

Malaysia inflation up 2% in May, highest in eight months

作者: Tan Ai Leng

Core inflation stayed at 1.9 per cent, the same as the previous month. Read more at straitstimes.com.


KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysias inflation edged up 2 per cent year on year in May, on the back of higher utility charges and dining out expenses, a report by the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) ind… [+1589 chars]

吉隆坡 – 马来西亚国家统计局(DOSM)的一份报告显示,受公用事业费用和外出就餐开销上升的推动,马来西亚五月份的通货膨胀率同比微升至2%。[+1589个字符]

原文链接:The Straits Times