新闻24 | 菲利普·德维特 | 朝鲜现在是南非的法律盟友,因为俄罗斯将金砖国家武器化

新闻24 | 菲利普·德维特 | 朝鲜现在是南非的法律盟友,因为俄罗斯将金砖国家武器化

News24 | Phillip de Wet | North Korea is now SA’s ally-in-law, as Russia weaponises BRICS

作者: Phillip de Wet

Russia changed the future of BRICS with the stroke of a pen in Pyongyang, and new entrants such as Malaysia won’t change that for South Africa, writes Phillip de Wet.


Russia changed the future of BRICS with the stroke of a pen in Pyongyang, and new entrants such as Malaysia won’t change that for South Africa, writesPhillip de Wet.
Technically, South Africa and No… [+283 chars]

