PM Gati Shakti计划正在改变印度的基础设施:摩根士丹利

PM Gati Shakti计划正在改变印度的基础设施:摩根士丹利

PM Gati Shakti scheme is transforming India’s infrastructure: Morgan Stanley

作者: ANI

In a recent report, Morgan Stanley has lauded India’s PM Gati Shakti scheme, highlighting its significant impact on infrastructure development. The report emphasizes India’s robust increase in infrastructure investment, projected to rise from 5.3% to 6.5% of …

在最近的一份报告中,摩根士丹利对印度的PM Gati Shakti计划表示赞扬,强调该计划对基础设施发展的重要影响。报告指出印度基础设施投资的强劲增长,预计将从5.3%增加到6.5%的……

In a recent report American multi-national investment bank and financial company Morgan Stanley has all praise for PM Gati Shakti scheme.The report says India has scaled up its infrastructure strongl… [+3198 chars]

在最近的一份报告中,美国跨国投资银行及金融服务公司摩根士丹利对印度的PM Gati Shakti计划赞不绝口。报告指出,印度大幅增强了其基础设施的建设规模……[+3198字]

原文链接:The Times of India