
五角大楼官员表示,伙伴关系是建立强大工业能力的关键。 Pentagon Official Says Partnerships Are Central to Building Robust Industrial Capacity 作者: Joseph Clark Close collaboration with like-minded partners remains a top priority as Defense Department leaders drive efforts to reinforce supply chains and bolster industrial capacity, a senior Pentagon official said. 与志同道合的伙伴密切合作仍然是国防部领导人加强供应链和提升工业能力的努力中的首要任务,一位高级五角大楼官员表示。 Close collaboration with like-minded partners remains a top priority as Defense … Read more


中俄“轴心”被过度炒作。 The China-Russia ‘Axis’ Is Overhyped 作者: Rahul Mishra and Yanitha Meena Louis Both Indo-Pacific and BRICS+ dynamics deter such a possibility. 印太地区以及金砖国家+的动态都阻止了这种可能性。 The recent visits of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China, North Korea, and Vietnam attracted a lot of international attention given the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Moscows attempt to deal with … [+12049 … Read more


美国酒店业截至6月22日的周度结果。 U.S. hotel results for week ending 22 June 作者: STR The U.S. hotel industry reported lower performance results from the previous week and mixed comparisons year over year, according to CoStar’s latest data through 22 June. CoStar is a leading provider of online real estate marketplaces, information and analyti… 根据CoStar截至6月22日的最新数据,美国酒店行业的表现结果较上周有所下降,且与去年同期相比呈现出好坏参半的对比。CoStar是领先的在线房地产市场、信息和分析服务提供商… WASHINGTON – The U.S. … Read more


土耳其欢迎被从关键洗钱观察名单中移除,希望以此促进外国投资。 Turkey welcomes removal from a key money-laundering watchlist, hoping to boost foreign investment 作者: apnews.com Turkey on Friday welcomed a decision by an international watchdog to remove it from a so-called “ gray list ” of countries that have not fully implemented measures to fight money laundering and terrorism financing. The announcement by the … Read more


“不稳定且不可预测”:为何快钱交易者喜欢特朗普 ‘Volatile and unpredictable’: Why fast-money traders like Trump 作者: Bloomberg News Donald Trump’s from-the-hip style may start making financial markets volatile again and that’s just fine fast-money traders. Find out more. 唐纳德·特朗普的即兴风格可能再次让金融市场变得波动,这对快钱交易者来说正合适。了解更多。 The former U.S. president’s comments and social-media posts sometimes triggered dramatic moves in stocks, bonds and currencies Author of the article: Republican … Read more


塞比推出金融影响者框架;纳扎拉科技最新收购案。 Sebi rolls out framework for finfluencers; Nazara Tech’s latest acquisition 作者: ETtech The Security and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has approved a regulatory framework for financial influencers. This and more today’s ETtech Top 5. 印度证券交易委员会(Sebi)已经批准了针对金融影响者的监管框架。此事及其他内容今日入选ETtech前五要闻。 The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has approved a regulatory framework for financial influencers. This and … Read more


生命周期方法突显了农业生态学在营养和环境方面优于传统农业:一个地中海农场的案例研究。 A life-cycle approach highlights the nutritional and environmental superiority of agroecology over conventional farming: A case study of a Mediterranean farm 作者: Alik Pelman, Jerke W. De Vries, Sigal Tepper, Gidon Eshel, Yohay Carmel, Alon Shepon Author summary The transition to sustainable food systems is now recognized by governments and international organizations as central … Read more


旅行信用卡金融科技公司记录今年夏季旅游预订增长30%。 Travel credit card fintech records 30% rise in travel bookings this summer 作者: Ajinkya Kawale Summer travel bookings surge India: Women solo travellers grew at the rate of 47%, whereas solo travellers who were men grew 39% 夏季旅游预订在印度激增:女性独自旅行者的增长率为47%,而男性独自旅行者的增长率为39%。 Women solo travellers grew at the rate of 47%, whereas solo travellers who were men grew … Read more

美国印钞速度放缓 但一旦出现经济问题将反弹 – 投资者

美国印钞速度放缓 但一旦出现经济问题将反弹 – 投资者 US Money Printing Decelerates But Will Rebound Once Economic Problems Occur – Investor 作者: Sputnik International WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States has decelerated its money printing compared to a year ago but will revive it once the economy experiences issues again, renowned US investor Jim Rogers told Sputnik. 华盛顿(卫星通讯社)- 知名美国投资者吉姆·罗杰斯在接受卫星通讯社采访时表示,美国减缓了货币印制速度,与一年前相比有所下降,但一旦经济再次出现问题,它将会重新加快印钞。 … Read more


ET科技交易摘要:2024年6月,初创公司融资17.1亿美元,同比增长148%。 ETtech Deals Digest: Startups raise $1.71 billion in June 2024, marking a 148% on-year increase 作者: ETtech The fundraise was done by startups in the early and late stages across 85 rounds, said private market intelligence platform Tracxn. 该轮融资由早期和晚期初创公司通过85轮融资完成,私募市场情报平台Tracxn表示。 Startups secured a total funding value of about $1.71 billion in June 2024, marking a … Read more