新加坡科技工程公司在 boon lay 路投资1.2亿美元建设新的可持续发展数据中心。

新加坡科技工程公司在 boon lay 路投资1.2亿美元建设新的可持续发展数据中心。 ST Engineering to invest $120m in new sustainable data centre at Jalan Boon Lay 作者: Zhaki Abdullah The seven-storey centre will have 2,400 sq m of solar panels, equivalent to the area of nine tennis courts. Read more at 七层楼的中心将配备2,400平方米的太阳能电池板,相当于九个网球场的大小。更多内容请访问。 SINGAPORE – Technology and engineering group ST Engineering is investing … Read more


亚马逊ElastiCache现在支持在更多AWS区域中使用基于Graviton3的M7g和R7g节点。 Amazon ElastiCache supports M7g and R7g Graviton3-based nodes in additional AWS regions 作者: Amazon ElastiCache now supports Graviton3-based M7g and R7g node families. ElastiCache Graviton3 nodes deliver improved price-performance compared to Graviton2. As an example, when running ElastiCache for Redis on an R7g.4xlarge node, you can achieve up to 28… 亚马逊ElastiCache现在支持基于Graviton3的M7g和R7g节点家族。与Graviton2相比,ElastiCache Graviton3节点提供了更好的性价比。例如,在R7g.4xlarge节点上运行ElastiCache for … Read more


穆罕默德·阿里·贾纳:马尔代夫商业领袖,关于未来工作的总统顾问。 Mohamed Ali Janah: Maldives business leader, presidential advisor on the Future Of Work 作者: Zenger News, Contributor, Zenger News, Contributor The Maldives’ most internationally recognized business leader on the future of work 马尔代夫最受国际认可的商业领袖谈未来工作前景 Mohamed Ali Janah is special advisor to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, here at a … [+] tourism business … Read more


对华经济1000亿美元的押注变酸,仓库空置。 A $100 Billion Bet on China’s Economy Sours as Warehouses Empty 作者: Shawna Kwan and Low De Wei (Bloomberg) — In many parts of China, the warehouses and industrial parks that used to be a magnet for international investors are grappling with a… 在中国许多地区,曾吸引国际投资者的仓库和工业园区正面临着一个……的问题。 (Bloomberg) — In many parts of China, the warehouses and … Read more

美国大选干预尹锡悦 “所谓美元化(Dollarization)是什么意思?”

美国大选干预尹锡悦 “所谓美元化(Dollarization)是什么意思?” 미국 대선 개입 윤석열 “원화 굴기(Dollarization)가 웬 말이냐?” 作者: T.B North Korea sent a new batch of around 350 balloons carrying trash across the border into South Korea, after Seoul said it detected parasites such as roundworms in the contents of previous dispatches.— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) J… 朝鲜向韩国跨境发送了约350个装有垃圾的气球的新一批,在首尔表示在前几次发送的物品中检测到如圆虫等寄生虫后。—彭博亚洲(@BloombergAsia) J… North Korea sent … Read more


中华航空及巴迪克航空在塔斯曼的大动作,国泰航空的夏季计划。 China Airlines and Batik Air’s big moves on the Tasman, Cathay Pacific’s plan for summer 作者: Grant Bradley Where passengers win and lose in a transtasman shakeup. 在跨塔斯曼海的变革中,乘客的得失。 China Airlines A350-900 has 306 seats, including 32 flat-bed business class seats.Batik Air Malaysia will suspend all its flights between Auckland and Perth next month but … Read more


1500多亿美元蜂窝物联网市场——全球预测至2029年:汽车领域需求增加,蜂窝技术进步迅速,主要参与者和产品。 $15+ Bn Cellular IOT Markets – Global Forecasts to 2029: Increased Demand in the Automotive Sector, Growing Progress in Cellular Technology, Major Players and Products 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Cellular IOT Market – Forecasts from 2024 to 2029” report has been added to’s offering.The cellular … Read more


一个被埋藏的古代埃及港口揭示了遥远文明之间的隐秘联系。 A Buried Ancient Egyptian Port Reveals the Hidden Connections Between Distant Civilizations 作者: Jo Marchant At the site of Berenike, in the desert sands along the Red Sea, archaeologists are uncovering wondrous new finds that challenge old ideas about the makings of the modern world 在红海沿岸的沙漠中,贝雷尼克遗址处,考古学家们正在发掘出令人惊奇的新发现,这些发现挑战了关于现代世界形成的老旧观念。 On a sunny morning this past January, Ingo … Read more


泰国工人带着安全顾虑返回以色列。 Thai workers return to Israel amid safety concerns 作者: Marisa Chimprabha (World) The first group of 94 Thai nationals returned to war-torn Israel today, with some admitting that they are worried about their safety, but have to do the job to feed their families back home. Wittawat Suntornpinit, from Khon Kaen province, said that … Read more


人工智能驱动的场地预订已上线。 AI-Powered Venue Booking Is Here 作者: Miguel Neves AI-powered startup Nowadays features a virtual assistant that can communicate, negotiate and book event venues, all via email.  -Miguel Neves 人工智能驱动的初创公司Nowadays,其特色是一个虚拟助手,能够通过电子邮件进行沟通、协商和预订活动场地。 – 米格尔·内维斯 AI-powered startup Nowadays features a virtual assistant that can communicate, negotiate and book event venues, all via email.  Miguel Neves AI startup Nowadays … Read more