
中国希望从俄罗斯战争中获得什么胜利? What China Hopes to Win From Russia’s War 作者: Michael Schuman Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has given Beijing a way to stir trouble for the West and make Moscow dependent. 普京对乌克兰的入侵为北京提供了一个挑动西方麻烦并使莫斯科依赖的机会。 A year ago, the Chinese leader Xi Jinping told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that, in the words of Beijing’s official readout, “China always … Read more


本周行业资助研究:葡萄。 Industry-funded studies of the week: Grapes 作者: Marion The California Table Grape Commission funds lots of research for an explicit purpose: “to help discover how and why grapes are beneficial to health.” It lengthy list of funded projects is here.  Published studies are here. You want to do one of these studies?… 加州葡萄委员会资助了许多研究,其明确目的是:“帮助发现葡萄如何以及为何对健康有益。”资助项目的详细列表在此。已发表的研究成果在此。你想参与这些研究之一吗?… The … Read more


消费者金融纠纷的索赔限额将于7月提高至150,000美元。 Consumer financial disputes’ claim limit to be raised to $150,000 in July 作者: Timothy Goh Change from $100,000 comes amid rising living costs, larger financial disputes. Read more at 10万美元的变更伴随着生活成本的上升和更大的财务纠纷。更多内容请访问。 SINGAPORE – The claim limit for consumer financial disputes will be raised from $100,000 to $150,000 starting July.  The Financial Industry Disputes Resolution … Read more

一个熟悉的面孔位居 Sanrio 2024 年角色排行榜首位。

一个熟悉的面孔位居 Sanrio 2024 年角色排行榜首位。 A Familiar Face Tops Sanrio’s 2024 Character Ranking 作者: None Cinnamoroll chalks up a five-peat // It’s that time of the year when Sanrio releases its annual character rankings: The official Sanrio Ranking X (formerly… 吉娃娃连续五年夺冠 // 又到了一年一度三丽鸥发布年度角色排名的时候了:官方三丽鸥排名X(前称…) It’s that time of the year when Sanrio releases its annual character rankings: … Read more


评论:美国计划将大麻降级为低风险药物是一个倒退的举措。 Commentary: US plans to downgrade marijuana to low-risk drug is a regressive step 作者: None US President Joe Biden’s plan to downgrade marijuana, whether politically motivated or empathic, is a regressive step in the global fight against drugs, say Tan Chong Huat and Narayanan Ganapathy from Singapore’s National Council Against Drug Abuse. 美国总统乔·拜登计划降低大麻等级,无论这是否出于政治动机或有同情心,都是全球毒品斗争中的倒退一步,新加坡反毒品滥用理事会成员陈崇华和纳拉亚南·甘帕提如是说。 SINGAPORE: … Read more