
城市公司四月-六月季度实现税前盈利;收入同比增长38%。 Urban Company logs profit before tax in April-June quarter; revenue up 38% on year 作者: ETtech Urban Company, a Gurugram-based home services platform, saw its revenue in the April-June period grow 38% at Rs 282-283 crore, cofounder and CEO Abhiraj Singh Bhal told ET. Urban Company’s profit before tax margin was 4% for the … Read more


世界正危险地走向“粮食战争”,顶级商品交易员警告。 World dangerously headed for ‘food wars,’ top commodity trader warns 作者: Around the Web Soaring prices due to adverse weather, global conflicts 因恶劣天气和全球冲突而导致的物价飞涨。 (ZEROHEDGE) Sunny Verghese, CEO of Olam Agri, a Singapore-based agricultural trading firm, spoke at the Redburn Atlantic and Rothschild consumer conference last week, warned the audience that the wor… [+924 chars] … Read more

海洋保护中的强大伙伴关系在MARPOLEX 2024中凸显。

海洋保护中的强大伙伴关系在MARPOLEX 2024中凸显。 Strong partnerships in sea protection highlighted in MARPOLEX 2024 作者: noreply@blogger.com (Retired Analyst) From the Philippine News Agency (Jun 26, 2024): Strong partnerships in sea protection highlighted in MARPOLEX 2024 (By Nanette Guadalquiver)JOINT MARITIME EXERCISE. The joint declaration of the opening of the four-day Regional Marine Pollution Exercise (MARPO… 来自菲律宾新闻社(2024年6月26日):在2024年MARPOLEX中强调海洋保护领域的强大伙伴关系(作者:南nette Guadalquiver)联合海上演习。四天区域海洋污染演习(MARPO…)的联合开幕声明。 From the … Read more


在输给泰国后,印尼希望中国游客将目光投向巴厘岛以外。 After losing out to Thailand, Indonesia wants Chinese tourists to look beyond Bali 作者: Bloomberg News JAKARTA – Indonesia’s Tourism Minister Sandiaga Uno is on a mission to get Chinese tourists to look beyond Bali for their next tropical getaway. 雅加达 – 印度尼西亚旅游部长桑迪亚加·乌诺正致力于让中国游客在寻找下一个热带度假地时,将目光投向巴厘岛以外的地方。 JAKARTA – Indonesias Tourism Minister Sandiaga Uno is on a mission … Read more


灵活办公空间运营商Smartworks筹集了16.8亿卢比。 Flexible workspace operator Smartworks raises Rs 168 crore 作者: Faizan Haidar “Capital from the latest fund raising will be used for the growth and expansion of the business of the company and to meet its general corporate expenses,” said Neetish Sarda, founder Smartworks. “最新一轮融资的资金将用于公司业务的发展和扩张,以及满足其一般性的企业开支,”Smartworks的创始人Neetish Sarda说。 Flexible workspace operator Smartworks has raised Rs 168 crore … Read more


亚马逊以新的低价商店回应Shein和Temu的威胁。 Amazon responds to Shein and Temu threat with new low-price storefront 作者: Rob Thubron Amazon announced the storefront at an invite-only conference for Chinese sellers this week, reports CNBC. It will enable them to ship their items directly to US consumers, allowing Amazon to compete with Temu and Shein.Read Entire Article 亚马逊在本周为一个邀请制的中 国卖家会议宣布了这一店铺,据CNBC报道。这将使他们能够将商品直接运送给美国消费者,让亚马逊能够与Temu和Shein竞争。阅读整篇文章。 In … Read more


气候对话播客:空中农业解决了气候变化的一个问题,却又创造了另一个问题。 Climate Conversations Podcast: Sky high farming solves one climate problem but creates another 作者: None It isn’t just Singapore which is seeing agri-tech firms shutting or scaling down – it is happening in other parts of the world too. 不仅仅是新加坡在看到农业科技公司关闭或缩减规模——这种情况也在世界其他地区发生。 Here’s an excerpt of the conversation: Liling Tan:  You mentioned that at COP28 more … Read more

Affle Holdings减持Affle(印度)的持股比例。

Affle Holdings减持Affle(印度)的持股比例。 Affle Holdings cuts holding in Affle (India) 作者: ETMarkets.com Promoter Affle Holdings PTE divests 25 lakh shares of Affle (India) Ltd in a significant transaction on NSE, generating 322.5 crore. The sale, executed at 1,290 per share, reduces Affle Holdings’ stake to 42.59%. The Monetary Authority of Singapore emerges as… 推广者Affle控股私人有限公司在印度国家证券交易所进行了一笔重大交易,出售了Affle(印度)有限公司的250万股股份,产生了32.25亿卢比。以每股1,290卢比的价格成交,此次出售将Affle控股的持股比例降至42.59%。新加坡金融管理局出现为…… (What’s moving … Read more


香港是加密货币领域的下一个大事件吗?DeFi和元宇宙计划揭晓。 Is Hong Kong the Next Big Thing in Crypto? DeFi and Metaverse Plans Unveiled 作者: Samuel Edyme Hong Kong is positioning itself as a leader in the global fintech landscape by focusing on crypto-related sectors such as decentralized finance (DeFi) and the Metaverse. Recent government-backed studies conducted by the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary … Read more


跨代财富:通过战略规划确保持久的遗产。 Wealth across generations: Ensuring lasting legacies through strategic planning 作者: None 索引型万能人寿保险计划正成为超级富豪将财富安全传承给后代的必备工具。 By incentivising our clients to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles, we are taking a holistic approach to supporting them throughout their life journeys, said Mr Bindra. Our aim is for our customer… [+1680 chars] 宾德拉先生说:“通过激励我们的客户采纳并保持健康的生活方式,我们采取了一种全面的方法来支持他们的人生旅程。”我们的目标是让我们的客户……[+1680个字符]。 请注意,原文末尾提到了“ [+1680 chars]”,似乎表示还有额外的文字内容,但由于您要求只返回翻译结果,我就只翻译了所给的部分。如果需要翻译更多内容,请提供完整的句子。 原文链接:CNA