
丹麦如何采取措施保留家族企业 How Denmark Is Moving To Retain Family-Owned Businesses 作者: Francois Botha, Senior Contributor, Francois Botha, Senior Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/francoisbotha/ Denmark’s 1.8 billion krone plan cuts taxes and eases rules for family-owned businesses to prevent foreign takeovers and retain national enterprises. 丹麦的18亿克朗计划减税并放宽家族企业规定,以防止外国收购并保留国内企业。 Can Denmark, with its strong history of family-owned enterprises, hold the key to how … Read more


尼克服·纳兹米:政府正在调查受漏油事件影响的渔民的需求。 Nik Nazmi: Govt looking into needs of fishermen affected by oil spill 作者: JUNAID IBRAHIM KUALA LUMPUR: Putrajaya will look into the demands by fishermen in Johor affected by the recent oil spill through existing legal frameworks, says Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad. Read full story 吉隆坡:尼克·纳兹米·尼克·艾哈迈德表示,布特拉贾亚将通过现有法律框架研究柔佛受最近石油泄漏影响的渔民的要求。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: Putrajaya will look into the demands … Read more


新加坡加倍下注实验室培养的肉类,而硅谷却在退缩。 Singapore doubles down on lab-grown meat as Silicon Valley backs off 作者: Brajeshwar Global funding in the cultured meat industry dropped by 75% in the last year. Singapore sees its chance to become a world leader, backing local and international firms. 全球对培养肉行业的投资在过去一年下降了75%。新加坡看到了成为世界领导者的机会,支持本地和国际公司。 Hubers Butchery, in Singapores upscale Dempsey Hill neighborhood, has long drawn shoppers … Read more


日元交易员关注日本央行会议纪要,中国关注反弹。 Yen traders eye BOJ minutes, China eyes rebound 作者: Jamie McGeever With the Bank of Japan’s next policy meeting not until July 30-31, it may require verbal or direct intervention again to halt the yen’s slide. The BOJ’s… 随着日本央行下一次政策会议要等到7月30-31日,可能需要再次通过口头或直接干预来制止日元的下滑。日本银行的…… By Jamie McGeever (Reuters) – A look at the day ahead in Asian markets. The … Read more


当多米诺骨牌倒下时,黄金将比以往任何时候都要更加强大。 AS DOMINOES FALL, GOLD WILL STAND STRONGER THAN EVER 作者: Von Greyert Gold Switzerland At the end of a monetary era a number of dominoes will keep falling, initially gradually and then suddenly as Hemingway explained when asked how you go bankrupt. Some of the important dominoes the world will see falling are: Political, … Read more


亚洲股市料将下跌,日本就日元波动发出警告:市场汇总 Asian Stocks Set to Slip, Japan Warns on Yen Moves: Markets Wrap 作者: Bloomberg News Asian stocks are set to fall into a week that includes measures of inflation that will help guide bets on the outlook for global interest rates. The yen was steady after Japan’s top currency official ratcheted intervention rhetoric. 亚洲股市预计将在包含通胀指标的一周内下跌,这些指标将有助于指导对全球利率前景的押注。在日本最高货币官员升级干预言论后,日元保持稳定。 … Read more


东南亚生态黑客松2024携手创新者共同参与虚拟环境挑战赛。 Southeast Asia EcoHack 2024 Brings Together Innovators for Virtual Environmental Challenge 作者: Green Talent Generation Green Talent Generation invites young innovators to solve environmental issues, with winners showcasing solutions in Bangkok……. 绿色人才一代邀请年轻创新者解决环境问题,获奖者将在曼谷展示解决方案。……. BANGKOK, June 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Green Talent Generation proudly announces the Southeast Asia EcoHack 2024 , a virtual hackathon … Read more


威胁行为者试图出售据称从TEG窃取的3000万客户记录。 Threat actor attempts to sell 30 million customer records allegedly stolen from TEG 作者: Pierluigi Paganini A threat actor is offering for sale customer data allegedly stolen from the Australia-based live events and ticketing company TEG. TEG (Ticketek Entertainment Group) is an Australian company that operates in the live entertainment and ticketing industry. The … Read more


大多数泰国的职位不受人工智能威胁。 Most Thai jobs safe from AI 作者: Suchit Leesa-nguansuk Artificial intelligence (AI) could have a muted impact on Thai employment, with less than 4% of employees in the service sector at high risk of being replaced by the technology, according to Kasikorn Research Center (K-Research). 根据 Kasikorn 研究中心(K-Research)的数据,人工智能(AI)对泰国就业的影响可能有限,服务业中不到4%的员工面临被技术取代的高风险。 Artificial intelligence (AI) could have a … Read more


美国股票基金今年领先。 US equity funds lead the field this year 作者: Nuntawun Polkuamdee US equity funds have attracted the biggest inflows this year to date, attributed to the US economic recovery and anticipated interest rate cuts, as mutual fund investment in Thai stocks fell by nearly 10 billion baht during the same period, says Morningstar R… … Read more