
一次改变一台机器,进而改变世界。 Changing the world one machine at a time 作者: Sally Rae An Irishman who has travelled the world, met his future wife in Melbourne and moved to New Zealand, has established an industrial automation… 一个周游世界的爱尔兰人,在墨尔本遇见了他的未来妻子,并移居到了新西兰,他建立了一家工业自动化…… An Irishman who has travelled the world, met his future wife in Melbourne and moved to New Zealand, has established an industrial automation hardware business in Dunedin. Business editor Sally Rae me… … Read more

更多人可能今天就能买到Vision Pro,但我不会是其中之一。

更多人可能今天就能买到Vision Pro,但我不会是其中之一。 More people might be able to buy the Vision Pro today, but I won’t be one of them 作者: heyimjoew@gmail.com (Joe Wituschek) While Apple is expanding Vision Pro to new markets today, I’m reminded once again why I’m holding off on buying one. 尽管苹果今天将Vision Pro扩展到新市场,但我再次提醒自己为什么我还在犹豫要不要购买一台。 The Vision Pro is an absolute breakthrough in … Read more


以太燃料公司筹集了3400万美元用于生产可持续燃料。 Aether Fuels raises $34M to produce sustainable fuels 作者: bizjournals.com With principal offices in Chicago and Singapore, Aether Fuels aims to help fuel the aviation and ocean shipping industries. 总部位于芝加哥和新加坡,Aether Fuels旨在助力航空和远洋航运行业的燃料供应。 With principal offices in Chicago and Singapore, Aether Fuels aims to help fuel the aviation and ocean shipping industries. This story appeared on … Read more


SAI.TECH宣布与哈萨克斯坦阿尔法拉比国立大学签署谅解备忘录,以推进哈萨克斯坦的技术教育和人工智能计算能力。 SAI.TECH Announces the Signing of an MOU with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University to Advance Technological Education and AI Computing Power in Kazakhstan 作者: SAI.TECH Global Corporation SINGAPORE, June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SAI.TECH Global Corporation (“SAI.TECH” or “SAI” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: SAI, SAITW), announces the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) … Read more

苹果Vision Pro现已在中国、日本和新加坡开售,并在另外五个国家提供预订。

苹果Vision Pro现已在中国、日本和新加坡开售,并在另外五个国家提供预订。 Apple Vision Pro Now On Sale In China, Japan, And Singapore With Preorders Available In Five More Countries 作者: Oliver Haslam Apple Vision Pro is now in sale in China, Japan, and Singapore, with preorders available in five more countries. The post Apple Vision Pro Now On Sale In China, Japan, And Singapore … Read more


查克·舒默的“亲爱的朋友”投资太阳能,而舒默秘密谈判气候法案 Chuck Schumer’s ‘Dear Friend’ Invested in Solar as Schumer Secretly Negotiated Climate Bill 作者: Thomas Catenacci Around the time that Democratic leaders were secretly negotiating the details of President Joe Biden’s landmark Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Democratic Party megadonor James Simons’s hedge fund substantially upped its financial stake in several solar energy… 在民主党领导人秘密谈判总统乔·拜登的标志性《通胀削减法案》(IRA)细节的同时,民主党的大金主詹姆斯·西蒙斯的对冲基金大幅增加了在几家太阳能公司的金融投资…… Around … Read more


高活性药物成分(HPAPIs)市场预计到2034年将以9.6%的复合年增长率增长:Visiongain。 Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (HPAPIs) market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.6% by 2034: Visiongain 作者: Visiongain Reports Ltd Visiongain has published a new report entitled Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (HPAPIs) Market Report 2024-2034: Forecasts by Product (Synthetic, Biotech), by Manufacturer Type (In-house, Outsource), by Drug Type (Innovative, Generic), … Read more


更新:现在是航空公司信用卡季节还是怎么了? UPDATED: Is It Airline Credit Card Season or Something? 作者: Chris Carley Summer is officially here! And it seems like something else: airline credit card season. Several issuers just announced a bunch of limited-time offers for their co-branded cards — and two already expire this week. 夏天正式到来!似乎还有另一件事:航空信用卡季。几家发卡机构刚刚宣布了为他们联名卡提供的一堆限时优惠——其中两个优惠本周即将到期。 Advertiser Disclosure: Eye of the Flyer, a … Read more

C5-C8 正常石蜡醚研究 2024:油气行业复苏推动市场扩张,多样化工业应用提升需求——全球趋势及预测至2031年

C5-C8 正常石蜡醚研究 2024:油气行业复苏推动市场扩张,多样化工业应用提升需求——全球趋势及预测至2031年 C5-C8 Normal Paraffin Ether Research 2024: Oil and Gas Industry Recovery Spurs Market Expansion, Diverse Industrial Applications Enhance Demand – Global Trends and Forecasts to 2031 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “C5-C8 Normal Paraffin Ether Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and … Read more

基础设施、交通故障凸显了对及时投资的迫切需求 —— 弗兰·奥沙ullivan

基础设施、交通故障凸显了对及时投资的迫切需求 —— 弗兰·奥沙ullivan Infrastructure, transport failures highlight need for timely investment – Fran O’Sullivan 作者: Fran O’Sullivan OPINION: Our failure to build bipartisan consensus on infrastructure is on display. 观点:我们在基础设施建设上未能建立两党共识,这一点已显而易见。 The fortnight in which everything broke down has been a wake-up call for the Government and business alike. Its been embarrassing, to say the least: … Read more