

Pack for Moving Day, Play the Right Numbers, and Make Asian Economies Boom

作者: W Eric Martin

by W. Eric Martin
BGG’s SPIEL Essen 24 Preview will go live on Monday, July 8, 2024, and here are a few of the upcoming releases you’ll find on that list:

• Asian Tigers: A Story of Prosperity is the first new design from Nuno Bizarro Sentieiro and Paulo Sol…

由W. Eric Martin撰写
BGG的SPIEL Essen 24预览将于2024年7月8日上线,以下是一些你将在名单上找到的即将发布的内容:

• 《亚洲虎》:繁荣的故事是Nuno Bizarro Sentieiro和Paulo Sol的首个新设计……

BGG’s SPIEL Essen 24 Preview will go live on Monday, July 8, 2024, and here are a few of the upcoming releases you’ll find on that list:Asian Tigers: A Story of Prosperity is the first new design fro… [+4659 chars]

BGG的SPIEL Essen 24预告将于2024年7月8日周一上线,以下是你将在名单上看到的一些即将发布的内容:“亚洲虎:繁荣的故事”是第一个新的设计……[+4659个字符]
