
梅赛德斯F1采访:技术、人工智能与平衡预算上限 Mercedes Formula 1 Interview: Tech, AI And Balancing Budget Caps 作者: Antony Leather, Senior Contributor, Antony Leather, Senior Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/antonyleather/ Chatting with Mercedes AMG F1 IT director Michael Taylor about technology on the sport, upgrade schedules, the use of AI and where he’d like more computing horsepower 与梅赛德斯-AMG F1信息技术总监迈克尔·泰勒谈论该项运动中的技术、升级计划、人工智能的使用以及他希望计算能力更强的领域。 BARCELONA, SPAIN – MAY 7: … Read more


加州正在展示一个大州如何能够不依赖化石燃料自我供电。 California Is Showing How a Big State Can Power Itself Without Fossil Fuels 作者: Bill McKibben Bill McKibben on the efforts being made in California to use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels to power the state—a model that has the potential to succeed elsewhere. 比尔·麦基本谈论加州正在努力使用可再生能源替代化石燃料来为该州供电——这一模式有在其他地方成功的潜力。 Something approaching a miracle has been taking place … Read more


健康城市更绿色、更宜居,诺曼·福斯特如是说。 Healthy Cities Are Greener And More Desirable, Says Norman Foster 作者: Jamie Hailstone, Contributor, Jamie Hailstone, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiehailstone/ Foster said there is clear evidence the incorporation of more trees into a city will help to absorb more carbon dioxide and can reduce the urban heat island effect. 福斯特表示,有明确的证据表明,将更多树木融入城市有助于吸收更多二氧化碳,并可以减少城市热岛效应。 MADRID, SPAIN – OCTOBER 05: Architect … Read more