
高票价将持续,因为旅行需求旺盛,新任亚洲航空老板表示。 High airfares to persist as travel booms, new AirAsia boss says 作者: Bloomberg There’s no end in sight to the high airfares that are a mainstay of the world’s post-pandemic travel boom, according to Asia’s biggest low-cost carrier. 根据亚洲最大的低成本航空公司表示,目前还看不到全球后疫情时代旅游热潮中的高票价会有结束的迹象。 Theres no end in sight to the high airfares that are a mainstay of the … Read more


亚洲并购公司为80亿马币的马来西亚医院出售筛选投标者。 Asian Buyout Firm Shortlists Bidders for $800 Million Malaysia Hospital Sale 作者: wsj.com Malaysia’s IHH Healthcare and Sunway are among the three bidders in a race to acquire one of the country’s largest hospitals from buyout firm Affinity Equity Partners. 马来西亚的IHH医疗保健和双威是三个竞购者中的两家,它们正竞相从收购公司Affinity Equity Partners手中购买该国最大的医院之一。 Malaysias IHH Healthcare and Sunway are among the three bidders in … Read more


吉隆坡苹果店开业赠送的免费手提袋在网上被转手卖到数百林吉特。 Free tote bag from KL’s Apple Store opening being resold online for hundreds of ringgit 作者: Christopher Fam In the wake of the long-awaited Malaysian Apple Store launch last weekend, it appears that people are now cashing in on free tote bags given out by the tech giant on opening day. Read full story … Read more


投保是一回事,拥有足够的人寿保险保障则是另一回事。 Getting insured is one thing, adequate life-insurance cover is another 作者: mint With increasing financial literacy, rising income levels and more, Indian families recognize the need for long-term financial planning, including the value of life insurance. But how much should people go for? By one thumb-rule, the sum assured should be arou… 随着金融知识的提高和收入水平的上升,印度家庭越来越多地认识到进行长期金融规划的需求,包括人寿保险的价值。但人们应该购买多少保额呢?根据一条经验法则,保障金额应该约为…… As … Read more


苹果即将在马来西亚开设一家苹果零售店。 Apple to open an Apple Store in Malaysia soon 作者: Samantha Wiley Apple is set to open its very first Apple Store in Malaysia. Apple The Exchange TRX is scheduled to open on June 22 in Kuala Lumpur, with Apple announcing a slew of events that coincide with the store’s opening. The exact location … Read more


菲利普·莫里斯国际公司荣登《福布斯》2024年零碳排放领袖榜榜首。 Philip Morris International tops Forbes’ 2024 Net Zero Leaders list 作者: The Star Online FOR the second consecutive year, Philip Morris International Inc.(PMI) has ranked first in Forbes’ 2024 Net Zero Leaders ranking. Read full story 连续第二年,菲利普·莫里斯国际公司(PMI)在《福布斯》2024年净零领导者排名中位居第一。阅读全文。 FOR the second consecutive year, Philip Morris International Inc.(PMI) has ranked first in Forbes 2024 Net Zero … Read more

极氪009 EV今年将来到马来西亚——高端多功能车挑战丰田埃尔法;中国售价起价32.4万元人民币。

极氪009 EV今年将来到马来西亚——高端多功能车挑战丰田埃尔法;中国售价起价32.4万元人民币。 Zeekr 009 EV coming to Malaysia this year – premium MPV to rival Toyota Alphard; from RM324k in China 作者: Gerard Lye Zeekr’s launch in Malaysia will be led by two electric vehicles (EVs), one of which is the 009, a large MPV that will rival the Toyota Alphard/Vellfire. Ahead of the brand’s … Read more


香港正着眼于东南亚和欧洲以多元化人才库。 Hong Kong eyeing Southeast Asia and Europe to diversify talent pool 作者: South China Morning Post HONG KONG: Hong Kong is eyeing Southeast Asia and Europe to diversify its pool of imported talent currently dominated by mainland Chinese, the city’s labour minister has said as the government seeks to ramp up global sourcing of … Read more


Biocon获得EMA批准在班加罗尔生产生物类似抗癌药物。 Biocon gets EMA’s nod to make biosimilar cancer drug at Bengaluru 作者: Aneeka Chatterjee Bevacizumab is used to treat colon and rectal cancer, cervical cancer etc 贝伐珠单抗用于治疗结肠癌、直肠癌、宫颈癌等。 Bevacizumab is used to treat colon and rectal cancer, cervical cancer etc Approval by the EMA will significantly enhance the capability to meet patient needs across European … Read more

新闻24 | 菲利普·德维特 | 朝鲜现在是南非的法律盟友,因为俄罗斯将金砖国家武器化

新闻24 | 菲利普·德维特 | 朝鲜现在是南非的法律盟友,因为俄罗斯将金砖国家武器化 News24 | Phillip de Wet | North Korea is now SA’s ally-in-law, as Russia weaponises BRICS 作者: Phillip de Wet Russia changed the future of BRICS with the stroke of a pen in Pyongyang, and new entrants such as Malaysia won’t change that for South Africa, writes Phillip de Wet. … Read more