
新加坡最富有的人 The Wealthiest Person in Singapore 作者: Meerub Anjum We recently compiled a list of the 30 Wealthiest People in Singapore and in this article, we will look at the richest person in Singapore. An Outlook of the … 我们最近编制了新加坡最富有的30人名单,在本文中,我们将关注新加坡最富有的人。一个展望…… We recently compiled a list of the 30 Wealthiest People in Singapore and in this article, … Read more


新加坡港拥堵显示了红海袭击的全球连锁反应。 Singapore port congestion shows global ripple impact of Red Sea attacks 作者: Congestion at Singapore’s container port is at its worst since the COVID-19 pandemic, a sign of how prolonged vessel re-routing to avoid Red Sea attacks has disrupted global ocean shipping – with bottlenecks also appearing in other Asian and European ports. … Read more


世界如何数字化:深入探讨全球数字参与度 How the World Does Digital: A Deep Dive Into Global Digital Engagement 作者: PYMNTS It’s time to take stock of global digital engagement. The pandemic has finally faded into memory and the flurry of consequential payments innovation has given way to a new round of products, features and applications. In short: Consumers are settling … Read more


评论:仅凭健康风险还不足以让消费者远离Shein和廉价服装。 Commentary: It’ll take more than health risks to turn consumers off Shein and cheap clothing 作者: None Environmental and ethical issues may not be the primary concern for some fast-fashion consumers. But will health risks from exposure to chemicals like phthalates be enough to change behaviour? NUS Business School’s Joe Escobedo weighs in. 环境和伦理问题可能不是一些快时尚消费者首要关心的。但是,接触像邻苯二甲酸盐这类化学物质所带来的健康风险是否足以改变人们的行为?新加坡国立大学商学院的乔·埃斯科贝多就此发表看法。 … Read more


今日股市:华尔街涨跌互现,热门芯片制造商英伟达收复部分近期跌幅。 Stock market today: Wall Street mixed as red-hot chipmaker Nvidia claws back some recent losses 作者: Zimo Zhong And Matt Ott Stock market today: Wall Street mixed as red-hot chipmaker Nvidia claws back some recent 今日股市:华尔街涨跌互现,红火芯片制造商英伟达收回部分近期损失 NEW YORK — (AP) A rebound for Nvidia is helping keep U.S. indexes close to their … Read more


金鹅公司首席执行官西尔维奥·坎帕拉在FN峰会上谈品牌体验、IPO延期事项。 Golden Goose CEO Silvio Campara Talks Brand Experience, IPO Postponement at FN Summit 作者: Stephen Garner Campara also doubled down on how Golden Goose is elevating its experiential marketing. Campara还强调了Golden Goose如何提升其体验式营销。 Golden Goose chief executive officer Silvio Campara kicked off his discussion at Tuesday’s FN Summit by addressing the unexpected postponement of the company’s … Read more


访问泰国?政府将承担您因意外事故产生的医疗费用。 Visiting Thailand? The Government Covers Your Medical Bills for Accidents 作者: Skift Thailand on Monday announced the extension of its free insurance scheme for international tourists till the end of this year. 泰国周一宣布将其为国际游客提供的免费保险计划延长至今年年底。 Thailand on Monday announced the extension of its free insurance scheme for international tourists until the end of 2024. This initiative … Read more


当地品牌因抵制与以色列有关联的品牌而蓬勃发展,Armizan说道。 Local brands flourish due to boycott of Israel-linked brands, says Armizan 作者: JUNAID IBRAHIM, MARTIN CARVALHO, KHOO GEK SAN KUALA LUMPUR: The boycott of Israel-linked brands has opened up more business opportunities for local businesses to flourish, says the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry. Read full story 吉隆坡:国内贸易和生活成本部表示,抵制与以色列有关联的品牌为当地企业提供了更多发展的商机。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The boycott … Read more


专家:营销手段和宽松监管是马来西亚青少年电子烟流行的主因。 Experts: Marketing gimmicks, weak regulations main reasons for vape popularity among teens in Malaysia 作者: Milad Hassandarvish KUALA LUMPUR, June 25 — It may be the most challenging question for parents and public health experts alike: how to keep a new generation from starting to smoke? Despite decades… 吉隆坡,6月25日——这可能是家长和公共卫生专家共同面临的最具挑战性的问题:如何阻止新一代开始吸烟?尽管数十年来…… KUALA LUMPUR, June 25 It … Read more


马来西亚的开放贸易政策依然存在,包括与美国之间,安华说。 Malaysia’s open trade policy remains, including with the United States, says Anwar 作者: TEH ATHIRA YUSOF, M. IRSYAD KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia will remain an open trading nation, including with the United States, says Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Read full story 吉隆坡:拿督斯里安华 Ibrahim 表示,马来西亚将继续保持一个开放的贸易国家,包括与美国之间的贸易。阅读全文故事。 KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia will remain an open trading nation, including with … Read more