公寓转售价格五月份微涨;由于核心中央区域交易下降,交易量有所下滑:SRX, 99.co

公寓转售价格五月份微涨;由于核心中央区域交易下降,交易量有所下滑:SRX, 99.co

Condo resale prices inch up in May; volumes dip as deals in core central region drop: SRX, 99.co

作者: Vivienne Tay

The outside central region accounts for slightly more than half of resale volumes for the month. Read more at straitstimes.com.


SINGAPORE – Condominium resale prices continued to rise in May, albeit at a slower pace, while volumes dipped from the previous month.
Flash data from SRX and 99.co released on June 25 showed resale… [+2521 chars]

新加坡 – 公寓转售价格在5月份继续上涨,尽管增速放缓,而交易量则从前一个月下降。SRX和99.co在6月25日发布的数据快报显示,转售…[+2521个字符]

原文链接:The Straits Times