Many business operators sticking to diesel for now
作者: The Star Online
PETALING JAYA: The majority of business operators are not contemplating transitioning to vehicles that run on greener fuel for now, even as diesel prices increased to RM3.35 per litre from RM2.15, following a recent rationalisation. Read full story
PETALING JAYA:目前,大多数商业运营商并未考虑转用更环保的燃油车辆,尽管近期燃油合理化措施后,柴油价格从每升2.15林吉特涨至3.35林吉特。阅读全文。
PETALING JAYA: The majority of business operators are not contemplating transitioning to vehicles that run on greener fuel for now, even as diesel prices increased to RM3.35 per litre from RM2.15, fo… [+3621 chars]
PETALING JAYA:目前,大多数商业运营商并未考虑转而使用更环保燃料的车辆,尽管柴油价格已从每升2.15林吉特上涨至3.35林吉特。…[+3621个字符]
原文链接:The Star Online