
贝德福德环球主题公园新细节曝光。 Fresh details revealed for Universal theme park in Bedford 作者: Ian King New details have been unveiled for Universal’s first UK theme park – including plans for the attraction to be open 365 days a year. 新细节已经公布,关于环球在英国的首个主题公园——包括计划让该景点全年365天开放。 New details have been unveiled for Universal’s first UK theme park – including plans for the attraction … Read more


马科斯团队的经济自信有根据吗? Is Team Marcos Justified Its Economic Swagger? 作者: David Hutt For all its economic challenges, the Philippines has one major advantage over its Southeast Asian peers. 尽管面临所有经济挑战,菲律宾仍在其东南亚邻国中拥有一个主要优势。 A few weeks ago, the Philippines Finance Secretary Ralph Recto took to the stage and made a bold declaration. By 2033, he claimed, the country’s economy could … Read more


中国游客的榴莲宴变得丑陋不堪。 Chinese tourist’s durian feast turns ugly 作者: The Star Online A DURIAN buffet outing turned into a nightmare for a tourist from China after she was bitten by the orchard’s dog, reported China Press. Read full story 一次榴莲自助游对一名来自中国的游客来说变成了噩梦,因为她在果园被狗咬伤。《中国报》报道了这一事件。阅读全文。 A DURIAN buffet outing turned into a nightmare for a tourist from China after she was … Read more


市场营销至关重要:游戏开发者市场营销指南 Marketing matters: The developer’s guide to game marketing 作者: Guest Author What happens behind the scenes of your game will determine its trajectory for success. You could develop an incredible game, but players may never even know… 游戏幕后发生的事情将决定其成功的走向。您可能开发了一款令人难以置信的游戏,但玩家可能永远都不会了解…… If your studio has $2-3 million to spend on marketing it’s worth hiring an analyst to … Read more