursa launched the Bursa Carbon Exchange to facilitate the trade of voluntary carbon offsets. Read full story 在过去的几年里,马来西亚的森林碳补偿活动激增。2023年初,马来西亚证券交易所推出了马来西亚碳交易所,以促进自愿碳补偿的交易。阅读完整故事。 IN THE past few years, … Read more


美元冲破161日元,并有望实现季度上涨。 Dollar barges past 161 yen and eyes quarterly rise 作者: Reuters Dollar barges past 161 yen and eyes quarterly rise 美元冲破161日元,并有望实现季度上涨。 By Tom Westbrook SINGAPORE (Reuters) – The dollar was headed for a second straight quarterly gain and jumped to a near four-decade high on the battered yen in Asia trade on Friday, ahead … Read more


萨哈单位寻求降低生活成本。 Saha unit seeks lower cost of living 作者: Kuakul Mornkum The government could improve the sluggish economy by reducing the cost of living for people, such as slashing utility prices or introducing short-term stimulus measures, says I.C.C. International Plc, the marketing arm for fashion under Saha Group. 政府可以通过降低民众的生活成本来提振疲软的经济,例如削减公用事业价格或推出短期刺激措施,时尚营销机构Saha集团旗下的I.C.C.国际有限公司表示。 The government could improve the sluggish … Read more


利用泰国的人力资本 Harnessing Thailand’s human capital 作者: Peerasit Kamnuansilpa Thailand is currently on a distressing trajectory towards depopulation, with the number of deaths each year surpassing the number of births. The latest available data from the Department of Provincial Administration paints a grim picture, showing over 48,000 … 泰国目前正处于令人担忧的人口减少轨迹上,每年的死亡人数超过了出生人数。来自省级管理部门的最新可用数据显示出一幅严峻的画面,显示超过48,000人…… Thailand is currently on a distressing trajectory … Read more