为何日本动漫电影在中国取得巨大成功?答案是文化、政治和历史的综合影响。 (请注意,根据您的要求,这里只提供了翻译结果,没有其他内容。)



Why Are Japanese Anime Films Enjoying Outsized Success in China? The Answer Is a Combination of Culture, Politics and the Past

作者: Patrick Frater

Reminiscent of the outsized Chinese box office success once enjoyed by a certain genre of Hollywood movie – think “Expendables 3,” Pacific Rim” and “Transformers: Age of Extinction” – some Japanese anime films are now earning more in China than they are in th…


Reminiscent of the outsized Chinese box office success once enjoyed by a certain genre of Hollywood movie – think “Expendables 3,” Pacific Rim” and “Transformers: Age of Extinction” – some Japanese a… [+5656 chars]

类似于某种类型的好莱坞电影曾在中国票房上取得的巨大成功——比如《敢死队3》、《环太平洋》和《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》——一些日本电影也开始…… [+5656 chars]
