

HSBC’s star-studded cricket game for Indian students attracted 47m impressions

作者: The Drum

Winning Gold in the Finance category at The Drum Awards for Marketing EMEA 2024 is this International Students Activation from VML UK and HSBC. Here is the award-winning case study.Every year, almost 1 million students leave India to study abroadThey move to …

在2024年The Drum EMEA市场营销奖的金融类别中获得金牌的是来自VML英国和汇丰银行的国际学生激活项目。以下是获奖案例研究。每年,近100万学生离开印度去海外留学,他们迁移到……

Winning Gold in the Finance category at The Drum Awards for Marketing EMEA 2024 is this International Students Activation from VML UK and HSBC. Here is the award-winning case study.They move to gain … [+3497 chars]

在2024年The Drum EMEA市场营销奖的金融类别中获得金牌的是来自VML UK和汇丰银行的国际学生激活计划。以下是获奖案例研究。他们为了获得……[+3497个字符]

原文链接:The Drum