

Ex-manager held in alleged RM77mil fake contracts case

作者: The Star Online

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) detained a former company manager on suspicion of submitting fake employment contracts to apply for foreign worker quotas worth RM77mil. Read full story


KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) detained a former company manager on suspicion of submitting fake employment contracts to apply for foreign worker quotas worth RM77mil.
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吉隆坡:马来西亚反腐败委员会(MACC)因涉嫌提交伪造雇佣合同以申请价值7700万令吉的外国工人配额,拘留了一名前公司经理。… [+896 chars]

原文链接:The Star Online