
Booking.com商务版——以下是公司尚未透露的数据。 for Business — Here Are the Numbers That the Company Hasn’t Revealed 作者: Skift Here’s a look at the stealthy for Business. Parent company Booking Holdings has larger priorities, but this unit is growing. -Dennis Schaal 以下是关于悄然兴起的Booking.com企业版的概览。其母公司Booking控股有更重大的优先事项,但这个部门正在增长。- Dennis Schaal。 When an online travel company has a fast-growing business unit, it usually doesn’t … Read more


F1车手市场:皮埃尔·加斯利的交易让卡洛斯·塞恩斯的选择变得有限。 F1 Driver Market: Pierre Gasly’s Deal Leaves Carlos Sainz Few Options 作者: Dan Cancian, Contributor, Dan Cancian, Contributor Pierre Gasly signed a multi-year deal with Alpine on Thursday, while Lance Stroll penned a long-term extension to remain at Aston Martin 皮埃尔·加斯利周四与阿尔派签署了多年合约,而兰斯·斯特罗尔则签订了一份长期续约,继续留在阿斯顿·马丁车队。 ZANDVOORT, NETHERLANDS – AUGUST 27: Third placed Pierre Gasly of France and … Read more

智能港口市场趋势、机遇与竞争分析至2030年:涵盖ABB、IBM、Kaleris、西门子、通用电气 – 按元素、技术、吞吐量能力、港口类型和地区分析

智能港口市场趋势、机遇与竞争分析至2030年:涵盖ABB、IBM、Kaleris、西门子、通用电气 – 按元素、技术、吞吐量能力、港口类型和地区分析 Smart Port Market Trends, Opportunities and Competitive Analysis to 2030 Featuring ABB, IBM, Kaleris, Siemens, General Electric – Analysis by Element, Technology, Throughput Capacity, Port Type, and Region 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Smart Port Market: Trends, Opportunities and Competitive Analysis [2024-2030]” report has been … Read more


联合国特别报告员呼吁泰国银行停止支持缅甸军政府。 UN Rapporteur Calls on Thai Banks to Stop Aiding Myanmar Junta 作者: Banks in Thailand became key players in funding for arms for the Myanmar military over the past year, according to a new report by the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on Myanmar. Thai banks were involved in $120 million worth of weapons … Read more


泰国能源亿万富翁加大数据中心的推进力度,以挖掘人工智能繁荣机遇。 Thai Energy Billionaire Steps Up Data Center Push to Tap AI Boom 作者: Bloomberg News Energy billionaire Sarath Ratanavadi, Thailand’s second-richest person, is accelerating his push into data centers to tap a booming market fueled by rising demand for cloud computing and artificial intelligence. 能源亿万富翁萨拉思·拉塔纳瓦迪,泰国第二富有的人,正在加快他进入数据中心领域的步伐,以开发一个由不断增长的云计算和人工智能需求推动的繁荣市场。 (Bloomberg) Energy billionaire Sarath Ratanavadi, Thailands second-richest person, is … Read more


来自Nomad的实惠数据套餐,让旅行变得轻松自如。 Affordable data plans from Nomad that make travelling a breeze 作者: Nomad Macworld It’s always great to get away from it all, take a break and see another part of the world. But, in our ever-connected lives, it can also be useful to keep in touch with those at home or maybe live a … Read more


True集团首次发行日元贷款。 True Corp taking out first yen loan 作者: Bloomberg News True Corp, the country’s largest mobile phone operator, is syndicating its first yen-denominated sustainability-linked loan in a bid to cut financing costs as dollar interest rates remain high, according to people familiar with the matter. True Corp,该国最大的移动电话运营商,正在联合出资其首笔日元计价的与可持续发展相关的贷款,目的是在美元利率居高不下时降低融资成本,据知情人士透露。 True Corp, the countrys largest mobile phone … Read more


全球南方错过了电动汽车革命。以下是制造商可以采取的行动。 The Global South is missing out on the EV revolution. Here’s what automakers can do about it 作者: None As developed economies electrify their fleets, the rest of the world is being left behind. 随着发达国家电气化其车队,世界其他地区正在被甩在后面。 Electric vehicle (EV) adoption is soaring: sales could reach 17 million in 2024, accounting for one in five cars … Read more


丽思卡尔顿游艇系列宣布,旗下第三艘豪华超级游艇Luminara将在亚太地区迎来首个航季。 The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection Announces First Asia-Pacific Season Aboard Luminara, Its Third Luxury Superyacht to Debut 作者: The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection Underscoring its commitment to culturally immersive and extraordinary journeys while setting a new standard in ultra-luxury cruising, The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection expands its curated offerings across the globe, delivering unforgettable experiences to gue… … Read more


新的评估框架有助于量化碳吸收服务的供需情况。 New evaluation framework helps quantify supply and demand of carbon sequestration services 作者: Zhang Nannan The Lancang Mekong River Basin (LMRB) connects six countries in Southeast Asia. To support the ecological, economic and social sustainable development of the LMRB, low carbon management services need to be implemented in each country within the basin. However… … Read more