
富士康将在越南电路板工厂投资3.833亿美元,国家媒体称。 Foxconn to invest $383 million in Vietnam circuit board plant, says state media 作者: Reuters Foxconn Singapore has been awarded a licence to invest $383 million in a factory to produce printed circuit boards in Vietnam, state media reported on Monday… 新加坡富士康获得许可,将在越南投资3.83亿美元建设一座生产印刷电路板的工厂,国家媒体周一报道。 HANOI (Reuters) – Foxconn Singapore has been awarded a licence to invest … Read more


国防部批准对普纳机场跑道进行扩建调查,以提升国际航班运营能力。 MoD approves survey to expand Pune airport’s runway to boost int’l ops 作者: Deepak Patel The Pune airport is a defence airport wherein commercial aircraft operations are allowed at certain periods of time under the management of the AAI 普纳机场是一个国防机场,在AAI的管理下,商业飞机在特定时间段内被允许运行。 The Pune airport is a defence airport wherein commercial aircraft operations are allowed at … Read more


气候变化可能使真菌对人类更具危险性。 Climate Change Could Make Fungi More Dangerous To Humans 作者: GrrlScientist, Senior Contributor, GrrlScientist, Senior Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/grrlscientist/ Higher environmental temperatures may trigger mutations in fungi that lead to increased infectivity, more aggressive growth or to resistance to multiple anti-fungal medications. 较高的环境温度可能引发真菌的突变,导致其传染性增强、生长更为迅猛或对抗真菌药物产生抗性。 Higher environmental temperatures may trigger mutations in fungi that lead to increased infectivity, … Read more

公共安全 LTE 及 5G 市场估值预计到 2032 年将超过 1635 亿美元 | 精明分析公司

公共安全 LTE 及 5G 市场估值预计到 2032 年将超过 1635 亿美元 | 精明分析公司 Public Safety LTE & 5G Market Valuation Poised to Reach Beyond USD 163.5 Billion By 2032 | Astute Analytica 作者: AstuteAnalytica India Pvt. Ltd. The public safety LTE & 5G market holds immense potential, revolutionizing emergency response with ultra-reliable, low-latency communication. Market players foresee … Read more


174亿美元的消费级无人机市场——全球预测2024年至2029年:空中捕捉日益普及及人工智能的融合为这个数百亿级产业带来利好。 $17.4 bN Consumer Drones Market – Global Forecasts from 2024 to 2029: Growing Popularity of Aerial Capturing and Integration of AI Bodes well for the Multi-Billion Sector 作者: Research and Markets Dublin, June 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Consumer Drones Market – Forecasts from 2024 to 2029” report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s … Read more


捷星航空开通两条前往昆士兰州的新航线。 Jetstar launching two new routes to Queensland 作者: Odt – Otago Daily Times Jetstar is increasing capacity on domestic services and introducing two new trans-Tasman routes, as it looks to make Christchurch a “major gateway”… 捷星正在增加国内服务的运力,并推出两条新的跨塔斯曼航线,旨在将基督城打造成一个“主要门户”…… Jetstar is increasing capacity on domestic services and introducing two new trans-Tasman routes.The expansion is set to provide … Read more


怡保即将在升级后的遗产场所举办更多表演艺术活动。 Ipoh set to host more performing arts events at upgraded heritage venues 作者: MANJIT KAUR IPOH: Large-scale events are planned for early next year following the completion of upgrading works at the Ipoh Town Hall and the conversion of the old post office into an art gallery. Read full story IPOH:在怡保市政厅升级工程完工以及将旧邮局改造为艺术画廊后,计划在明年年初举办大型活动。阅读全文。 IPOH: Large-scale events … Read more


亚洲航空X计划开通飞往非洲的航班,内罗毕成为他们的首个目的地。 AirAsia X to launch flights to Africa, Nairobi is their first destination 作者: Alexander Wong AirAsia X is expected to launch its first destination in Africa soon as part of its expansion plan. The low-cost medium to long-haul carrier’s first African destination is Nairobi, Kenya and it is expected to offer 4 times weekly … Read more


NNPC将70亿美元的天然气管道交付日期推迟至八月。 NNPC shifts $700m gas pipeline delivery date to August 作者: Okechukwu Nnodim The delivery date for the completion of the $700m Obiafu-Obrikom-Oben gas pipeline project, popularly called OB3, has been shifted from March 2024 to August, as the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited announced its readiness to complete the facility. … 700万美元的Obiafu-Obrikom-Oben天然气管道项目,俗称OB3,其完工交付日期已从2024年3月推迟至8月,因为尼日利亚国家石油公司有限公司宣布已准备好完成该设施的建设。… The delivery … Read more

旅游业是否正在强势回归?我们确实需要它回归 – Sudima的莱斯·摩根。

旅游业是否正在强势回归?我们确实需要它回归 – Sudima的莱斯·摩根。 Is tourism the comeback kid? We sure need it to be – Sudima’s Les Morgan 作者: Les Morgan Opinion: Three lessons might help us seriously boost tourism and our relationships. 观点:三个教训或许能帮助我们大力提升旅游业和我们的关系。 The incoming New Zealand International Convention Centre is a big lever to pull business tourism in, energising the Auckland hotel and … Read more